Sunday, February 14, 2010


I have have an extremely hard past two days.  Hard, bad days.  Days where I haven't been able to stop crying.  Childhood and young adult wounds have been opened, causing all manner of pain and self-doubt to rush in.  Then I found this.

I like reading The Bloggess.  Some days she's so super funny - other days her 'look at me, I haven't taken my medication, look how crazy I am' can be a little much to bear.  But when she finds things like this, it makes me feel so much better.  And that is why she and the internet are so cool.


  1. Yes, that IS why the internet is (albeit a huge-arse time-sucker) ultimately cool. You can find pretty much anything here, whatever suits you.

    I'm sorry you've had a couple of bad, hard days. :-( Here to hoping things turn around soon.


When you leave me a comment, my phone chimes. I run to it from across the house, anxious to read what you've said. I save them in my email and read them multiple times a day, which is why you may not get an immediate response but I promise I eventually respond to every comment that has an email address.

You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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