Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The last 100 days

I was going to be clever and post this when I actually had 100 days left to this pregnancy.  But I missed the date.  And I'm near positive I'm not going to my due date so I had less than 100 days before the actual 100 days mark.  So the title of this post doesn't work at all, but it sounds very profound, like it should have an echo behind it or something so I'm leaving it.  When you read this to yourself, please provide the echo and the forceful male announcer voice.  Thank you.

You know what this is?

These are the baby shower invitations that are going out today.  I just finished addressing them and they are in the mailbox as I type this.  I'm surprised I can actually type this because I'm freaking out.

We had our hospital tour last week.

I did my pre-admission paperwork at the hospital today.

I had my glucose tolerance test today - the one you take right before you enter the third trimester.  

The baby shower invites are gone.  They're mailed.  I can't recall them.  

People, other people, are now going to prepare for a baby.  It's not just me and Drew anymore.  There will soon be a date on other people's calendars - for my baby.  I'm freaking out.

Right after my doctor took my heart tones this morning, the baby gave a big whopper kick that we both saw.  She said, "Huh, she must not like me messing with her."  I'd like to think it was a 'hello, I'm still here' kick.  

I wasn't nervous about the nursery decorations, but the baby shower invites just about sent me over the edge.  I bit Drew's head off last night because I couldn't get the printer to work and I was messing up the invitations, but I couldn't articulate that it wasn't the invitations themselves.  It's never that thing in that moment, is it.  

What if it goes south and we have to cancel?  When people RSVP to my mother, what if she has to tell them that actually, there won't be a shower?  I've ordered decorations, I've purchased favors for our guests, I have the list of food sitting on my desk and I'm nervous to place the actual order.  

Drew and I were so naive - when we found out the first time I immediately called the childbirth class lady and inquired about openings.  I happily sent my deposit to hold our spot in class and I remember the day I had to call and ask for it back because we'd lost the baby.  It was terrible.  Of course, she understood - she'd had three miscarriages of her own so she was very sympathetic but I remember that feeling.

I'm telling myself that I have to shake this - I have to attract positive energy to me all the time.  Every day I say to myself my daughter will live.  I will hold my healthy daughter in my arms on her birth day.  I am excited to meet my daughter.  My daughter will live.  We're all making it through this alive.  Every day I listen to my Positive Pregnancy Affirmations from my Hypnobabies.

There's just something so real about sending out invitations to a baby shower, about scheduling maternity photos.  The same thing happened with the photographer.  I didn't have anything on the books with her but she took our wedding photos so she knew that I was pregnant when we got married.  I emailed her that we lost it before she had a chance to ask and feel awkward but this time I boldly scheduled a maternity shoot with her on Feb. 19th.  

It's happening.  Baby showers, pictures, maternity leave, the waddling.  Yes, I've started waddling.  I swore to myself I wouldn't waddle but some days my hip joints feel like I have jello in them and I swear waddling makes me feel more steady on my feet.  It makes no sense but I've given in to the waddle.  It's not every day and it's not horrible (is what I tell myself) but I waddle.

I'm trying to stay positive and get excited and focus on the good things.  I just can't help but be afraid to let myself want this, to publicly declare to the world that I'm going to have a baby, even though my belly is kind of doing that for me.  I still check every morning that it's still there, nice and round.  I don't dwell on the negative and most of the time I smile.  It was just something about sending out those baby shower invites that sort of shook me.

I can do this.  I'm going to have real live baby and we're going to have a party to celebrate that.
Fear won't take this away from me.  That's why I got the tattoo, right?  So I could remember and be comforted?

I have less than 100 days left.  I, no, WE will make it to the finish line.  All of us.  ALIVE.


  1. I am standing right here waiting for the day I get to rejoice with the 3 of you--you, Drew, Agent S! Definitely going to be a dance party going on!!!

  2. I had a lot of fears with my last pregnancy. I would go to sleep every night scared out of my wits. Here's what I did. Following in the lines of my Hypnobabies preparations and positive affirmations.

    I wrote down every single one of my fears. Then went back over them and changed them for the positive.
    So every fear I had, instead became a positive affirmation. It really helped me address my fears, and then "attack" them with positivity.

    My prayers are with you. I've had two miscarriages myself. While it's non-uncommon it can be devastating none the less.
    You're almost there! I haven't been online much lately, but I do frequent your page. You're a gorgeous preggo and I can't wait to finally see that update that gushes about your new babe!

  3. Look at all the fun things happening for you 3! Thank you for mentioning 100 days...I just checked and today is my "100 days" mark that I never would have thought about!

    How was the glucose test? I have it Thursday, along with the last ultrasound and to see if I need a C-section (eek!)

    Reading your fears and seeing that you are, believe it or not, turning them around into hopes, is reassuring. I am right after you in each step, so it is so nice to have someone positive to follow! I LOVE the shade of pink for the invites. Will you document all the fun details of the shower for us in pictures? I learned how to make a diaper cake this weekend if you want to know!

    Everything is going well and I hope you can stay as positive as you are today. Hope you don't mind, I might use the idea of -100 days in a post now:o)

  4. I have moments when I think I should really start freaking out or something. I still haven't really digested the reality that I am going to have another baby in what--4-6 weeks or so? Crazy!!! Your post reminds me that I need to plan & schedule a blessingway thing before it gets too late. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

  5. You are so wicked you know that!

  6. I don't comment often but you guys stay in my prayers. I just wanted you to know that even if we don't tell you, we're praying for you. You're gonna make it.!

  7. You got this, yo!!! You're gonna be an awesome mama and I'm here to cheer you on every step of the way!!

  8. I can't believe you're here! In the final stretch!! It's going to fly by friend! And it's going to be an amazing 100 days, followed by an even more amazing life! :)

  9. I got my invite in the mail a couple of days ago! I'll be calling your mommy tomorrow to RSVP. Can't wait to see you girl!!! And I can't wait to meet that little munchkin you're carrying. Despite the distance, I know that Agent S and my little peanut will be the best of friends! :) See ya in Feb!

  10. i got a lump in my throat reading this and i wish i could give you a big ol' hug. this virtual one will have to do: {{{{D+ Agent S}}}}

    praying SO hard for you guys!

  11. Look at all the fun things happening for you 3! Thank you for mentioning 100 days...I just checked and today is my "100 days" mark that I never would have thought about!

    How was the glucose test? I have it Thursday, along with the last ultrasound and to see if I need a C-section (eek!)

    Reading your fears and seeing that you are, believe it or not, turning them around into hopes, is reassuring. I am right after you in each step, so it is so nice to have someone positive to follow! I LOVE the shade of pink for the invites. Will you document all the fun details of the shower for us in pictures? I learned how to make a diaper cake this weekend if you want to know!

    Everything is going well and I hope you can stay as positive as you are today. Hope you don't mind, I might use the idea of -100 days in a post now:o)


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You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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