Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I know it's been said a kabillion times already, and it's on my sidebar but the lack of emails attached to comments is killing me!  I've read every single one of your comments on my sunroom and all the other stuff I've been doing but I just hate that I can't respond to them!  To that end, please pretty please with sugar on top go to this link, do what she says, and make it so I can respond to your comments.  I do my best to respond to every comment I'm able to because if you take time out of your life to read what I write and comment on it, the least I can do is respond.  

Now of course, if you don't care to receive a response, no worries.  I just don't want y'all thinking I'm some horrible troll that doesn't care about who reads her stuff because I totally do.  You can even make up an email address, just for commenting on blogs.  So show your email address, pretty super please?  Thanks, you're the greatest!


  1. Ohhhhh. The things you don't know as a new-ish blogger! Thanks so much!

  2. so you assume we read instructions? who reads instructions these days?!


    I'm lesleajane at gmail.

    smooches, inB

  3. yay! get out the word! everyone on blogger needs to do this!

    thanks for sharing the link :)

  4. Done :) Thanks for replying to my post :) I enjoy reading your blog and sharing the journey with you, even if only in spirit. God Bless

  5. Done :) Thanks for replying to my post :) I enjoy reading your blog and sharing the journey with you, even if only in spirit. God Bless

  6. yay! get out the word! everyone on blogger needs to do this!

    thanks for sharing the link :)


When you leave me a comment, my phone chimes. I run to it from across the house, anxious to read what you've said. I save them in my email and read them multiple times a day, which is why you may not get an immediate response but I promise I eventually respond to every comment that has an email address.

You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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