Monday, October 17, 2011

The internet made me do it

Reason 812 Why I Love The Internet/Blogging:  It inspires me.  I look at things I see on the web, done by normal people just like me and it makes me think I could do it.  I see people make mistakes, laugh it off, try again and have beautiful successes and it takes away my fear.  I get all bold and empowered and I tell myself that I can paint furniture, I can reupholster a seat - it even makes me just delusional enough to think I can cook!

Did I ever tell you we have a peach tree?  Drew knows I love peaches and one day last summer he came home with a peach tree just for me!  So sweet right!  Then my friend Stacie posted a recipe for a peach crisp and I was all hey! I have a peach tree!  I can do this!  
The ones on the left were from the tree, the ones on the right
were mutant peaches from the store.  
Stacie's recipe is on the left and I used strawberries instead of blueberries and
I also made The Pioneer Woman's cobbler on the right.
Stacie's was waaaay better!

Then, my bestie Ryan wrote about how he made The Pioneer Woman's pot roast in his Fretch oven and I was like hey!  I have a Fretch oven!  I can do this!
This is merely proof that I did it.  If you want step by step instructions
with gorgeous pictures, go to Ryan's blog.  
But I did it!  I even made mashed potatoes from scratch for Sunday dinner!

Well, I did it again, only this time it wasn't food.  I was on Better After one day and she wrote about a girl who had made over an old pair of jeans.  I was like hey!  I have old jeans!  I can do this!  But this wasn't cooking, it was sewing!!  Remember when I was so scared of my sewing machine?  Well, that hasn't completely gone away even though I've used it a handful of times.  But I went to the girl's blog, studied up and figured I had nothing to lose.  I didn't wear the jeans anyway so if I messed them up, it wasn't that big a deal.  Then I also remembered that my old standby, Young House Love, did a post on dyeing things so between the two of them I figured I could do it.  These are regular people doing regular things so I have nothing to be afraid of.
Exhibit A:  Fake Seven jeans from Ebay.
All the details are right, but the denim is really cheap.  
I was so pissed when I received them because they were all 
"Authentic Seven Jeans!" and I paid the Authentic Seven price - serves me right.
But I never wore them because the wash made them look so bad and so fake.
Perfect for experimental sewing and dyeing.
This is the side you want to sew.  I turned them inside out, eyballed it and started sewing.
I only took one picture because I was pretty sure it wasn't going to work.
Very first pass with the sewing machine.
Boot cut on the left, skinny-ish on the right.
I did the other leg and then came the dye.
They don't sell it anywhere in Dallas, so I got mine from Amazon.
Amazon has everything.
At the last minute, I threw in another pair of my jeans.
I didn't sew these, but the wash was a little light and dated.
I studied the YHL tutorial, even using a paint stick like they did.
Her tutorial wasn't clear about stirring until the salt was dissolved and I 
stirred forever and it really wasn't dissolving, so I dumped it in the washer and prayed.
Then we played while I prayed to the baby Jesus that I didn't just ruin my washer.

I set the cycle on heavy duty and did an extra rinse just like Sherry said.  When the cycle was over, I took the jeans out with my eyes closed because I was convinced that my washer was going to be a mess of dye and the jeans would be the exact same.  Then we left the house, something about distancing myself from the (theoretical) mess.  But I had to get the jeans out sometime.  I had to see what I'd done.

It worked!!!  I dyed my jeans and now I have two more pairs of jeans in my rotation, which is a godsend because while I'm loving breastfeeding, it's sucking the pounds off and all my clothes hang on me - I look like a hobo.  But look at my jeans!
Because we all love a good before and after.
I put some wedge heels on so they didn't bunch at the bottom because
I'm not confident enough to attempt hemming.
The difference on the other jeans is a little more difficult 
to pick up on camera.
They have a bluish, grayish color and it's way more uniform 
and looks much nicer.
It's like I have two new pairs of jeans!
And yes, they have crystals and stitching on the ass which is one
of the other reasons why I last wore these in 2006.  But since 
I'm scrawny now, they have to come out of retirement and the new color
makes them a little more palatable.

Oh, and my washer is completely fine.  I wiped off the door and the rubber ring before I did another load and I said many Hail Marys when I was putting the clothes in, but they came out just fine.  Therefore, iDye is my new favorite toy.  The other dyes you have to dump in the sink, stir constantly, you run the risk of your sink getting stained and it's just a mess.  iDye is totally easy to use and I'm already scoping out my next project.  I'm thinking about this t-shirt pillow.  Instead of just one color, what if you did a bunch of different tones in the same color family for the rosettes?  I saw this one and I was like hey!  I have a bunch of t-shirts!  I could do this!

Please god don't let me come across a sky-diving or make-your-own bungee cord tutorial.  With enough wine, I just might do it.


  1. I found that having a baby and the feeling of being totally responsible for somebody's life gave me courage to do things that brought me out of my comfort zone. Look at you, cooking and sewing. Seems like you are truly enjoying being the stay-at-home wife and mommy! =^)

  2. haha! " Mutant peaches" .. Love the jeans idea! I literally have a bunch of jeans that can use some attention =) Thanks for posting & keep putting pictures of that adorable girl of yours =)

  3. YAY for DIY! I am going to have to try the iDye, there are a few things I want to dye, including jeans. FYI... hemming your own jeans are SO easy. I was afraid before, until I did it and now I am like iwillnolongerwillipaysomeone$20tohemmyjeans/pants.

  4. OMG! You made jeans! And they're cute! I love it!! GOOD WORK!

    I am also more than a little impressed that you kept a peach tree alive and it grows peaches big enough to cook with. GOOD WORK. :)

  5. Oh man, those desserts look IN-CRED-IBLE. I got fatter (if it's possible) just looking at them. On nom nom.

    And your pic of the roast was awesome! I love your Fretch oven - that's the color I ALMOST bought. Love it! How did you guys like it?

    Seriously...the jeans! How freaking awesome did they turn out? I am going to go home, sew and then dye everything that's not nailed down now. You've given me the bug. Those jeans turned out super cute!

    I hate you and your skinny ass. Eat more pot roast please. :)

  6. WOW!!! Fantastic job on everything. I'm especially impressed with the jeans! Gotta love the internet!

  7. Hooray! You made my peach crisp and I am so flattered. Pioneer Womans got nothin on me. Yeah right--I can only make desserts:o) Looking forward to more of your projects...I need to be inspired! Not sure if you like ribs, but I tried this today and it was freaking amazing.

  8. Ohh the Pioneer Womans dish looks goood

  9. Love the Fretch oven but the pot roast was the first time I'd even touched it so when I say I love it, I mean I love what Drew makes with it. I'm so serious, it's 100% because of you that I even attempted it. :-)

    And trust me, I'd eat if I could. There have been many a time that I've been nursing the baby and my stomach has been growling. I nearly took Drew's head off yesterday morning because I'd FINALLY gotten the baby down for a nap and I had just poured myself a bowl of cereal and he wanted to CHAT. I almost lost a husband that day.

  10. Well, to be fair, that was its only harvest but I'm hoping that it'll have even more fruit next summer. It's over six feet tall now!

    Oh wait, we probably won't be here next summer. Do peach trees grow in Pennsylvania?

  11. Oh sure, you make it look so easy! I don't even know what a zipper foot is or how to change the foots (feet? feets?) on my machine! I know I should probably change the needle but I'm clueless.

    Although now that I've seen your tutorial I may just have to get brave and try it. I can just rip out the seams if I mess up, right?

  12. Oh yeah, right after she was born I felt invincible! All of a sudden I want to do things I've never done before, if for no other reason than to instill a sense of courage in Sofia. I kinda want her to be proud of me. :-)

  13. Oh it totally was! I really like her cookbook and I've made several recipes from it.

  14. Oh wow, that looks amazing! I want to go visit all the other links too - some of those dishes look fantastic! If you make these, you have to let me know how they turn out!

  15. RestyleRestoreRejoiceOctober 17, 2011 at 10:27 PM

    Great job with the jeans! I'm glad I could inspire you to fix up old pairs :)


  16. Whoa jeans! Those look uncredible!

  17. She's getting so big!!! And look at you, kicking tail and taking names and dyeing jeans and whatnot :) Yay for trying new things...think I might join you, theres an argentine tango class here I'm dying to try...Hope all is well!

  18. Oooooh tango!! That sounds amazing! Do it for me so I can live vicariously through you! :-)

  19. I just have to say that I love your blog. I mean... I love how honest and real it is. I started blogging before I even knew how many awesome blogs and bloggers there are out there. I started with the "who cares what people think, I am doing this for myself" mentality. Once I started, I was curious as to what there was out there. I started following a bunch of blogs and came across yours. AMAZING! Just wanted to let you know that!

    I hope this did not creep you out :)

    Love is Life

  20. Changing the foot is super easy... a zipper foot looks like a regular foot, but is missing one of the legs (to sew over the zipper part, or in this case the hem). To remove the foot, there might be a lever in the back (by the foot), usually it moves and foot drops. What is your machine, I can look it up and help you through it.

    As for changing the needle, there should be a screw on the side of the needle, unscrew it and the needle, again falls down. The needles have a flat edge, so when putting one back, it will only go in one way.

    I am not the most expert sewer, but have done my fair share of projects. Plus, I love helping... especially with sewing. (Maybe should have been a home ec teacher... lol). Next thing you know, you will be making cute dresses for your daughter. ;-)

    Go for it... YES! You can just take the seams out if you mess up. Post if you do!

  21. LOL will do!

  22. Just came across your blog and it seems like you have a lot of great advice on the tutorial on dyeing the jeans!

  23. Well hi there! Welcome! If any of my ramblings help in the tiniest way, then my work here is done.

    Not really. I tend to word vomit and I don't see that stopping anytime soon. Poke around - hope you find something you like!

  24. that pot roast look delish! sorry i'm slow, but what was the desired end result of dyeing the jeans? is it so they wouldn't be faded anymore? i have some jeans that are a little too light for wearing to go out out, i wonder if i could dye them darker blue...

  25. Yes, the denim was pretty raggedy and the wash made them look even worse. Dyeing them made them darker and more uniform, hence less fake-looking and I can actually wear them now.

    I would definitely recommend dyeing your jeans - it's so easy!


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