Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hey guess what?

I shouldn't post while drinking wine.  And it took me like twenty backspaces to type that correctly.  I should get an award.

Also, I don't drink that much.  Thanks to pregnancy and breastfeeding, half a glass of wine gets me all Buzz Lightyear - and I only have that half a glass when the baby is long asleep so calm your nerves.  And I'm getting sick of backspacing and I'm about to just type this without doing it.  But then you couldn't read this post.  Okay, so I'll backspace.


Member how I can't keep my mouth shut?  You member, 'member?


WE'RE MOVING!  *god, this backspace is getting on my nerves*


We don't know where we're moving to! *eff it, no more backspace*

Okay, lemme 'splain.

Shortly after we had the baby, Drew and I talked about how the traveling thing sucked and how neither of us wanted him missing the baby's life.  So, we took a deep breath and he made it known that he was looking. But he said I can't talk about it so I have to be all Paris Hilton Nicole Ritchie with it.
And I know it was Paris Hilton who said it to Nicole Ritchie 
but I am NEVER EVER Paris Hilton.

So thank the baby Jesus, pretty much the second he put his name out there, they started calling. I guess that's what happens when you're all super smart with big-time degrees in BioMedicalAerospaceMechanicalCivilChemicalComputerElectrical Engineering and you're published and all that.  When I get a job, they're like we'll pay you 8 dollars an hour and your desk is outside.  Deal with it.  When he gets a job, they're like how much can we pay you?  Here's our company jet.  

I'm just kidding.  There's no jet involved.  I don't think.

ANYWAY, there are four contenders and we're hoping to know something within the next couple of weeks.  And in preparation, we're packing the house and putting it on the market.  Because none of these contenders are in Dallas.

We have to leave my beloved house.  I love my house so much but it's all good because you know why?  We're going to get a new house!  A house I can do stuff to!  I can paint and stain and DIY and it's going to be great!  It's going to be an amazing adventure and can you imagine all the stuff I'm going to get to blog about!?  It's about to get LIVELY up in here!

*I just google image'd 'lively' and it came up with pictures of Blake Lively and orgies.  I'm not posting either of those pictures.  You're welcome.*

Okay, that's my news and I'm not sure if any of this made sense but stay tuned because once I can talk I'm about to talk takl tlkatl talk talk tlaktj altk tlalk

That's what happens when I don't backspace.


  1. That's so fricking exciting! I want details! :)

  2. I kinda thought that was the case, wink wink showing the house. Good Luck and congratulations!

  3. You're adorable! So excited to hear about your move. Sad you have to sell the house. :(

  4. Well I knew you were selling your house because I follow you and Gem on twitter lol. However I didn't inquire because you weren't talking to me about it. Congrats tho! I'm happy for you guys! You're craft tail is gonna be all over that decorating!

  5. SWEET! Congratulations to you and Drew, chica!!!! That is wonderful news.. and even more wonderful, that you guys can be together MORE now. BTW- I want his degrees. lol

  6. So exciting!!!!! Congrats on the fun and exciting life changes!

  7. cool! good for you guys! you really can't keep a secret thought, lol! i kinda guessed because in your house tour post you made statement about how you liked your living room arranged the way it was before but the stupid realtors made you change it.

  8. Yeah, I was feeling like I should record the house since we'll be leaving it soon!

  9. I swear I forget that everyone can see what I tweet...:-)

  10. I know right! It all evens out though, because I'm cuter.

    Well, happy for you!

  12. LOL...Can I have your house???!!! too bad you guys don't live in Houston, I wouldn't want to leave Houston...so you guys moving out of Texas? Whatever you do don't move to California, I'm from there and they are doing HORRIBLE, it's super expensive out there and the skies are full of grey crap....

  13. Yeah, that was actually a requirement of mine - no California. Way too expensive and I would definitely have to go back to work and it's just not worth it.


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You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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