Saturday, May 18, 2013

6:30 Saturday morning

Bright red blood with clots. We're on vacation. 

That's four miscarriages now; I'm just rackin' 'em up. 

Will write more later; I really thought this one was going to be it. I really don't know where to go from here and what this means...


  1. Desiree,

    I'm so sorry...wrapping my arms around you and Drew and sending love.


  2. My heart is heavy for you, I pray you feel God's comfort through the smiles and joy of your lil Sofia and hubby as you wrap your mind & heart around your loss.

  3. I'm so sorry. Praying for you and your family.

  4. Hi Desiree,
    I very rarely leave comments althought I enjoy your blog very much (the French girl, remember?!) but I had to say I am so sorry for you! I had one miscarriage (in-between two successful pregnancies) and it was a very hard moment. I can't imagine your having a fourth one... Hang on! This one wasn't meant to be... Bon courage à toi!

  5. PS: Ignore this Zoé name, it's a pseudonym I created years ago when I thought of starting a blog. I think I left comments under HelenBoston before ;-)

  6. Oh Desiree. I'm so sorry. I wish I knew any other words, but I don't. I am certainly thinking about you guys.

  7. I'm so sorry Desiree. :( Sending lots of hugs your way.

  8. Fuck. I've been obsessively checking back for an update since you had the brown discharge. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  9. Oh i'm so so sorry Desiree. I'll be thinking of you and hope that you heal quickly, although i know the true "healing" that you really need will be much harder :(

  10. Well CRAP! I'm so very sorry, though I know it doesn't make things any better at all. Wish I could give you a big hug.

  11. FUCK Desireee. I am SO sorry to read this. :(

  12. Oh no, Desiree, I'm so so sad to hear this.

  13. I have said so many prayers for you this past week that this pregnancy was going to bring you a healthy sibling for Sofia! I know there are no words that can help to make you feel any better so I will just say that I am so very sorry Desiree :( (


  14. I'm really sorry to read this, I have been thinking about you guys and you are in my prayers.

  15. I'm so so very sorry Desiree.

  16. I'm so sad to hear this. I really thought it was going to happen for you this time. Saying prayers for y'all. :(

  17. You are preparing for someone awesome and Sofia WILL be a big sister soon. I'm not the creepy person who says stuff like that but I know it to be true for you.*hugs*

  18. I'm SO SORRY Desiree! :( I really thought that this was it too!!! My heart is hurting for you!

  19. The world really isn't fair. I'm so sorry to read this. Hugs to you.

  20. Fuck. If there's anything I can do for you, Desiree. Let me know

  21. You will have another for sure. I can just feel it. I am so sorry you have had such a tough time lately. I am sending up and out all the positive energy I can. Wish i was there to hug you.

  22. Desiree- so sorry you have gone through this. I really don't know what else to say. I had one 5 years ago and it was hell. SO Sorry. Hugs.
    Can I say something that will probably be misunderstood by most? I can't email you privately but hopefully you will see this comment and anyone else experiencing similar situations. Please stop putting it out there that you are pregnant. The world we live in is deeper, more complex and dare I say - darker than we realise. We truly dont know anyone -except out loved ones and even them- not fully. There is negativity, hate and powerful ill-will out there. Do not attract these to yourself. You may think 'yeah right, what is this bulls**t voodoo' but all I can say is read the bible ( Disclaimer: I am not a bible basher :)) but its all there. And I quote (roughly) 'For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places'.
    I just googled that as I can never quote it correctly:)
    Hopefully you see where I am heading with this. Sadly the evil authorities talked about use we human beings as their agents for chaos. Some people are going to scoff and laugh at my comment but so what. I was moved to say this to you and I really hope you at least think it through.
    Desiree the facts are these (in case you're wondering why anyone would wish you ill): you are incredibly pretty, good figure etc. Educated, good husband who loves you. He is cute too ;). Beautiful healthy child. Nice home. You are a stay at home mum- hence looked after by husband who is obviously devoted to his family. You have a great mum/family, good friends and in general, a good life. Yes you have your issues and problems like everyone else but to many people, you have a lot of great stuff in your life. People will be envious, that is the reality of the wordl we live in today. Unfortunately the internet has made it easier to 'access' other peoples lives, compare them to ours and find ours wanting. Never mind that in many cases, people are faking the funk on the internet. Still.
    I stand by what I've written. I've seen first hand that people are not just good, loving etc but can be downright evil.
    Protect yourself and your beautiful family. I'm sure you will be pregnant again. Don't let anyone except closest family/friends know till your are showing! Even then, keep it lowkey. Good luck and God bless

    1. Say what? Perhaps I'm not fully understanding your comment, Sprite, but are you saying unseen evil-doers caused Desiree to possibly miscarry? I think you're misinterpreting that scripture. It's referencing holding faith in God and resisting the devil...not jealous demons causing havoc on strangers and their unborn babies.

    2. This is the weirdest comment I've ever seen. I don't know whether to be offended or just keep it moving.

      But I will say this, I AM a Christian and God is not the author of confusion. People's ill will or feelings cannot supercede God's plans, with that being said,

      Desiree please continue to do what YOU want to do. I also find writing and sharing with my cyberfriends more therapeutic than talking to my own local friends sometimes. We love you and may God continue to keep and bless your family and help you get through this time.

      ***resting my case***

    3. Hey Sprite,
      First, thank you for thinking of me. I know your words come from a place of concern and compassion and I believe that you believe. If one believes that there is good in the world, it only logically follows that there is also evil, so I get it.

      Thank you for sharing your concern.

  23. Desiree,

    Sorry...I couldn't help myself and had to comment on Sprite's message. I was just stopping in today to see how you were. Hope you are well today.

    Hugs, Tina

    1. Never apologize for having my back...

      Big hugs back atcha!

  24. I've been thinking about you. I know how hard this is and want to give you time to grieve, but I also want you to know that I'm over here thinking about you. xoxo


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