Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week-end Update

The audacity! The gall! The nerve! I actually had to work on Friday. They're having a conference next week and I got stuck (pun intended) putting stickers on 350 folders for the event. I spent the entire day doing it, which meant no websurfing or blogging! I was not happy and this is a negative indication for my growing addiction to blogging and reading other people's blogs. I missed y'all! So, for the update.

Thursday was a snow day for me and I didn't have to go in - which is hilarious. I grew up in Kansas, where they didn't shut anything down unless there were multiple feet of snow on the ground. But here in Dallas, they shut it down for a dusting of ice. With everyone used to the warm weather here, they go bonkers if there's even the slightest temperature drop. It was fun though - I'd forgotten how much fun snow days are! Drew stayed home too, although he had to work remotely.

Well, we've got a house! I'll post pictures soon, but we got ourselves a townhouse in the city! I'm growing excited about it, but I'm super apprehensive because it's somuch money. I didn't realize how much you have to spend when purchasing a home and it's enough to make me sick to my stomach. But it's a great place in an awesome location and Thursday we went over there again to check it out. We drove around the neighborhood and everything we could possibly need is within a three mile radius from us. It's exactly how I like it - I'm not down with driving for ten minutes just to get to the grocery store. We move February 20, so the countdown has sort of begun. I'm not really keeping track because the thought still makes me nervous.

This is such a big-girl step and I know that's what's making me nervous. I like the temporality of apartment-living. The longest you have to commit is a year and I'm cool with that. With this house, it's three years at the least. Drew's going to go ahead and get his MBA, which keeps us here in Dallas for at least two and a half years since the program won't start till August. I'm okay with that, but I just always thought that we'd be married before we got a house. On the plus side, when I shared my concerns with him, he really listened and didn't get offended or call me negative or anything. Good job baby!!

Anyway, tonight we're having a dinner party for him because his birthday is New Year's Eve and while that's fun, you get shafted out of having your own day. So I wanted him to have a day where he's the only one celebrated. Pictures from that will probably come on Monday, as all the executives and their admins will be at that conference. And I can get back to blogging and websurfing. :-)

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