Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pardon my hormones please

Still annoyed, still on edge, still cold and feeling frumpy on top of all that.  I'm done with this weather and I hate everything in my closet.  Actually, I can't even hate everything in my closet because I haven't worn 90% of it for several months now.  So I hate the three pair of maternity work pants that I rotate every three days.  I used to have a cute body and I love clothes - why in the world did I think that I would be okay with three pairs of pants to get me through six months?  If I have to look at them again, I will burn them.  

*sigh*  No I won't.  Because then I for real won't have anything to wear.

I really want to swear off the maternity store in town (Destination Maternity *coughbitchescough*) because they're so pushy and I hate going in there.  Pee in the Pot isn't much better.  My first maternity purchase was a pair of leggings.  I walked in and was pounced on which I hate.  When clothes shopping, I prefer to go alone, find my own stuff at my own pace and I don't mind looking for a salesperson when I'm ready.  She pointed me towards a pair of leggings that were $120 and I gave her the serious side-eye.  We did a little better when she gave me the $35 pair, but then she wanted me to put on the small even though I asked for the medium.  "Oh no!  You'll be swimming in a medium!  A medium will be so huge!  No way you should wear a medium!  Small for you, definitely!"

Guess which pair didn't squeeze my legs?  Exactly.

It happened again at Destination Maternity.  I got a cute dress for my shower this weekend (the only bright spot in this week - Friday can't come soon enough!)  They kept shoving the small at me, saying that it's supposed to be tight and short, not listening when I told them I wasn't comfortable.  I walked out with a small, knowing I should not have gotten it, but I was feeling myself getting ugly.  So I had to go back to return it and get the large, which felt so much better despite their vehement protests that I would be 'swimming' in it.  Why can't they just leave you alone?  I could care less what the tag says!  I just want it to fit well and if that means a size large, bring it!

Yesterday I tortured myself with this girl's blog because she's the most beautiful pregnant girl ever and I want to wear cute scarves and bohemian earrings and have fabulous hair just like her.  No lie, I almost called the salon to get a haircut last night.  But, I'm going to wash my hair and style it and see if that makes me feel better.  If not, I may end up cutting it off anyway.  

But I *did* go to Target after work to see what they had.  I got several cardigans and tank tops and I'm somewhat appeased.  

If I hadn't gotten home late last night, I would have emptied my entire closet and tried on everything I own and done some major purging - that's the mood I'm in.  Where I hate everything and want to start all over.  I want to scour thrift stores for funky earrings and necklaces, I want to wear jeans and cute boots every day, I want to have the energy to wear cute makeup every day and instead I'm a big frump-frump.


I have got to stop writing like this!  I shouldn't have even come in to work today.  Of the few people that are here in the office today, most of them have looked at me crazy asking "Why are you here?  It's too icy!  You should stay home and not get out, you might fall!"  I'm like, THANKS for JINXING me, assholes!  I'm totally going to fall now!

Okay seriously, I'm out.  No more of this nonsense.  I'm not coming back until I can be happy and nice and pretty with cute makeup and dangly earrings.

Pray for me y'all.  These hormones?  Kicking. my. ass.


  1. First things first - NO cutting your hair. It's WAY too beautiful to cut. NO NO NO. If you chop your hair off, I will come down there and scold. And scold some more. :)

    OK. Now onto the clothes. I have never been pregnant. I don't know what makes good maternity clothes. But several of my friends have been pregnant. And they all loved Gap Maternity. Plus, I always thought they looked really cute when they were pregnant, so that's something. :)

    As far as cute, funky jewelry goes - check out Etsy. It's handmade. It's unique. There's some FUGLY stuff on there, but there's also some ADORABLE stuff.

  2. DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR!!! The one consistent piece of advice I keep reading and hearing is NOT to cut your hair when you are feeling the pregnancy yucks.

    I got a really cute dress that I like a lot at BellaBlu Maternity. Here are their dresses:

    and the one I love that I think would look awesome on you is:

    Just to warn you, I was feeling pretty ok with all of the clothing issues but am starting to hit the wall with it now at 36 weeks. Even a lot of my maternity clothes are starting to not be very comfortable... oof.

  3. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have three pairs of maternity pants and I look at them with disdain. I need to hit the Old Navy maternity section to see if I can find some dresses on sale.

    Feel better...

  4. Ok you are so very normal!!! Every pregnant woman, even the really tiny OMG so cute ones have this same feeling. And I hate to tell you this but it only gets worse. I am sorry you don't get to live in sweats!

    Now there are a couple of stores you should try. Pickels and Ice Cream Maternity! Super Cute stuff but it can be pricy, kinda like Pea in the Pod. But they do have a large sale section and it should work perfect! Also Gap Maternity at the Galleria because it has the largest selection! They also get all of the sale stuff from the other smaller stores like Northpark. I have never been the biggest fan of Old Navy, but while you are at the Galleria stop in there. Once again they have the largest maternity selection in the area.

    Oh yeah and I hate going to Grapevine Mills and it's a decent drive for you, but they have an Outlet Destination Maternity. They have all the sale and clearance clothes from the other stores. So you might be able to find something cute and comfy!!! And as it gets closer I have tons of great advice for the nursing tanks and bras because trust me, they are not all made equal!

  5. Brittani - I went to Pickles and Ice Cream and you're right, they're super pricey! I did find a couple of shirts on their sale rack but that was about it. I haven't yet been to Gap at the Galleria but the one at Northpark is just sad. They have like two things there! I did go to Old Navy at the Galleria and same thing, hardly any selection - maybe I was there on an off day? I did find some really cute lounge type outfits and a couple of tanks but not much else.

    My problem is work clothes. I hate to spend the money so I'd really like to find stuff that does double duty but it's so much easier said than done!

    Can't wait to hear your thoughts on nursing wear - that's a whole new nightmare! ;-)

    PS - Don't know if Doug told you but we are coming to the party! :-)

  6. I think you are beautiful and if I ever get the opportunity to be pregnant, I'd love to dress as cute as you.

    I've seen maternity stuff at places like Ross. I know you have to weed through a mess of stuff at those stores, but it would at least be affordable. Some second-hand stores I've been to also have maternity sections. I have never looked that closely at their selections, but it might be worth a try. Also try Craigslist.

    Please don't cut your hair. Even if it doesn't look as nice as you'd like it to, it's still beautiful and very much you.

  7. Thank you Lisa, you are so kind! I just keep saying, 'this too shall pass.'

    I just hope it does - quickly! :-)

  8. Don't cut your hair! Aside from me scheduling an appointment to fight you if you cut it, I was reading your archives from 2008 and you said you didn't want to cut your hair and wear mom jeans! Listen to your 2008 self. Your hair so luxurious and glamorous boo. You need it to swing haughtily at people who aren't as cute as you. The end.


  9. Agree with earlier commenters - don't cut your hair off (I did locks of love in my first trimester and regretted it later, though it is growing back quickly with all the prenatal vitamins) and every pregnant gal feels frumpy at certain points!

    I get a big belly (5'4" and had an almost 9lb baby in December) and I lived in stretchy $6 old navy tank tops in a size bigger than my normal size, layered with normal (non-maternity) unbuttoned cardigans and these jeans, which I LOVE and look great early postpartum, too:

    I got them in my non-maternity size and they fit great. Wear them with cute ballet flats or boots.

    Old Navy does pretty well with the maternity work pants, too. I hated spending money on those but having a few pairs of black/gray got me through. Good luck!

    Oh also, I had my baby naturally (he was my 2nd - epidural with my first which I didn't like because I was numbed to everything). Natural childbirth was the most amazing experience of my life. Believe Ina May's book and remember to RELAX, and you will do it! :)

  10. I can't join the "dont cut your hair" police. i just hacked off all of mine!!! My fade is re-dic-uh-less :)
    but i feel its a big step and you might want to consider how'd you feel afterwards if you did it due to EV-EL (evil) hormones.
    And you I'm sure you stll have a cute body miss lady!you just have a cute pregnant body! Personally, I think pregnant women are beautiful!!! It's all just a state of mind, I suppose.

    Are you doing pre-natal yoga? I know how much you love yoga and maybe practicing will help you feel better. Feel better=look better=be better.

    Anyway, hope all is well!

  11. Ummm no, don't leave. You are not alone in this pregnancy mess... I looked at that chica's blog and GOD she is gorgeous pregnant, you weren't kidding...

    And again you are not alone. I feel sick everytime I see a gorgeous pregnant woman who was skinny to begin with so now all they have is a little belly where you can tell she is pregnant. well I was already OBESE (as the weight thingamajig said) and now that I'm pregnant, I'm even more obese-er. THANKS!

    Hey, try Old Navy online. They have awesome maternity stuff and I'm surprised (you must be using your mantra) that you haven't bit one of the heads off of those store ladies yet. I also prefer shopping alone and PREFER to be left alone until I ask for help!!!

    Ok, sorry for venting on your post!!!

    But trust, you are beautiful. I KNOW you are... I just saw pics like a few weeks ago. Feel bad for a second and then do something to make yourself feel better. You are rounding the home stretch!!!

  12. I hate the shopgirl hover hooches. I'm sure you look amazing in your dress, but you should be comfortable too. I hope you feel better soon.

  13. Maternity stores are rip offs. They get you to believe their clothes are worth the money or that you even NEED maternity gear to begin with (just like people charging $20-35 for baby onesies on baby sites). It's feeding on emotion rather than logic. I'm glad you realize you don't need to pay that kind of money.

    I never bought a stitch of maternity clothing. I just bought cute clothes in a size up. This way once I was not pregnant anymore, I was able to give my pants to my sister who was size 8-10 so there was no money wasted. :)

    I'm with everyone else. Don't cut your hair. The best thing to do when you're feeling frumpy as a pregnant gal is to just doll yourself up. Go pamper yourself for a day, get your hair done, your face/mani/pedi and go have a lunch date with a friend. You'll feel 10x better, hormones and all. :) Besides, it's probably just the crap weather we've been having here in Dallas the last couple of weeks that's really taking it's toll on you - I'm even feeling the blahs from being shut in...)

  14. I hate the shopgirl hover hooches. I'm sure you look amazing in your dress, but you should be comfortable too. I hope you feel better soon.

  15. I think you are beautiful and if I ever get the opportunity to be pregnant, I'd love to dress as cute as you.

    I've seen maternity stuff at places like Ross. I know you have to weed through a mess of stuff at those stores, but it would at least be affordable. Some second-hand stores I've been to also have maternity sections. I have never looked that closely at their selections, but it might be worth a try. Also try Craigslist.

    Please don't cut your hair. Even if it doesn't look as nice as you'd like it to, it's still beautiful and very much you.


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