We pulled in to my parent's driveway around nine pm, and after visiting with my parents for a bit we took Drew's parents to their hotel around the corner from the house. Drew and I were going to stay in my parents house! In my old bedroom! Granted, my mom had redone the upstairs so it didn't look like my bedroom anymore but still - I was going to sleep with a boy! In my old bedroom! Our house is three levels - the bottom level has the family room, second level is the living room and kitchen, and the third level is the bedrooms. When I was growing up, boys were only allowed on the second level of the house if they were in the kitchen and never EVER on the third level. This was going to be the first time that I was in my bedroom alone with a boy - never mind that I'm 34 and married. As Drew carried our luggage upstairs, all I could think was I'm about to sleep with a boy in my old bedroom!
We had a loose schedule while we were in town - my parents are very proud of their city, my dad especially and they wanted Drew's parents to see everything. Many times I had to tell my dad to slow down, that they didn't need to become intimately acquainted with every corner of Kansas City before they left!
But we couldn't escape Drew's work. He'd actually made an appointment to see a teaching facility while we were in KC and was going to go by himself to meet the guy. Absolutely not! "No one goes anywhere alone." Hey, I'm Mexican - we bring our aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and neighbors with us to the gas station around the corner! So we all piled in the van and went with Drew to see what he does at work.
His new job entails going to all the teaching facilities, whether they're hospitals or universities and teach the doctors how to use the new stuff that his company comes out with. It's actually pretty cool, and MCC just built a brand-new facility for their surgical tech program. The tech that met us was so nice and accommodating, since Drew brought his wife, her parents and his parents to their meeting!
The mock OR - those tvs and stuff on the left are from Drew's company
Snapping pictures while we wait for the guy to show up
Once the tech showed up (I can't remember his name. Robert??) he gave us a tour of the facility. He was so personable and I was fascinated by all the tools he was describing and the procedures that they teach their students. My dad had a ton of questions too and very quickly wanted to try out the equipment.
Drew and Robert explaining spinal fusion
Then we started playing with the instruments
Right before we got in trouble for playing with the instruments
Drew plugging in the camera - their big thing is removing gall bladders laproscopically.
They get in there and pull it out through your belly button!
It was so interesting to see what Drew does when he's gone from home five days a week. He was in his element and it made me proud to see him talking business and knowing his stuff! Me? I think I said "That's so cool!" about twenty times. I'm telling you, I'm fascinated by all things medical. He has since set up a course in Kansas City for the first part of June. If I'm not working by then, we'll get to come back and possibly spend a week there! I'm not counting on it, because I really hope to be working by then but it would be so nice to have a long visit to just hang out. My cousin just had a baby and I can't wait to get up there and see her!
Robert was such a nice guy to put up with us!
Once we left, we went down to the Plaza to have lunch. When I was younger, going to the Plaza was the height of class. The big fancy houses are over there and I remember we used to drive around on Sunday afternoons, making a wish in the fountain at Crown Center before going home. I was really happy to show Drew and his family where I used to live. For just a moment, it made me want to move back home - but then I remembered the blistering winter cold and I quickly snapped out of it.
At lunch, we discussed the particulars of the reception that was now only one day away!

I miss KC. Until I think of the cold. Being in south TX has spoiled me rotten.
ReplyDeletei had my gall bladder removed laproscopically through my belly button on new years eve. woo hoo! :)
ReplyDeleteI miss KC. Until I think of the cold. Being in south TX has spoiled me rotten.