Friday, August 26, 2011

Teeth are overrated

You see this kid?  This beautiful happy angelic doll baby?  My doll baby is teething and she is miserable right now and I want to yank out my own teeth and give them to her, no matter that she'll look like Giuliana Rancic.

I love her and I love her show but
girlfriend got some HORSE TEETH.

My precious is teething, which means she's been crying and fussy and drooly and gassy and generally not herself.  I'm not exaggerating when I say she's a yoga zen baby - she really is, I've been blessed beyond belief.  But this teething business is straight-up heartbreaking.  I was Googling teething remedies and how about Dr. Sears is all 'sorry for ya sucka!  Betcha liked all that sleeping through the night business!  HaHA bitch, it's OVAH now!!'  I'm a tree-hugging hippie but me and Dr. Sears are about to go round and around (those are my fighting words.  I know you're scared, right?)

I've already ordered my hippie-approved teething necklace and I'm hoping it does the trick because I can't stand her little red-rimmed eyes from lack of sleep, her little runny nose, the cough from the drool going down her little throat and the general yucky feeling.  I wish I could just take it all away.

What's the point of teeth anyway?  Solid foods are overrated.  All I see are nothing but choking hazards - what's the point?

Breastmilk fo' life!!


  1. She is so beautiful!! I love her outfit and headband.

    I DREAD the day Zoe starts teething... it's heartbreaking. There IS nothing you can do to take the pain away from the poor little baby and when they look at you with those eyes that say, "help me please"??? Ahhh take me now. I feel so bad for them.

    SOooooo right on Guiliana. LMBO

  2. oh Sofia is growing so fast!!!! love seeing pics of her!

  3. Poor little one...I have no advice to give at all. It's so miserable when they can't breathe or sleep right. No fun...

  4. Breastmilk until 18! (not). I do feel sorry for the poor loves during this time though...

  5. Poor baby, she snores now and nursing is so difficult because it's so hard to breathe through her nose. I have the Nose Frida and I've sucked out so much mucus!

  6. She is beyond adorable, :( teething sucks! You kill me, I call large teeth horse teeth too!

  7. I totally agree on the solid foods being overrated. They were disastrous in our house. This is going to be a stupid question....who wears the necklace, you or the baby? I have heard of amber teething necklaces but wasn't sure what the deal was. And if S is getting teeth, then L won't be too far behind. She lets her blogging friend try everything first before she tries! ;o) I LOVE the dress above. It reminds me of Rainbow Brite (a good thing--happy memories attached to that) and being a kid again.

  8. Not a dumb question! :-) She wears the necklace, and the oils on the amber get absorbed and it's supposed to be natural pain relief.

    And also they can teethe for months before they actually cut teeth. Awesome right?

    And!! I totally call that her Rainbow Brite dress! That, and her Pride dress.:-)

  9. awww, so sad ... hope that you can find some teething remedies that will help with her pain. she is so adorable. it makes me sad that someone so beautiful and small can be in so much pain :(

  10. Poor baby! Teething isn't fun. But oh my heck she's GORGEOUS! Love that dress too! :)

    Believe it or not we didn't get that many clothes at my shower. I believe people saw how full her closet already was/ noticed all of the things I was buying and decided to stick with the essentials. haha.

  11. A-ha! I knew there was a secret! I did not buy one stitch of clothing for her before she was born! So that's what you did! Sounds so dumb, but I've seriously been wondering about that... :-)

  12. That picture is the cutest thing I've seen all day. No joke. You make cute kids. :)

  13. Oh my gosh what a precious baby doll! I hope she gets some relief and feels better soon. We are also in teething hell over here :( not fun!

  14. Our amber necklace has cut down on the drooling around here, which makes us all happy - hopefully it will help Sofia, too.

  15. She's had it for a couple of days now and I do notice less drooling! It's like magic!

  16. Amber Teething necklaces works wonders. Plus, it looks good on the little angels too! The manufacturers of this product boast of different knotting of the beads to secure them safely. Of course, It is highly recommended to be on constant supervision.


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