Yet with all that said, we had a great time and it really felt like an honest to goodness wedding reception! I'd gotten a mani-pedi and a facial, I was so nervous I wanted to vomit, I only got one bite of our cake, I stood up almost the whole time and my little cousins were adorable running around in their cute dresses. The only thing that was missing was dancing - we had the reception at a restaurant so there really wasn't room.
During the reception, I took a moment to take it all in and just look around the room at our guests. That's when it hit me. All those people in that room were there for us - Drew, me and our families. They loved us and that's why they were there. In that moment, decorations, music and food were important but not paramount. We had simple bud vases with roses in them for our centerpieces. Our slideshow was shown on giant paper taped to the wall with painter's tape and it didn't matter. We shared that evening with people we loved, people who were important to us. When people love you, they don't care about the little stuff. And if they do, they shouldn't be at your reception. I was very stressed when we were getting married, and I had my ideas of how I wanted everything to go down, but looking back on everything I realize that it all happened just the way it was supposed to, reception included.
Drew and my father-in-love, while we were still setting up
We arrived early so that we could eat before all the guests got there. That was a genius move, even though I was so nervous I could only swallow about four bites and those I had to force down. I don't know why I was so nervous - after all, I knew all these people and they all loved us. Yet there I was, sitting down, standing up, sipping water, gulping wine, wringing my hands and being a general wreck.
Goofing off before it's time to get ready. Our hostess was freakin awesome!
She thought Drew was a riot, which only fed his silliness. Naturally.
The cake I didn't get to eat. The colors were to have been merlot, chardonnay and champagne. Or plum, ivory and gold. Close enough.
Then it was time to get ready.
Getting some more wear out of my $99 David's Bridal special!!
We went to the adjoining banquet room because my dad wanted to introduce us.
My brother came in to take pictures of my weird faces capture the moment.
I was so nervous, I couldn't even drink my water.
My brother did an amazing video for us. He's a computer/graphic design GENIUS.
I look like I'm about to vomit.
The banner he made for us.
While we were waiting to walk in, my cousin arrived. She looked like an angel!!
Soon enough, it was time to take our places outside our banquet room so my dad could introduce 'Mr. and Mrs. Pieprzyk.'
They were all clapping and smiling and it was all I could do not to faint.
I'm so glad Drew and I were holding hands.
From that moment, it was non-stop moving and greeting. It was a big room and I wanted to personally greet everyone there. I know there was at least one table I didn't get to, but I tried my hardest.
The kid on the left? Who's 20 years old?
I was there when he was born. His sister? Married with a baby.
Little kid, I used to babysit your mother.
I nearly cried when I saw Miss Dolly. She took care of me when I was three years old
at the Salvation Army daycare. It was an honor to see her there.
Miss Maddie came too. What I would give to have gotten a better shot.
This is once in a lifetime stuff.
Me and Dr. Jayaram, my childhood pediatrician
Brandi and her family came too! We've been friends since high school and
her daughter is the cutest best behaved baby EVER!
Brandi's hubby Adam is so super nice - I had so much fun at their wedding and
it was so cool to have them at mine!
And speaking of friends who have blogs...
Cori and her family came!
They were such good kids!
Cori's oldest was missing - I'm sure he didn't want to be around for lame picture-taking.
And speaking of babies...
Have you ever seen such baby angels?
My baby cousins
Gettin some love
Before it got too late, Drew and I got to cut cake once again.
I even got to have a wardrobe change!
Second cake cutting and he still didn't mush cake in my face!
Because candid photos are much more fun
As everyone started leaving, I was able to take more pictures.
My baby brother and me
My mommy and my baby brother - she ran around like a crazy person
making sure everything got taken care of.
I love my little mommy!!
My in-loves with my Aunt Mary
My cousins Lorena and Jayna
The girls just hangin out
The last picture of the evening - I finally surrendered my four-inch heels.
I stayed in them the whole night!!
It was so nice to leave all the clean-up to the restaurant people!. I was sad the reception was over but I sure was glad none of us had to worry about breaking things down and cleaning! We all said our good-byes, hugging and kissing everybody, promising that we'll all visit soon and piled in our cars to head home.
Back at the house, we played our slideshow again since we didn't have the opportunity to fully appreciate it at the reception. My brother did an impeccable job - it looked professionally done and I'm incredibly thankful to him. We sat in the living room and opened gifts and I was completely humbled. We didn't register and we expected nothing, yet our friends and family were so very generous! We got some wonderful gifts - Cori got us some wine from the local winery, in a basket with some awesome red and white dishtowels. They look wonderful rolled up in the basket, on display in the kitchen. Now we don't use the leftover hand towels that really belong in the bathroom! Brandi got us a beautiful acacia salad bowl set. I'm all about natural materials and it is stunning in its simplicity. I wish we had space to display them, but I'll settle for eating out of them!
As we finally laid down a little after midnight, I felt wrapped up in warm fuzzy feelings. My head was enclosed in a cocoon of happy memories. Wait - actually, that might have been the pollen because that night I got no sleep. Zero - I couldn't breathe at all. I tossed and turned the whole night - it's a miracle Drew was able to sleep. I intended to leave around noon the next day, but didn't end up leaving until five that evening because I didn't want to drive on no sleep whatsoever. The whole way home I was constantly blowing my nose. By the time I pulled into our driveway, I'd filled a grocery bag with tissues. Sexy, no? We were all in bad shape - both Drew and his poor mom had to fly with stuffy heads and poor Drew had to go straight to work in San Jose!
But it was all worth it - my parents put on a beautiful party and introducing my husband to the people I grew up with was priceless.
Completely and totally priceless.

Your family is so gorgeous. It's a blessing to have been able to have all of those people from your past be apart of your celebration, like your childhood pediatrician???? WOW, I can't even tell you who mine is.
ReplyDeletecongratulations to you guys and I wish you many more to celebrate!!!
Oh D, we had the best time! Thank you so much for including us. :) And I'm glad you liked th wine---it's an addiction of mine.
ReplyDeleteI hope things are going well. And please don't lose "hope". You know what I mean. This is going to be a good year for you. I am sure of it. You're a beautiful couple, and I look forward to seeing what God has in store for both of you.
Thanks for having us there Des! I love you Monkee and I was soooo glad to be able to share in your happy day. Drew is a lucky man and I love that he makes you happy. You two are super cute together. I second what Cori said. Don't give up hope. Congratulations on your beautiful wedding and your wonderful husband. Adam and I wish you many years of happiness, love, and comfort in each others arms. There you'll find stregth.
ReplyDeleteLove, Brandi