Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birth Story: Labor Faces

Part 1

My doctor told me that the Cervidil might knock me into labor and I wouldn't even have to have Pitocin.  While that would have been great, I wasn't counting on it, even though the Cervidil did make the contractions stronger.  They went ahead and placed the line for the IV but they didn't hook it up to the Pitocin until about 8am.  These are Cervidil contractions - also known as 'you ain't shit - wait till the Piocin comes' contractions.
Cervidil contraction from Desiree on Vimeo.

I still had those dumb belts on which meant I couldn't get far from the monitoring machines.  So even though I didn't have my IV placed, I was still on a leash.  I made the best of it by setting up my yoga mat nearby and did a few stretches.
yoga from Desiree on Vimeo.

I included this one to show how close I had to be to the monitors.
Also because I have absolutely no memory of having my computer out.
They said I was making a labor playlist.
I'd already gotten the Pitocin by this point - that might have something to do with it.
I chose not to look at the monitors because you know,
I don't need a COMPUTER to tell me when I'm having contractions.
It's kind of hard to miss.
Really hard to miss.
I told them they had one chance to get the IV in right and it better not fall out.
Hence the shit-ton of tape.
What contractions feel like.
Fixing my hair between contractions - that's how you know I could
handle the pain.
Then it got serious again.
Trying to keep all my orifices open 
like Ina May says.

Now, let me take a moment and give the hugest, most amazing-est, loudest, most proudest shout out to 
He was there from start to finish.

Drew was an absolute CHAMPION.  He was there for me the entire time, never leaving my side, doing everything right.  EVERYTHING.  He was better than any doula on the planet.  He held me when I needed him, he backed off when I needed that and he was a total and complete prince.  I could not have asked him to be any better - he was perfect.  PERFECT.  A prince.  My hero.  My champion.  I COULD NOT have done it without him.

We even had some laughs in between contractions.
I laughed too, I swear - my brother just didn't catch it.

Once the Pitocin started flowing, things got much more serious, as evidenced by my complete and total disregard for the state of my hair.
Contraction from Desiree on Vimeo.

This went on from 8am till about 2:30.  I felt the classic 'double-peak' Pitocin contractions and they were not fun.  Regular contractions have a rise, peak and fall - Pitocin ones have a rise, peak, tiny fall that you barely notice, PEAK, then the real fall.  I'd read about them, but to live it?  Man.  It was no joke.

I don't know how much they gave me because I didn't know how to read the machine but there was a 3?  I don't think it was a lot but it was puh-lenty as far as I was concerned.  My awesome nurse Angie stayed with me the whole time as well and at one point, she called my doctor to see about turning it off for a bit.  She got the okay, so I got a breather around 2:30 but my contractions went irregular again, so we had to turn it back on a little before 3.  However, that half hour was the best half-hour of my life.

At this point, I'd had two cervical checks - a baseline when I was admitted and one the next day that determined I'd gone from 2 to 3 with the Cervidil.  They weren't fun but I made it clear to my nurses that I didn't like them and they were as gentle as possible which made things a tiny bit more tolerable.  I'd been able to vocalize, change positions and not once did anyone mention the E word.  I wasn't able to eat, but that was the furthest thing from my mind so I could have cared less.  I had all the ice chips I wanted and you know, they hit the spot! Especiallly when they melted a little and Angie put a little apple juice in there for me.  Again, Drew was right on time every time with a spoonful for me when I needed it.  Heaven!

There was never really a time that I thought I couldn't do it, that I should go ahead and get the drugs.  I was doing it - I was laboring and I was managing.  If I could have thought clearly, I would have been proud of myself, but my whole being was focused on making it through one contraction at a time.

Now, I did think that I didn't want to be doing this for 26 hours.  I'd been at it since 7am and that was plenty for me, so when my doctor came in at 3 and offered to break my water, I listened.  She talked to me in between contractions so I was able to focus on her and really listen and consider my options, but I really liked it when she said breaking my water would shave off at least three hours - that was music to my ears.  She did say my contractions would get stronger, but I was managing so far.  It couldn't be that bad right?  So I consented.

She did another check, between contractions so it wasn't unbearable and declared I was 5 centimeters!  That felt so good - I was terrified of having labored all day and having no change, so I felt much better about her breaking my water.

Again, she was so totally gentle I didn't even feel it, but I sure felt the water coming out!  It was such a crazy sensation that I couldn't help but laugh.  I laughed and laughed at this babbling brook that was running out of me!  It was nice and clear and she said the baby's head was right there.  I felt so good about everything and I knew I was in the home stretch.

Until that first no-water contraction.  Also known as 'I stomp on the throat of Pitocin contractions.'
Then it got so ridiculously real.
Keep your orifices open, my ass.

Special thanks to my baby for letting Mommy blog!
For that, you get some boobie juice!


  1. AHAHAH Boobie Juice!! I love you man! You speak my language. im cracking up... and feeling yoru pain-but not really.. cause I took my epidural like I was picking up the check. I labored home for 1.5 days. NO THANKS! lol - (dont judgemeimweak!) But man! I love the videos and the pics.. its all the way real now! YAY.. Im glad you share like this.. I always read other birth stories and am left.. Wanting more.. like.. thats it? thats all that happened! LOVE IT!

    waits patiently for the next part.. this is like a 4 part movie that you know ends well! lol



  2. Oh you're so beautiful.

    I know everything you're talking about. (big hugs)!!

  3. I love your attention to detail - even in the middle of labor! hahahhaahha! :) Can't wait for the next segment!!

    So proud of Drew being the perfect help for you! We knew he could do it!!

  4. Did you go without pain medication???! My hat's OFF to you! I have gone as far as I could go before I just had to have it. haha

    And, yes, thank you Sofia for allowing Mommy to blog. :)

    LOL @ "Boobie juice"

  5. I love that you went without the "E word" YAY!!! No offense to those who do it but there's something about *feeling* good-or-bad, what's happening to you...how AMAZING your body is. I love it. I'm apart of the 'no-e club' and wouldn't have it any other way. Congrats proud parents, many blessings! Can't wait for the next segment.

  6. LOL boobie juice. Some of those faces are scaring me...I want to hear the "it was a miracle and she just slid out stories" hahaha

    A Girl's Next Best Friend

  7. Awe! Drew made me proud!!! Adam kept falling asleep when I was in labor with Ava. I woke him up by chucking my wet washcloth I was using on my face directly at him. He didn't fall asleep again. :)

    I have got to give credit where credit is due Mama.... you did it. Without the drugs. I'm so proud of you. I must admit that I'm a wuss (I know it and I acknowledge it). So not having an epidural was never in my birth plan. But I have to give you serious kudos! You're my hero.

    Give Princess Sofia a big kiss from Aunt Brandi. I can't wait to meet her. :)

    BTW: You should put a warning on your videos!!! I was watching at work and had to quickly put my headphones on because my neighbors thought I was watching porn at my desk. ;) LOL.

    Love you!

  8. You are so zen in the videos. It felt like I was watching a "What to do" video from my natural birthing class back in the day!

    My water broke at home after contracting all night long. I still remember what "ridiculously real" means. It was like - "Oh you thought that was a contraction before? Check this out little girl!"

  9. Oh - and I knew Drew would come through. They may not pay attention to the book stuff during pregnancy but they know *you* and that's what matters.

  10. LOVING this story. I can't wait for the next installment!

  11. I forgot to say that your hospital looks amazing! That room! Precious pic of her little baby feet!

  12. That lady Ro (first commenter) cracks me up! :) I've had two kids, both with epidurals, and I've contemplated not having an epidural with any other kids I might get to have...Can't wait to hear your real, and very expressive, take on that. Congrats on the new baby. And I'm glad you have so many pictures; I wouldn't remember ANYTHING about my firstborn's delivery if not for pictures.

  13. Hip hip hoorayyy for Drew! I'm so happy he came through like I knew he would.

    You did so good. I took those pain meds when I was only getting 30seconds in between contraction! Yikes!

    Baby toes. . . Heaven!

  14. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful baby girl! She is beyond adorable!!

    Second, I have to tell you, the yoga mat for the hospital is PURE GENIUS. I'm stealing this idea for my baby's birth in July.

    Your birth story has been amazing so far, can't wait to read more! Congrats again, Mama!

  15. Yeah, the yoga mat came in so handy. Both for the comfort factor of having something so familiar with me and for Drew since the L&D room didn't have a real bed for Drew. He put both on the floor and rolled out his sleeping bag and was good to go!

  16. You make me feel so much betterby saying that contractions once your water breaks hurt even more! I have been thinking maybe I was a wimp, but damn. I love that you documented all of this with videos and photos. My entire labor feels like it happened in the dark and I can't remember a lot of the details of what it felt like to be there.

    Big kudos to Drew! I knew he'd be awesome.

    can't wait for the next installment!

  17. Oh Desiree!!! I am sooo thrilled to see your birth story. Talk about keeping it real...sister goes and videos the thing!

    Thank you for sharing and can't wait to read about the next chapter.

    Happy 8 day birthday little Sofia...thanks for letting Mommy blog!

  18. Thanks so much for sharing your birth story. You're such a fabulous soul. Best wishes to you and your family.

  19. Way to go Drew!! And way to go Desiree!! Love reading your birth story. Love how much attention to detail you've paid. Happy Birthday Ms. Sofia!!

  20. I have loved reading your birth story thus far D! Can't wait to read the rest! Love how you are keeping it real. I am in awe of your courage & your strength. No drugs? You are my hero.

    xoxo - H

  21. WOW!! I have to say I am so loving your honesty!! Glad you got through it wonderfully! Enjoy your new beauty =)

  22. I know...how can you remember all this! I'm loving the read, so thanks for sharing.

  23. Whew! Brings back memories! I was cool until my water broke as well, then: enter the realness!

    Sofia is SO cute, love her little feet! And you were looking cute as well during labor. Great idea wearing your own clothes. I don't think there's a person out there that can make a hospital gown look good..well maybe Halle Berry, LOL.

    I couldn't watch the videos on my bberry, so I have to ask...did your families stay in the room the WHOLE time?

  24. WOW!! I have to say I am so loving your honesty!! Glad you got through it wonderfully! Enjoy your new beauty =)

  25. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful baby girl! She is beyond adorable!!

    Second, I have to tell you, the yoga mat for the hospital is PURE GENIUS. I'm stealing this idea for my baby's birth in July.

    Your birth story has been amazing so far, can't wait to read more! Congrats again, Mama!


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