Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Quiet on the home front

It's been quiet around here.  Not that nothing has been happening, because life is still happening.  The world is still turning but I haven't been feeling the compulsion to write like I normally do.  After I thought about it for a quick second, I realized it's because I don't have any drama anymore.


No. More. Drama.

I never thought I would get to this place.  Monday, Drew and I celebrated two years of being married.  My parents came in town to babysit and we went to a ridiculously decadent dinner that lasted three hours.  We had oysters, champagne, wine, amazing food and I didn't have to wear a nursing bra.  Do you know how major that is?  It was like we were on a date - we only briefly talked about the baby and the night couldn't have been more perfect.

Do you know where we were last year?

I was in a hotel - by myself.  We'd gotten into an AWFUL fight, I left, he locked me out and it was very iffy if our marriage was going to see another day - like, for real for real.  Don't bother looking for that post - I didn't write about it because there is such a thing as too much drama.  I'm only talking about it now because I'm in awe of how far we've come.

Getting married was drama.  Trying to get pregnant was drama.  God KNOWS the pregnancy was drama.  But now?

It's quiet.

Well, not really - I have the baby in the Ergo on my chest and she's babbling and cooing and grabbing my cheeks.  

But other than that, it's quiet.  

Not to say that we don't have our flare-ups but they die down just as quickly as they start.  The baby is amazingly easy and I haven't had any meltdowns recently.

The house is still on the market - the first two weeks we had lots of interest, but nothing since then.  Drew is traveling back and forth until it sells but we're about to enter the holiday season and the real estate market is about to grind to a halt, so the travel is going to be our life for a while.  It's not a shock and I'm thankful that I'm pretty well used to it.

What I'm trying to say is - I think I have blogger's block!  Writing is what kept me from climbing the walls and going postal when the world was upside down.  But things have righted themselves and I find myself staring at my blog, fingers poised over the keyboard, and nothing comes.

That's the challenge when you're a life blogger.  If your life isn't blog-worthy, what are you supposed to write?  I don't have a house to re-do.  I sure as HELL can't cook so being a food blogger is all the way out.  I'm certainly not a mommy blogger - I will not be telling you about the time I danced with glee because my daughter pooped. (I really did that.  She hadn't pooped for days and I was starting to get worried.  When she finally did, I was that mom who got happy over her kid's poop.  I'm not proud of it.)  Well, I guess I just wrote about that.  Shit.  I'm not funny on purpose and I'm certainly not snarky.  It's not a good color on me. 

So, here I am.  Thankful for my outlet but wondering what to do now that it's no longer the outlet it used to be.  I don't know where to go from here.  I'm looking for what feels right, so if over the next few posts I crank out something that's truly awful, please bear with me and I apologize in advance.  I'm in a new race and I have yet to hit my rhythm.

You thought I was going to say stride, didn't you?


  1. I love looking back over the difference a year makes! It's amazing! So happy for you and this quiet time!! I know you'll crank out some great entries as the days go by. Even if they're just blog entries with pictures of the adorable baby girl!! I could always use more of those!

  2. Well, right about your happiness!!!!

  3. It's so true that drama is what nourishes bloging. I've definitely been in the blogging-block state. Once a year or so I feel like I've just about written all there is to say and wonder if I should just close up shop. Then something new comes along and I'm good to go for a while.

    I'm glad you and Drew (and of course sweet little Sofia!) are in a sweet spot right now :)

  4. You're so sweet! I wish we were closer and I would totally give you a giant squishy hug!

  5. Yeah, I'm thinking I'll just enjoy this quiet time and I'm sure inspiration will strike somewhere. :-)

  6. I COMPLETELY know what you mean... I'm feeling the same way. That I really have nothing to write about but Zoe and I don't really wanna bore folks with that.

    I did love this post though... you are so good and entertaining, even when you aren't trying.

  7. I am so super happy to hear about things being quietly normal for you chica!

  8. i feel you on drama being a creative force. back when i was single, i used to write the coolest poems to work out all my dating/ failed relationship angst. once my husband and i started dating seriously, i totally lost my inspiration and haven't written any poems since.

    i'm sure once you move to and get to experience a new city and all the new things that come with it, your creative juices will start flowing again.

    happy belated anniversary! glad y'all had a fun date night.

  9. No drama is always awesome. Keep doing you. This is your journal that you let us peek into so whether you write or not, we'll be around because we luv ya! :)

  10. Sorry I missed this and didn't get to tell you Happy Anniversary in time! Well...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!
    And enjoy the "calm", there will be plenty of non quiet in your or anyone's life to warrant the time to just stop and relax. So enjoy it! You'll want to remember this when the moving time and starting over in a new city comes ;)

    Congrats on all fronts!


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