Friday, January 7, 2011

The Girlfriend Fairy

Dude, can y'all tell when I write about one thing when I really want to write about something else?  Am I that transparent?  Because I have had something rolling around my brain but I hadn't quite figured out how to address my point.  I blame you if this comes out all wrong, Anonymous.  Kidding kidding.  I don't mind being called out.  Anyway...

One of my favorite bloggers wrote a post a while back and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I read it.  This blogger is an amazing writer and I love her honesty and her words always jump off the page, almost to where you feel like you know her.  Of course, we can only ever know a blogger as well as they permit us to know them, but she's a pretty good open book and what I've read is awesome and that is one girl I'd like to have lunch with.

The post is worth a read, but if you don't read it, the gist is that she made lists:  one very specific detailing what she's looking for in a man and the other what she's wanting out of the upcoming year.  The list about the man caught my attention the most because my own Hubs has a lot of the things on her list.  In fact, hold please - going to re-read the list.


Of the 18 things on her list, Drew has/is 12 of them.  I read her list and was like that's Drew!

Then I got to thinking about my life and my own relationship and I wanted to ask her and now you.  Say you get all that stuff - what are you willing to put up with to get it?  So often, we think of the good qualities in a person and we don't spend a lot of time dwelling on the bad.  Which is as it should be, because none of us would ever dare get into a relationship if we spent too much time thinking about the bad stuff.

However, that's life.  You may find a man who is well-educated, motivated and comes from a good family and wants boatloads of kids but (speaking only for myself) that does not make it any more ok that he's addicted to video games.

And before I go further, remember I am talking about me and my life and what doesn't work for me.  So if your man is all about the video games, or sports or whatever else, put down the stones.  I'm not talking about you.  I don't even know anyone whose husband is addicted to video games.

We all daydream about what we want in a mate or even a job (second biggest chunk of your time.)  But we rarely think about what are we willing to put up with or even give in order to receive what we want.

I remember when I was a kid, my mother used to yell at my dad constantly about shaving in the sink because he would never rinse it out when he was done and it drove her nuts.  A little thing, but those little things day in and day out are enough to make you temporarily forget all the great things.  My dad has never ran the streets, she always knew where he was, he always did his best to provide for us, but many a time the walls would shake with my mom yelling "Cliiiiiiinnnnt! Your hairs are in the sink again!!!!!!"  I'd hear married girlfriends gripe and I found myself internally rolling my eyes, wondering why they were nitpicking over such dumb stuff.

Only now that I'm married do I get it.  The shit gets on your nerves.

Rather than outline all my husband's faults (because that's unnecessary), he's got them.  We all do.  I'm pretty, I'm well-educated, I come from a good family, I want children, and I like to keep the house clean.  But I have a teensy itty-bitty tiny bit of an anger issue.  Betcha Drew didn't put that on his list!

Dear Girlfriend Fairy,
Please send me a girlfriend with big boobs and long hair that comes from a good family and will be a good mother.  Oh also, can she throw things at my head when she's mad at me and throw my clothes on the lawn when we're fighting?  Thank you Girlfriend Fairy.

Somehow I just don't think that's how it went for him. 

We don't pray to the Boyfriend Fairy to send us a tall dark and handsome man that will also spend every. godblessed. Sunday on the sofa in front of whatever game is on.  Or one who flat-out refuses to do the dishes.  Or one who always forgets birthdays and anniversaries.

But what if that very same guy loves you to pieces and is devoted to you and does everything right in every other area?  Could you do it?  Think right now about the grossest thing a guy could do or the thing that gets under your skin the most and pair that with your version of Prince Charming.

For me it's spitting (and I've already talked about it so it's okay.)  My motivated, well-educated, comes from a good family, wants kids, handsome husband spits when he brushes his teeth.  The hock-a-loogie spits.  Every time.  And it makes my skin crawl every time.  A little thing yes, but mutiply two, sometimes three times a day by 365 days by three years and that's a whole lotta spitting.  It's not a deal-breaker and I will love him until the end of his loogie-spitting days because it is what it is. 

Prince Charming spits.

Princess Charming will take all your clothes out of your closet and dressers and make a huge mess when she's pissed.

But let's end on a light note - without putting your significant others on blast, what's the grossest thing you would or do put up with in the name of love?

What would your letter to the Boyfriend or Girlfriend Fairy look like?


  1. Chewing tobacco. I hate it. It's a disgusting habit, and my husband has absolutely zero desire to quit. Ew!

  2. Desiree is back! Thanks for the great read.

  3. Ok anon, you have to play too. What's your thing?

  4. @anon1... as I am an anonymous reader most days, I find it cowardly for @anonWHATEVER to call out courageous bloggers content choices as these people are putting themselves out there, sunshine or rain, for the world to see. Their content choice is at their creative whim, not that of the general blog reader community.

    If you want a vote, go back to Dancing With The Stars re-runs on your laptop or some other sad excuse for reality and leave real-life to it's own natural path: not always entertaining...

    Or, let us know when you right a blog for 365 straight with no down days!!!

    Now, just for everyone's PURE entertainment we'll have the Scooby Doo ending...

    Zoinks! It was random ANONYMOUS person, the vicarious blog consumer with no contribution.

    Anonymous said... "And I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling Agent S and that darn dog, Maya!

    Thanks to all of those who acknowledge Desiree's courage and willingness to tell it as it is, on her own time as we all process things differently. Your support, even you ANONYMOUS, of my wife through the rain has been inspiring to me, the spitter!!!

  5. I have a joke with a friend about my boyfriend fairy (I sense a long post a-comin, sorry in advance lol)

    GG- "Mylightskin-did husband will have perfectly maintained dreadlocks, be at least 6'3. have a six pack, play the guitar (and have the magical ability to play said guitar with his six pack)and might have a sligh resemblance to a young Gary Dourdan in the "Again" video by Janet Jackson".
    See video for reference.

    mmm mmm mmm *licks lips lasciviously*

    Of course, I'm slightly mocking what I call the "Tyler Perry model" where a beautiful yet victimized black woman is in a horrible relationship with dark-skindid dude who probably has money, and yet with the magic combo of Jesus and light skindid, god-fearing blue collar shemar moore look a like, Everything is good lol.

    In all seriousness...honestly. I dont have a boyfriend model. Me and my best friend Adryen were talking lately...she about her relationship with God and me about my relationship with myself. And males make me tired. In the 4 or 5 years I have been dating,I have been flirting with someone, fightign with someone, in lust with someone, dating someone, heartbroken over someone or recovering from some heartbreak. This is my youth. I don't want to be so tired. So instead of looking to other people, i.e. males to be Knights in Sagging Denim, I want me so badly. I want to improve in yoga and pilates to teach one day, I want to pick a martial art, i want to travel and work on my french, i want to learn spanish and japanese. I want to write books. I want to play my guitar and piano. I want to do a food tour of the country. I want to graduate magna summa super duper cum laude. I want to stop staying in on friday nights cause I'm lazy (though i did enjoy lunch with a friend and movies with my mommy)..and I dont think I can make that happen writing lists of men. I want to meet a man and not be nervous cause i want him to like me badly, or be nervous cause he likes me too much and all i want is friendship. I want to value men for who they are and not their potential meaning to me. So I guess for right now, the boyfriend fairy is on vacation- he deserves it. Why do you think we write to Boyfriend/Girlfriend faries??

  6. Oh and did you write to a Desiree fairy when you were my age?

  7. Man I really needed to read that. I feel like I can't turn my bitch off lately. I'm nagging and always angry about the little things my significant other does when I should be letting them roll off my back.

  8. Ha! Oh I love you lady! Thank you for all the kind words!!

    As far as what I'm willing to put up with if I got everything else on my list?!? Shoot... who knows? So hard to call, because the truth is I'm relationship inept and I have a hard time putting up with much of anything in most of my relationships! Ha! I am a girl who has worked FAR too hard on being independent... I'm going to have to work on my ability to take the good with the bad I think. Even if it means dealing with a spitter... ICK! :)

  9. The dishes NEVER. Ever. EVER. make it into the dishwasher. They could be rooms away, or 3 millimeters from making it in, but I still have to put them in. I don't say anything though, because without me asking him to, he has put together Baby O's crib, glider, refinished a dresser, and taken out the trash since the day we found out there would be a baby. You are right--some things are not worth bringing up. Especially because I am a pouter and he never says anything about it. I am a terrible, childish pouter when some things don't go my way.

    PS- I actually enjoyed the posting on the tanker. It did make me laugh! AND- dresses are on sale at Destination Maternity! I just got mine for my shower for $30:)

  10. Um. Jake. Is. A. Video. Game. Addict. LOL.

  11. Mine is a video game addict as well, but he is not loud about it.

  12. My husband does this thing where he 'hocks-a-loogie' but DON'T spit! When I give him the stink eye he says 'Nothing came out, why should I spit?". It could be true that nothing comes out because he's a smoker (another thing I put up with) and they usually have tingly throats, but geez man! Love him to bits though.

  13. I am so glad you wrote this! I have a very similar post in the works! It's something (as an engaged lady) I have been thinking about a lot. I also have a friend who is having some relationship trouble....her man is great on paper and has some amazing qualities but is SUPER religious and she is SUPER not. They fight about it constantly and I keep tell her that they need to figure out what they can change about themselves, what they're not willing to change, what they're willing to accept about each other and what they're not.

  14. My husband:
    -uses too much soap and laundry detergent
    -hates leftovers which means he wastes leftovers
    -addicted to football season

    But he is just about everything I wanted on the spouse fairy (?) list so we're good :-)

    *raises the roof to Drew's comment*


  15. i could write a BOOK about this subject. lol. love my honey to death, but if the houston rockets are playing, forget it! he won't be doing anything else around the house until the game is over. did i mention they play like 3-4 games a week?

    he does have a lot of good qualities that balance this out, but DANG is it annoying! i try to remind myself that it's not all cotton candy and rainbows being married to me either.

  16. My husband:
    -uses too much soap and laundry detergent
    -hates leftovers which means he wastes leftovers
    -addicted to football season

    But he is just about everything I wanted on the spouse fairy (?) list so we're good :-)

    *raises the roof to Drew's comment*


  17. My husband does this thing where he 'hocks-a-loogie' but DON'T spit! When I give him the stink eye he says 'Nothing came out, why should I spit?". It could be true that nothing comes out because he's a smoker (another thing I put up with) and they usually have tingly throats, but geez man! Love him to bits though.

  18. @anon1... as I am an anonymous reader most days, I find it cowardly for @anonWHATEVER to call out courageous bloggers content choices as these people are putting themselves out there, sunshine or rain, for the world to see. Their content choice is at their creative whim, not that of the general blog reader community.

    If you want a vote, go back to Dancing With The Stars re-runs on your laptop or some other sad excuse for reality and leave real-life to it's own natural path: not always entertaining...

    Or, let us know when you right a blog for 365 straight with no down days!!!

    Now, just for everyone's PURE entertainment we'll have the Scooby Doo ending...

    Zoinks! It was random ANONYMOUS person, the vicarious blog consumer with no contribution.

    Anonymous said... "And I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling Agent S and that darn dog, Maya!

    Thanks to all of those who acknowledge Desiree's courage and willingness to tell it as it is, on her own time as we all process things differently. Your support, even you ANONYMOUS, of my wife through the rain has been inspiring to me, the spitter!!!

  19. I have a joke with a friend about my boyfriend fairy (I sense a long post a-comin, sorry in advance lol)

    GG- "Mylightskin-did husband will have perfectly maintained dreadlocks, be at least 6'3. have a six pack, play the guitar (and have the magical ability to play said guitar with his six pack)and might have a sligh resemblance to a young Gary Dourdan in the "Again" video by Janet Jackson".
    See video for reference.

    mmm mmm mmm *licks lips lasciviously*

    Of course, I'm slightly mocking what I call the "Tyler Perry model" where a beautiful yet victimized black woman is in a horrible relationship with dark-skindid dude who probably has money, and yet with the magic combo of Jesus and light skindid, god-fearing blue collar shemar moore look a like, Everything is good lol.

    In all seriousness...honestly. I dont have a boyfriend model. Me and my best friend Adryen were talking lately...she about her relationship with God and me about my relationship with myself. And males make me tired. In the 4 or 5 years I have been dating,I have been flirting with someone, fightign with someone, in lust with someone, dating someone, heartbroken over someone or recovering from some heartbreak. This is my youth. I don't want to be so tired. So instead of looking to other people, i.e. males to be Knights in Sagging Denim, I want me so badly. I want to improve in yoga and pilates to teach one day, I want to pick a martial art, i want to travel and work on my french, i want to learn spanish and japanese. I want to write books. I want to play my guitar and piano. I want to do a food tour of the country. I want to graduate magna summa super duper cum laude. I want to stop staying in on friday nights cause I'm lazy (though i did enjoy lunch with a friend and movies with my mommy)..and I dont think I can make that happen writing lists of men. I want to meet a man and not be nervous cause i want him to like me badly, or be nervous cause he likes me too much and all i want is friendship. I want to value men for who they are and not their potential meaning to me. So I guess for right now, the boyfriend fairy is on vacation- he deserves it. Why do you think we write to Boyfriend/Girlfriend faries??


When you leave me a comment, my phone chimes. I run to it from across the house, anxious to read what you've said. I save them in my email and read them multiple times a day, which is why you may not get an immediate response but I promise I eventually respond to every comment that has an email address.

You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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