Friday, September 25, 2009

One fine day

By now I'm sure you know I live in Dallas, as if it was that hard to figure out.  And maybe you've also paid attention and learned that I work downtown.  But did you know how close I work to the building that idiot was trying to blow up???!!!???!!!  If you haven't heard, yesterday some wanna-be terrorist parked his car that was stuffed full of explosives in the underground garage of an iconic downtown Dallas building with the intent to blow it up!  Are you kidding me?!

I don't really watch the news so I didn't know anything about this until this morning when my boss came in and was all like, 'Can you believe that guy?'  And of course I didn't know what she was talking about until after I googled it and found out that some idiot tried to blow up Downtown!!  I took these pictures at lunch from the corner of my building

The building in the foreground in the left picture is the parking garage across the street.  I exited my building, went to the street corner and snapped this shot.  My office building is off to the left in the second shot - can you believe it?  Depending on how much of an idiot this guy was, this building falling would have caused MAJOR problems for the surrounding buildings.  Remember my old apartment?  Downtown?  This was the view from our old bedroom window.

While nothing happened and the idiot didn't go through with his idiot plan and is in custody, this was a leeeetle too close for my comfort, you know?  Geez, this almost messed up my weekend plans...

And speaking of, can I just tell you what I'll be doing tomorrow?  NOTHING!!!!!!  Get this:  Drew is out of town and won't get back till late tomorrow night.  The dog is going to the groomer at 9am and won't be finished till about 4pm.  Do you know what this means??  I have the house to myself for AN ENTIRE DAY!!!!!  Are you kidding me?!

When I realized that I was going to have the whole house to myself for a whole day, I just about started crying.  A whole day in a quiet house, all to myself.  I won't have to hear, "Babe, can you come here for a second?  MAYA!  Babe, where are those socks?  Babe, what do you think of this?  (just as I sit down on the sofa) Babe, can you come here for a second?  Babe, what do you want to eat?  Babe, where is that one thing?  You know, that I had yesterday?  Babe, can you help me look for that thing?  MAYA!  DROP IT!  Babe, what do you want to do later?  Babe, what do you want for groceries?  Babe, can you come here for a second?  MAYA!  LEAVE IT!  Does this go?  Babe, come taste this.  Babe, what are you doing?  Babe, can you come here for a second?" 

It's enough to make me want to spend the night in a hotel, just so I can have some peace and quiet.  And I know that very soon, I will substitute the 'babe' for 'Mommy', which is why this day to myself is so very very precious.  This wonderful day of solitude and silence where I won't have to get up from wherever I'm perched if I don't want to.  One beautiful day where no one wants anything of me, where my services/opinions/pair of hands aren't needed for anything.  One marvelous day where if I want to get back in bed and stay there for hours I can do just that.  I plan to turn my phone to silent, the door will stay locked and I will simply sit.  Or read.  Or clean.  Or not.  The choice is mine! 

I feel like it's Chrismas Eve!!  I can't wait - I'm counting the hours til I can go home.  Tomorrow is going to be ONE FINE DAY!!!  Maybe I'll just lay in bed and pretend I'm here.  Have a great weekend y'all!

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