Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Job news!

**Not mine though - I'm still job-free.

Whoever said that looking for a job is a full time job in itself was not lying.  I'd also like to punch them, but that's just because I'm so beat-down.  Looking for jobs SUCKS!  There's nothing like job-searching to lower your self-esteem.  All the jobs I have experience for pay $8/hour and the jobs I'd love to have require experience I don't have.  I've gotten punchy which may or may not have led to some rather original cover letters.  I took it as a sign that I need a break.

I took Drew to the airport this morning.  That's not usually blog-worthy material, as he travels a lot for work and takes himself most times.  HOWEVER, this time he's going to Phoenix for a FINAL job interview.

Drew's job search goes much MUCH differently than mine.  That's because he's got a Master's in Bio-medical Engineering, is published, and has worked for a kick-ASS company for the past nine years.  Now, they're not kick-ass in the way that he's loved what he's done for the past two years, but kick-ass in the way that people in the industry go, ooooooohhhhhh, when you say who you work for.  Then they ask him how they can get a job there. 

For Drew, recruiters call HIM, companies reach out to HIM, and he reviews job openings with titles like International Global Marketing Strategic Badass or Director of International Development in Markets and Regions for Strategic Business Stuff.  Me, I type entry-level, full-time and pray that the search engine doesn't kick out too many postings for McDonald's or Radio Shak. 

Drew's been unhappy with his current position for a while now and he's pretty much always had his name out there and from time to time he'll see what's biting.  He's at the point where he's ready to make a move and that's why he's in Phoenix.  On a FINAL interview.  For a different position within his company.



Not Costa Rica.

I wish.

But California!!

Where there's a yoga studio on every corner!

And the beach is a lot closer than in Dallas!

Drew has a lot of big important people pulling for him with this job which is why he skipped to the end of the line to the final interview.  From what I understand, they need somebody like YESTERDAY for this position as they have a giant budget that needs some spending.  Drew has been doing this exact thing for the past two years in his current role just with a smaller budget so he's well primed for the task.

They are wanting to move quickly - as quickly as filling the position by the end of the month.  Usually, with high-up positions like this, the interview process can take months and months.  They want to be super extra way TOTALLY sure that you're the guy for the job if they're going to give you a paycheck with all those zeros behind it.

But this is where Drew's ninja networking skills come in for him.  His reputation has preceded him and with the big dudes at Corporate pulling for him, it's basically his job to lose.  Which he's not going to because he's a badass.  Drew may get on my nerves for not buying me a replacement pair of slippers when the dog destroyed mine because that's what husbands are SUPPOSED to do when their wives are having panic attacks.......

but he DOES NOT EVER mess up when it comes to networking.  Drew can make friends with you in five seconds flat and in the next five seconds figure out that he knows a guy who knows a girl who knows somebody that can help you fix that computer glitch/get you a discount on car insurance (wait, that's Geico)/introduce you to your next best friend.  It's awe-inspiring.  I can't do that - new people make me hyperventilate from anxiety.  I avoid it at all costs - Drew dives in headfirst and comes up smelling like a rose.

That's why he makes the big bucks.

ANYWHO, his big interview with 'the team' is tomorrow.  Would y'all do me a HEE-YOOGE favor?  Would you say a special prayer to the baby Jesus/dance around a fire/blow sparkles to the Universe/send good vibes/smile in the general direction of Phoenix for Drew?  Pretty please?

Because I sure would love to live near the beach and do yoga every day like I used to.  And my hubs would have a better job where he would be much much happier, and I want that for him.

Thanks Internets!


  1. DONE! Good thoughts...prayers....good wishes....all that!

  2. Prayers set in motion! I think you should try to be a pharmaceutical representative. They hire attractive ppl. You should try the networking thing cause thats what its all about. (Who you know). Go Get em Drew!!!

  3. Oh wow! Sending all my good career-and-California related thoughts to him.

    If you move to Cali I might faint. I dream of living in the Bay Area one day.

    Soooo pre-excited for y'all.


  4. Funny. When you described your husbands ability to network I thought of one of Malcolm Gladwell's books...and then in the post below you mentioned a different one LOL. I think it is "Tipping Point" where he talks about people called "Connectors" who are like your husband.

    Good luck to both of you in the job search!

  5. Prayers, good wishes and sparkles!

  6. omg, I hope you move to California so we can hang out!

    Your friend,
    ; )

  7. Hi all!!! This is Desiree's networking hubby Drew... First I wanted to thank you all for being a sounding board and inspiration for my wife, it means the world to her. I know that I don't have all the tools in my arsenal to make a princess feel like a princess all-the-time and am thankful for folks like yourselves that help along the way. Second, thank you for all your well wishes, fairy dust, sparkles, prayers and thoughts on my big day; it went GREAT!!! I did have one interviewer ask me where the glitter came from so your sparkles definately came through ;-)

    Thank you for being such a positive part of our lives!


  8. Hi all!!! This is Desiree's networking hubby Drew... First I wanted to thank you all for being a sounding board and inspiration for my wife, it means the world to her. I know that I don't have all the tools in my arsenal to make a princess feel like a princess all-the-time and am thankful for folks like yourselves that help along the way. Second, thank you for all your well wishes, fairy dust, sparkles, prayers and thoughts on my big day; it went GREAT!!! I did have one interviewer ask me where the glitter came from so your sparkles definately came through ;-)

    Thank you for being such a positive part of our lives!



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You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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