Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm blushing

Hi!  It's me!  Remember me?  I sure hope so, but I totally understand if you don't.  I'm Desiree and this is my blog.  Thanks for stopping by and if you've been here a while, waiting on me, looking at your watch tapping your foot wondering when the eff I'm going to show up, DOOD, I apologize.  It's just that I've got this kid, you see, and she refuses to nap during the daytime.  Although by nap I'm pretty sure you knew that I meant daytime, otherwise I would have said sleep, thereby referencing the nightime, which she does quite well.  Except, at night, I want to sleep too.  If you're keeping score, daytime - baby tending, nightime - sleeping, Desiree - no blogging.  However, it doesn't all suck because I got to go to lunch with Kesha today and I wore makeup and everything!  I should have taken a picture because that sure as hell doesn't happen very often.  The makeup thing, not the picture thing.  I take pictures way more often than I put on makeup.

Right, but this isn't a post about makeup, although I looked quite put together if I do say so myself.

No, this is another installment of I Have The Best ReaderFriends Ever!

Gethsemane (who shall henceforth be GG because that's quite a lot to type when you've had wine) sent me the most awesome email one day many many months ago.  She was so sweet and nice and kind and I was so touched that she spent time reading my blog and even took time out of her life to contact me.  Ever since then, she checks in with me, I check in with her and she's the coolest.  The other day, a package arrived in the mail from her and she'd gotten a gift for the baby, but also stuff for me!  How cool is that!
The polishes are the OPI Texas Collection and I just spent a 
ridiculous amount of time on this blog to find the names of the polishes
and instead got drawn in by the pretty pretty fingernails.

I am so happy to report that this lotion is ah-mah-zing!  It doesn't feel greasy or heavy or anything!  I painted my toes with the pink polish and while I haven't used the face mask yet I'm sure it will be fabulous!  And did I mention that she's a college student?  College students by definition are broke as f*ck (I'm a mom now, I'm trying to curse less.  But I'm just so good at it...) so it means that much more that she took her few college-student dollars and got us a gift! Thank you so much GG!

..............I just got drawn in to another nail blog.  Who knew that there were *that many* nail blogs out there?  Where was I?  Who am I?  What was I doing?  Why is my wine glass empty? 

Anyway, I also want to give a shout-out to Rania.  She started commenting, I started responding, we started emailing and soon it got to the point where I was trying to screw up my nerve to ask her out (not like that, gah) because she lived in Dallas.  Thankfully, she was down with it and we met at a Panera for lunch one day.  

Driving up there, I was all kinds of nervous because you never know how these things can go.  They might like your blog but not the person and I was really hoping she'd like the person because I was in that stay-at-home-mom-lonely-place and really wanted another mom to talk to.  She was waiting by the door when I walked in, I took one look at her and blurted out "Well my goodness, you're GORGEOUS!"  Then I started sputtering:  Not that I was hoping you weren't.  Or that I was hoping you were, like we couldn't be friends if you weren't pretty or something - I'm not that kind of person, I don't do that.  I was just saying you're really pretty.  Oh God, I'm sorry, I ramble and say dumb things when I'm nervous.  Sorry, let me shut up.  Never mind me, sorry.  Okay, let's just get in line.  

I swear that's how it went.  Thank God, Rania was way smoother/cooler/more polished than I was and just laughed and dismissed my ridiculousness.  With my initial awkwardness out of the way, we sat down for lunch and ended up spending three hours there!  Don't you love it when that happens!  We totally hit it off and I'm so happy she agreed to have lunch with me and I'm even happier that she decided to stay after I totally embarrassed myself.  We even went to lunch again and got a picture this time!
For once, the crap picture isn't my fault, although
I'm bummed that I didn't make the server take more shots but
she seemed a bit *challenged* by my camera.  Whatevs.
Isn't her son the cutest!
How cute are these dresses she got for the baby!
I'm a bad mommy, I didn't iron them before I took the picture.
Shoes too!  I can't wait till Sofia is big enough to fit into them!

You guys.  For real seriously.  This is real talk right here.  I'm so seriously blessed that you come to see me.  I'm so blessed that you invest your precious time in my life and that you allow me to do the same.  This is real what we have here and I want y'all to know that I'm grateful.  For serious.  And this isn't even the wine talking, I'm serious. 

You're so pretty.....

You guys are awesome and I just want you to know that I will never call you names like I see on other blogs.  Who ARE these people that they think their shit don't stink and they can be on their blogs all what's up losers?  You bitches better read my shit and all that.  Whenever I see a blog like that, I get all bowed up and I'm all yo, you don't know me like that.  I ain't ya bitch.  Do they not know that people have lives and if they're coming to read your shit you need to not be calling them bitches and losers and whatnot?  

Okay, let me stop before I start linking to blogs and calling people out and getting in trouble.  That's what happens when I drink too much - I start fights because you looked at my friend all stank n shit.

Anyway, my point is I'll never call y'all losers or bitches or whatever else.  You guys cried with me when I lost my babies.  You congratulated me when I successfully gave birth.  You let me word vomit and you keep coming back and for that you're awesome.

You're NOT losers and you're NOT bitches and I'll ALWAYS have your back.  Just remember, I'm kind of scrawny with a Mom Ass and no muscles and a big mouth so I'm not sure I'm much of an asset.

At any rate, I wanted to say thanks to my girls and thanks to YOU for sticking around this piece and hanging out with me and for being my Down-Ass Chicks.

I'm not sure where I went with all of this - probably because of the wine and I'm just going to be all kinds of reckless and hit publish without proofreading or anything!  Here goes...


  1. "You guys are awesome and I just want you to know that I will never call you names like I see on other blogs. Who ARE these people that they think their shit don't stink and they can be on their blogs all what's up losers? You bitches better read my shit and all that. Whenever I see a blog like that, I get all bowed up and I'm all yo, you don't know me like that. I ain't ya bitch. Do they not know that people have lives and if they're coming to read your shit you need to not be calling them bitches and losers and whatnot? "

    I love you. For realsies. And I'm so happy that life has been so amazing for you lately that you've been distracted from this little space here. Take care of yourself and your family lady!

  2. You might be blessed with us...but we are EXTRA blessed to have you in our lives!! So glad life with Sofia is going well and while we miss you here, we know you have important stuff going on right now. As I've said, we'll always be here waiting for you!

  3. leaving a comment although my eyes are halfway closed and it's so past my bedtime. but I pretty much check google reader each night b/c I figure that's when you have time to blog and yay I hit the jackpot tonight, a blog entry! And one of these days I'm gonna make it over to your side of the country!! I don't know if these comments make sense?...I'll look inti it tomorrow and decide! ha! Goodnight D! **eyes 75% closed & I ask myself why this comment couldn't wait til tomorrow**

  4. No lie, I come see you every single day and even though I don't comment like I used to, I still come see you. I've LOVED hearing about your dad getting married - I'm so happy for him and you could not be any prouder and I just love that!!

    You've got a place in my heart babe!!

  5. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THIS MADE MY NIGHT!!! I wanted to check my blogger one last time before I went to sleep, and look what I find!!! AH THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE AND LIGHT CHEEEEEEE.

    P.S. Chee is the sound I make when I'm happy :D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D


    I'm so happy to have stumbled upon you via curlynikki all those months ago! YAY!! *does the New Kids On the Block Dance*

    P.P.S. The names of the polishes were on the box :)
    I know cause i'm lusting after that blue, which I believe is "Do you think I'm Tex-y" lol

  6. Super Post Script

    Does GG have to cut a rude internet hoe?? My nails are extra long, and I'm from the East Coast. We do not play this shit, we will stab folk with a nail file- just offering.

    And I'm glad you shook those haters off- baby comes first, duh!!!!!!!
    But yeah smillllles. And a naile file at the ready :)

  7. You are too crazy and I loves ya back! :) You are VERY welcome for the gifts and I've been thinking about you lately. School just started back so it's been crazy over here but we HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO hang out again!

    Oh and you were MUCH more smooth than I was (your more gorgeous in person than pictures - and I'm not so sure I even know how that's possible!).

    I'll call you next week and we'll have lunch or go to the museum or something. This time I'll bring Ava (since Nico will be in school). :) Hugs, girlie!

  8. OK... this post makes me laugh! HAHA And it makes me want to drive to Dallas so we can do lunch. Yup. :)

  9. Aww! What nice gifts. Blog friends are the bestest!

    I'm so glad you got to hang out with Rania! She seems like such a sweetie! I wish I had more local blog friends! *weeps*

    Oh and your drunky blogs are the best. You have me over here cracking up!

  10. Awwww you make me want to sing a soulful R&B love song to you! You know I love you and miss you and wish Texas wasn't so big so we could do more frequent visits and cupcakes! I am so lucky to have a friend like you--who actually cares about my life and what's going on!

  11. I'm so relieved to hear that I don't have the only baby that refuses to nap during the day. She sleeps like a log through the night, but she's way too busy to fuss with napping during the day. Now I don't feel like my girl is the only odd ball. :)

  12. Well, you know, that might get a little easier....

  13. Drew tossed the box before I could read the names of the polishes, but it's cool - Google saves my life!

    And you don't have to cut anyone just yet, it just gets on my nerves when I see bloggers being rude to their readers. It makes me want to ask why their mothers didn't teach them manners.

  14. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me!! :-)

  15. Oh no, you're definitely not an oddball. I worry about her because the most I can get on the regular is about 30 minutes but she sleeps from 8p-7a with lots of catnaps so I assume she's okay...

  16. I wish! Maybe we could meet in Kansas - it's halfway! :-)

  17. Ha! You've been a little busy! I definitely don't expect you to be keeping all the way up! ;)
    And we got a few of the professional shots from Dad's wedding back. Not all, but a few. Can't wait to share them tomorrow! :)

  18. Aww! What nice gifts! Blog friends are the bestest!

    I'm so glad you and Rania get to hang!. she seems like such a sweetie pie. I wish i had more local blog friends *weeps*

    Oh and your drunky blogs are awesome! You have me over here cracking up!

    * figured out why my comments don't show up, from my mobile app on my phone it's still saving my comments the old way but not in Disqus. So i can see them on my phone but they don't show up on your blog which blows. I guess i can only leave comments using an actual pc :( *

  19. That's so weird! Sometimes computers can be such a pain!

    And yeah, I'm a fun drunk! Except when I want to fight... ;-)

  20. D, I too am happy I stumbled across your blog by happy accident. I was hooked from the first entry and had to go all the way back to the very first post. It took me a week to read from start to finish and I laughed, cried and fell in love with your beautiful little family.

    I've wanted to send Sofia a present for a long time. But I was too chicken sh*t to ask for your address. I didn't want come across as a creepo. I know that is not what you intended, but who can resist that beautiful baby!

  21. I almost forgot to say this bloggy friend got your back, I carry extra rocks in my pocket for such the occasion.

  22. Sigh. Because the anonymity of the internet makes cowards bold. Pretty much it.


When you leave me a comment, my phone chimes. I run to it from across the house, anxious to read what you've said. I save them in my email and read them multiple times a day, which is why you may not get an immediate response but I promise I eventually respond to every comment that has an email address.

You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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