Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back from the dead (sort of)

Would you believe I'm still sick?!?  This is for the birds!  I've never been this sick for this long in my life!  I laid on the sofa all day Saturday and Sunday and still called in to work yesterday.  Now, let's face it - being a receptionist is easy and there's really no reason to call in sick ever so it had to be really bad, which it was.  There are medicines I can take and I've taken them all but since pregnancy changes your body chemistry, even the plain stuff doesn't work the same.  Usually Benadryl puts me to sleep and I was counting on that since I haven't had a good night's sleep in over a week.  Ha!  I took a Benadryl and was up every two hours because I was so wired.  Plain Tylenol had me breaking out in sweats.  Plain Sudafed gave me medicine head so bad I didn't want to take it again.  Plain Mucinex produced truly impressive quantities of snot - I went through an entire roll of toilet paper that night I was up every two hours.  Then came the low-grade fever with the chills - this whole business is just not fun.  Not fun at all.

But there were two shining points.  One, my little baby has kicked me non-stop this whole time I've been sick.  I've been so worried because I haven't had an appetite and I've been eating less than I normally do.  I've been trying to force-feed myself as often as possible but it hasn't been easy between my inability to smell/taste anything and eating isn't very conducive to breathing since mouth-breathing is all I can manage right now - hot, right?  The steam facials work for the fifteen minutes that I'm actually doing them and then I get stuffed up again but they do work.  I just wish I could do them all the time.

The other shining point?  The bright sun in this horribly crappy crap?  My Prince Charming, my angel, my dear darling husband!

Damn Desiree, what did this man do?

Y'all - he cleaned the house.  Front to back.  Top to bottom.  He cleaned the house!

I could cry all over again just thinking about it.  All last week, it took everything I had to simply drag my ass to work.  I was fully confident that by the weekend I would be back to my old self and everything would be fine.  Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.  Drew came home Friday and I was no better.  Saturdays are usually my cleaning days and when I woke up feeling worse, I started to get worried.  I didn't directly ask him to clean but I was so scared that he was going to leave everything for me to do once I felt better.  But I couldn't even muster the strength to voice my concern.  So I slept - all day Saturday.  By Sunday, laying down was starting to hurt so I moved to the sofa and set up shop with my pillows and blankets.  I was dozing off and on when I heard the most glorious sound in the world.

He was vaccuuming.

Soon after, another angel joined the choir:  the dishwasher!  I could have wept with joy - in fact, a tear or two may have escaped.  He swept and steam-cleaned the whole house, took out the garbage and the recycling, and even did the laundry!  And I'm talking he moved stuff out of the way to fully sweep - he got under the sofa and pushed out all of Maya's chewies and all the dust bunnies.  He did it all - so I wouldn't have to!

And he went to the grocery store, made two dinners, went to the pharmacy three times for me AND checked on me the whole time.  Now, I know y'all can feel me on this one.  You know when you feel so bad that the thought of chores or even leaving the house makes you just want to cry?  To where you'd give anything, anything in the world if someone would just come mop your floors?  That was me.  And to hear the angelsong of appliances whirring and sweeping and general cleaning, well that was enough to make me want to dance and sing - if I could have stopped coughing and snotting long enough.

Once the house was safely sparkly clean, I confessed that I was scared he was going to leave the cleaning to me.  "Oh I definitely thought about it.  But then again, you're really sick."

I can live with that - it's okay to contemplate doing the wrong thing, as long as you end up doing the right thing.  And thank the baby Jesus, my husband did the right thing and our house is nice and clean.  I'm just hoping that I'm better by this Saturday because while he's an angel, my hubs is still a man and I know better than to expect a repeat performance two weekends in a row.

But it sure is nice having a clean house - especially when I didn't have to do it.  Thank you baby!


  1. Go Drew!! Hope you get all the way better really soon.

  2. Oh bless that hubby's heart! YAY Drew! :) I seriously hope you feel better REALLY soon though!!

  3. Wow, that is an inspiring story. I'm so glad you are loved. Get better soon!

  4. Drew gets an A for husbandry!!!! Good job!!!!!

    I hope you feel better chica.

  5. Awww, way to step up to the plate, Drew! What a great hubby! #TeamDrew

  6. That was really good of him. Being sick and pregnant are the worst. I caught a cold the week I went into labor. It was no fun.

    Hope you feel better soon

  7. You are most welcome baby!!!

    Disclaimer: I will be out of town next weekend on business so a repeat performance is not feasible... however I will make sure there are plenty of meals in the fridge for you to reheat and not lapse into your Pasta Roni ways... YOU ARE EATING FOR TWO

  8. Does he want to come to my house next?!? ;)


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