Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stirring the Mama Bear

I feel like the Incredible Hulk.  I feel my molecules changing, I'm becoming different.  It was subtle at first and I wasn't sure what was happening, but I'm pretty sure now.

I'm turning into a Mama Bear.

I already love my daughter.  But it's not the fairy-tale, unicorn and rainbow, happy-go-lucky love.  It's the fierce, violent, I-will-rip-you-from-limb-to-limb-if-a-hair-on-her-head-is-disturbed kind of love.  It's the 'I will destroy your world if you look sideways at her' kind of love.  Seriously, it's kind of scary to me.  Because I feel that way towards everyone - everyone.

My parents have been joking with me, that they will take care of the baby right after she's born and they'll give her back when she's about six or eight months old.  It was cute once  - aww, what devoted grandparents they're going to be!  And then they kept on, getting more elaborate, talking about setting up video chats and how they would email me daily updates.  Then I started getting pissed.  No, not pissed - Destructive.  It got to the point that I told my parents that I understood that they were joking but if I caught a look in their eyes, they would never see their grandchild for the rest of their lives.  And I meant it with every molecule.  Thankfully, they stopped joking.

I've been lucky so far - no one has touched my stomach without my consent.  No strangers have approached me but the feeling I get if I'm not sure is downright primal.  I feel the surge of adrenaline, the deep-seated desire to protect, at all costs no matter what and no matter from whom.  My heart doesn't melt at the thought of her just yet, but the protective fire in my belly is burning full-force.  

I get it now, when mothers say they will die and/or kill for their children.  I get that so much and the power behind that is kind of unsettling.

*here's where I go a little hippie*

Everyone knows how they say there is no fiercer animal on the planet than a mother protecting her young?  Y'all seriously, I feel like an animal!  Yes, I go to work, I sit at a desk, I still look like a normal human being, but maaaaan, there is a beast growing in me along with this baby.  A Mama Beast.  A MOTHER.

Additionally, I understand why animals go to a secluded place with no disturbances in order to give birth.  I feel that same urge.  I want to build a nest, settle in and bring my child to the world with my own hands, under my own steam and I sure as hell don't want anyone to take her from me.  Like, ever.

I feel it too when people refer to my baby as theirs, as in 'how's my baby doing?'  I know it's harmless and it's only happened a couple of times, but the quickness with which I have to bite my tongue is unsettling.  I want to grab their collars, get in their faces and with deadly seriousness, say 'This is MY baby.'  

Metaphorically, of course.  I haven't actually done or said anything to anyone - I simply smile and nod.  

I'm civilized, but only barely.

I've read about this, but only anecdotally and I don't think they've done any peer-reviewed studies on 'Women who Turn Into Animals at Pregnancy.'  I certainly didn't think it would happen to me - I've been wrapped up in cankle prevention and when's the next meal.  I wasn't watching out for the Primal Jungle Woman to inhabit my body.

But oh my goodness, this is so real and so unexpected!  I feel a tiny bit out of control, not terribly so and again, you wouldn't know by looking at me.

Unless you go to touch my stomach, make a reference to taking my child from me, or threaten to invade my nest.

What is happening to me?  Where is this chapter in the books?


  1. Um, trust me. I understand this more than ever. Just wait till this girl becomes an outside baby. I am like MOMMA CLAWS OUT all the time. About everything. The dog next door who won't shut his damn mouth WHEN MY BABY IS SLEEPING?? I feel like tearing him into two. The 'jokey-jokes' about random things my kid does? GETS OLD AND IRRITATING. I become defensive and quite frankly PISSED. Also? Also? I barely trust anyone with her to babysit. Like, a select few people in my life. Family only type deal.

    I'm a mess.

    But this momma bear thing is NOT A JOKE.

  2. Oh and one more thing--the first few days after bringing her home, my hormones were a mess (you know those baby blues?) and OMG--I sat in the rocker with her, TEARS STREAMING DOWN MY FACE crying to Declan about "when she goes to school what if kids are mean to her???"

    The thought of her coming home already with stories of kids being mean to her is enough for my inner tiger to come out and hunt & kill.

    That is enough about that. I feel so psycho. But, just know--its real. :)

  3. Wow I never thought about this side of being pregnant. Now I understand a little more about my own mother, she always told me that she never wanted anyone else raising her children. I'm beginning to get it, but I know I will never truly understand until I'm there.

  4. Aww this was so cute in a violent way. HAHAHAHHA Katie we must share a neighbor because I'm ready to shoot the damn dog next door. Oh, mama bear it'll get much worse once she's born...my family thinks i'm nuts because we opened a savings account for her college tuiton, wedding, and down payment on a house...just in case ;)

  5. YAY for mama bear! GROWL! hahaha You're going to be such an amazing mommy to YOUR baby. :)

  6. He, he,he, my kind of girl! There you go!
    There's nothing, NOTHING more powerful than this: mama love.It's the engine that makes the Earth spin. Trully, seriously. Gravitation is made out of this.

    And you know what? It only grows stronger every single day for the rest of your life. You're in it forever (and so does every ordinary mother in this world, me included). The best kept secret, the worst kept secret, known only by parents: the Earth spins because we want to protect our babies. And because we love them.

  7. Oh, and one more: the strongest memory I have? Holding my husband's hand, both of us staring at the person we've created!

  8. With both of my children my mother-in-law (who I was rocky with at best) liked to refer to them as her babies. As in, "How's my baby?" Um no, he's MY baby. Not yours. You already had yours. Used to seriously piss me off. She also used to say to them, "How's my little lover?" which I found incredibly disturbing. I know she doesn't mean it in a gross way, but yuck. Cut that crap out.

  9. It only grows as they get older. One day you'll be sitting there hearing about that one kid at school who is causing grief to your child and you are contemplating getting medieval with their mom. Not proud, but I'm honest.

  10. I love it. Every mother I know feels the same way... one of my girls told me her husband said she was like a lioness protecting her cub, even from him. She is SOOOO possessive.

    I'm pretty sure I will be the same way. hey, you carried her for 10 months, no one can do it like you!

  11. i TOTALLY feel you on the "my baby" thing. it used to set my teeth on edge when my mil or even my parents would say that.

    i really wanted to scream 'unless you just spent the last 9+ months growing another human being from scratch and went through the baby-making/heartburn/nausea/labor process, this aint your baby'.

    i'm {just barely} able to stifle an eye-roll now, but i still have to pause and take a few deep breaths before continuing the conversation.

  12. YAY for mama bear! GROWL! hahaha You're going to be such an amazing mommy to YOUR baby. :)

  13. Um, trust me. I understand this more than ever. Just wait till this girl becomes an outside baby. I am like MOMMA CLAWS OUT all the time. About everything. The dog next door who won't shut his damn mouth WHEN MY BABY IS SLEEPING?? I feel like tearing him into two. The 'jokey-jokes' about random things my kid does? GETS OLD AND IRRITATING. I become defensive and quite frankly PISSED. Also? Also? I barely trust anyone with her to babysit. Like, a select few people in my life. Family only type deal.

    I'm a mess.

    But this momma bear thing is NOT A JOKE.


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