Sunday, January 31, 2010

Never leave unattended

Friday night we went to dinner with our neighbors.  They're married with no kids of their own and a huge dog, like us.  Since it was raining and super cold outside, we took the dogs to an indoor dog park to tire them out.  Isabel, their mastiff, was super shy and never got too far away from Ned and Stephanie.  Not so with Maya.  From the second we entered the the dog park till it was time to go home, she was running non-stop.  If only you could bottle puppy energy - that dog is insane.

We had dinner at a Thai restaurant and after dinner we came back to our house for some wine.  I was excited to have them over and lit candles all around the house for them.  I know they probably didn't care, but candles make me happy.

You know how they say never leave a candle unattended?  Apparently, they don't tell you that just for funsies.  Not only do you risk burning your house down, you also risk having to spend a solid hour cleaning the bathroom Saturday morning while your husband laughs at you.  Learn from me people.  Learn from me. 



  1. Girl that ain't nothing! I once fell asleep with a candle burning on my entertainment center and ended up with melted wax on my TELEVISION in my CARPET! smh I never did get it all out of the carpet and the candle was burgundy.

  2. You are lucky! I am so glad that the worst of it was only the bathroom cleaning!


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