Thursday, September 10, 2009

My best friend's wedding

Sunday we went to my best friend's wedding - it was so beautiful!  Some might think it's odd because he's also my ex-fiance, but seriously that was ten thousand years ago and those who would be compelled to judge are invited to click away now.

Anyway, we've known each other since I was 21, which is the second longest time I've had someone in my life.  As I grow and change most of my friends change, with the exception of Doug and Kathleen.  Yes, we were engaged and when we broke up we didn't speak for almost three years.  When I moved back to Texas we got back in touch and we've been friends ever since.  People used to ask if we'd ever get back together, but then they'd see us hang out and realize that we were probably always better suited to friendship than romance.

So, when Doug told me that he'd begun dating this new girl, of course I was protective of him and wanted to know all about her.  But when it proved to be the real deal, I backed off and was nothing but supremely happy for them.  They too have a baby on the way, although she's further along than I am.  They put their wedding together in less than two months and there was lots o drama to be had, let me tell you!  Almost daily he'd call, all stressed out because she was stressed out because her parents were stressing her out or his parents were stressing him out.  He kept telling me to run, run as fast as I could to the courthouse and skip all the wedding nonsense. 

But the day came, and they both survived.  Drew and I were the last ones to be seated because we didn't realize how far away the place was.  They were all lined up when we rushed in and I was all, 'who starts a wedding on time anyway??'  I'm used to Mexican weddings, where you don't even think about getting started until 45 minutes after the scheduled start time.  Oh well.

The chapel was so pretty and the ceremony was absolutely gorgeous.  I was totally bawling my eyes out the moment they started the procession.  He looked so handsome and I was so happy for him! 
Since we were sitting in the last row, I didn't get a great shot but you get the idea.  Of course, I brought no tissues so I was having to do the whole look-up and dab at the corners of my eye thing. 

And as is natural, I got to thinking about my own wedding.  Drew and I had a huge come to Jesus talk on Saturday and we decided to postpone our wedding until after the baby is born.  A new house, a new puppy, a new engagement, and a new baby all at the same time are enough to make anyone go crazy and we were no exception.  I had gone so far as to look at apartments for myself because I just couldn't take it anymore.  It was never because I wanted to be without Drew but I was positively crumbling under the pressure.  When we decided to postpone our wedding, it felt like a giant weight had been lifted and since then things have been good between us.  We're going to continue with our counseling and we will get married, but now there isn't this insane pressure to get it done on a ridiculous timetable, with me feeling like I'm sacrificing practically everything that is important to me.

At the reception, we sat next to Doug's best friend Adam and his wife Christy.  I hadn't seen either of them in almost ten years and of course so much had changed.  Adam has always been an easy-going guy, but his energy was even more serene and beautiful.  He embodied contentment; when I looked at him, I could feel that this was a guy who had it all.  He was just so happy and it wasn't a bounce-off-the-walls happy - it's that happy you get when all is right with the world and you know it.  I felt happier just sitting next to him and I was so happy for him.  His wife Christy was also a beautiful soul and bonus, she's a teacher!  She had tons of information and we're totally friends on Facebook now!  We talked about teaching, parenting, marriage and how much life has changed since we all used to hang out.  That's the best part about weddings - there isn't really another time in your life that you get the opportunity to re-connect like that.

My only complaint is that the wedding was too short!  It felt very orchestrated, with the introduction of the bridal party, intro of the couple, couple's first dance, mother-son dance, father-daughter dance.  I could almost feel the coordinator checking things off the 'list' in the corner.  The best man and the maid of honor very obviously didn't prepare their speeches, which was kind of a drag.  If I had been given that honor, I would have prepared for weeks in order to give the best speech possible.  They seriously grabbed the mike and started talking.  He was halfway into his speech before everyone stopped talking because they didn't realize what was happening.

Drew and I only danced together once, and then it seemed like it was over!  That's the other thing I want - at my wedding, I want it to be an all night party.  I want lots of dancing - even if my guests don't dance, they can sit on their booties and watch me dance.  I must dance at my wedding.  Before we knew it, they were hustling us out of there, so we could see them off.
All in all, it was so wonderful to see my best friend get married.  He's a wonderful guy and I'm so happy for him.  I wish him a kabillion years of happiness and I know he's going to be the greatest dad!  Aww, I'm getting teary-eyed all over again!  My good buddy Doug...

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