Tuesday, September 15, 2009

While the gettin's good

Never let it be said that I don't celebrate the good times as often as I bemoan the bad times.  I may have been down a couple of weeks ago but things are looking up!  Praise the baby Jesus!

Since Drew and I have postponed the wedding, things have been really great *knock on wood*.  For two weekends in a row now it's been great being around him.  We've had fun conversations, we've snuggled on the couch watching tv and it's been awesome.  This past weekend it rained the entire time and we were housebound for the majority of it and instead of killing each other it was cozy.  It's times like that I remember how and why I fell in love with him.  We're still totally getting married but now we're thinking that we won't do it until after the baby's born, which has taken so much pressure off of us.  We do not handle pressure very well.  Additionally, conceding on so many things wedding-related in the name of getting married this November made me super way cranky.  I'm the type of person who would rather not have anything than have something half-assed so the whole wedding situation was not sitting well with me, as I sure you could tell.  This way, with some time and breathing room is much more amenable and I feel so much better about the situation.  I'll be able to have a slim dress like I want and freakin DANCING.  I was going to have to forgo dancing at my flippin wedding because we weren't going to have room in the backyard.  Completely.  Unacceptable.  How am I not going to dance at my own wedding?!?!

This way, we have time and room to concentrate on the baby, and sometime next year we'll tie the ol knot.  It's not exactly how I envisioned it but I'd much rather not be the married the first few months of my kid's life than be married when he/she gets here and be divorced shortly after their arrival because we've exploded under the pressure.  Besides, they sleep for the first few months right?  So they really won't even know the difference.  Right?

Also, we're drugging the dog.  Now, before you go calling the Animal Police and things let me explain.  The dog is a puppy with obscene amounts of energy and I was ready to move the eff out.  You remember.  It wasn't good - but then we found Doggie Xanax!  The Day That Almost Ended It All was a Saturday and we went to Doug's wedding on Sunday where I chatted with Christy, Doug's best friend's wife.  She was having the same problem with her dog until they found the doggie Xanax.  It's a natural chew that has triptophan in it - you know the turkey-sleepy hormone - and it just mellows the dog out.  Well, the next day we RAN to Petsmart and got the Advanced formula because they said that was the stronger one and fed it to Maya when we got home.  The sh*t WORKS!!!!  It doesn't drug her to where she's walking into walls or anything, it just chills her the eff out and it's a beautiful thing.  So now, when she's getting ridiculous, I just go 'come here, eat this' and poof!  Mellow animal that just lays on the sofa and lets you pet her.  That kind of dog I can deal with -- that kind of dog won't end my relationship.  Thank you Christy and thank you doggie Xanax!

Another huge bonus in the relationship department:  so I'm all about the natural childbirth right?  I am not into the drugs and while the pain scares me, the needles scare me more.  I have nightmares about being trapped on the bed by all the wires and monitors and then they cut me open for no apparent reason.  Um, yeah, no thank you.  Well, Drew finally came around to the idea of the birth center!  I really didn't want a hospital birth and we toured a birth center that was totally kick-ass but he was still really hesitant.  I guess seeing me getting my blood drawn was enough to convince him that the fewer drugs the better so now an intervention-free birth is back on the table.  And those who would ream lecture inform me about my choices and decisions, would you just come a little closer for a quick second?  A little closer please?  IT'S MY UTERUS, BACK THE EFF OFF!  *smoothing my skirt*  Where was I?

AND, I've gotten the green light to go after the teaching certificate.  The program is entirely online which is convenient because I really didn't want to go back to being a broke student.  I have to look into admission requirements and all that which is what I would have done today if I wasn't crying at my desk from laughter.  I found Jenny who is quite possibly the funniest writer I've ever read.  I totally love her sense of humor and I've been trying all day to keep from falling out of my chair laughing.  HI-larious!!

Mark it down y'all - I'm riding this wave all the way to the shore!  (Even though I've only surfed once and I couldn't stand up for more than a second.  I'm still counting it.)

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