Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm back and I've missed you so much!!

This one will have to be fast because I'm at the library at my school looking for jobs.  I promise.  But I just couldn't wait any longer, I was having blog withdrawls!  Ask Drew!

Anyway, I plan to post allll about my trip to the North Country (that's what they call it, where Drew's parents live) but I figured I'd post about New Year's since that's more of a time-sensitive thing.  Or something like that.

We didn't want to go out to a club or anything like that so before we left for the Christmas trip Drew made a quick evite to see if people wanted to come to the house.  We ended up with about ten people at the house which was a nice little number for me.  I had a minor anxiety attack at the in-laws (always fun) but now that I was back on my home turf I was the hostess with the most-ess!  Geography makes such a difference.

Once again, Drew made wonderful delicious food that I didn't get a shot of because people had already arrived and I didn't want to be hiding behind my camera.  I got a shot of the table though.

So festive!

The best thing was the dog - I'm serious!  We had put her in her crate before everyone arrived but they were all asking about her and the majority of them had dogs, so I went ahead and let her out - on her leash.  The dog was well-behaved.  It was so surreal - I kept checking to see if she was sick or something.  She didn't jump on anyone, knock anything over, or even pee anywhere!  If anything, she was being charming!  She would sit on the sofa, all prissy and let people pet her, even occasionally giving them a chaste lick on the cheek as if to say, yes I'm adorable and I will allow you to pet me.  I couldn't believe it.  This was the first time we'd EVER had people at the house and left her out.  I don't want to gush too much lest the dog-gods hear me and take it all back but it was such a good night I was almost able to forgive her for destroying my slippers.  Almost.

New Year's Eve is also Drew's birthday.  Birthdays are really important to me and I never liked that Drew has to share his day with the rest of the world.  I think he should have his own day and I'm having a party for him on January 31st.  We did that last year and it worked out really well.  However, he needed to have something on his actual birthday so I got him a cake and we all sang to him.

He's so cute.

Keepin it spicy for the New Year!

This was right after midnight - I was eating my twelve grapes for good luck.

It was a great party and I sure do love hanging out at my house.  I'm not to the point where I'm agoraphobic or anything but there really is no place like home.  wah wah waaaaaaaah

New Year's Day we woke up to NASTY hangovers once again.  I think this was due to the sparkling red wine that we tried for the toast at midnight.  We wanted to try something new but I think it bit us in the arse!  Even the dog was pooped - she slept uninterrupted until at least three in the afternoon.  For that reason alone I want to have people at the house every weekend. 

But, along with millions of others I'm sure, Drew and I got on the workout train and we went to yoga Saturday morning.  The car still isn't ready and with only my car it didn't make sense for us to go to two separate places to work out.  He had never gone to my old studio with me so it was a real treat.  He was able to hang in there in a tough and crowded class - I was so proud of him!

During final meditation, the instructor asked us to focus on one thing that we have resolved to make happen in 2010 and really see ourselves doing it.  How it felt to have that thing, to accomplish that goal.  It wasn't so much about seeing the steps to get there, rather what it will feel like to already be there.  She said to manifest that thing, see it happening and know that it will.

Of course, my one thing was have a baby.  The old naive me would have just said get pregnant.  The new me knows better.  Now it's get pregnant, STAY pregnant and deliver a LIVE healthy baby.  That's my one thing for 2010. 

At dinner that night Drew asked me what thing I meditated on at yoga.  "Get pregnant."  No pause, no need to think before answering. 

"Me too.  I was envisioning a little baby."  I was really touched - I wasn't sure if he was really on board and to hear him say that was very heart-warming.  To know that we're going after this goal together makes me feel so much better about things, that I'm not alone in this desire to have a baby.

So yeah, we're officially trying to conceive.  I refuse to write TTC or use any of the other annoying acronyms that I've come across.  It's really not that much greater an effort to type Aunt Flow versus AF so I'm not doing it.  And one thing I REFUSE to EVER say OR type is *baby dance*.  Who came up with that?  And WHY?  It's sex y'all.  Say sex.  In fact, if you can't SAY sex, then you shouldn't HAVE sex.  It's how babies are made and if you want a baby, you need to have SEX.  Geez. 

However, this is not going to turn into a baby quest blog.  I can't let it consume me and besides, there's a whole lot more to me than just that.  We're trying, we are going to be successful, and we're gonna keep it movin.  That's just how that is.

I have to get this unemployment nonsense straightened out and I have to get back to my job search but I just had to say hello.  I've missed you!!!!!


  1. so glad that you are back. I know that God will grant you and Drew the desires of your heart. I like how you were specific in your hopes for 2010. they say you should pray specifically and things will come. Cant wait to hear about your trip.

  2. You two are a beautiful couple. I found this site by way of Jolie! I wish you the best for your hopes in 2010!

  3. You two are a beautiful couple. I found this site by way of Jolie! I wish you the best for your hopes in 2010!


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