Thursday, January 13, 2011

When is a post not a post?

When your head is full of crud and you're coughing and sneezing and blowing your nose and you can't take Nyquil and have a better morning.  Or however the commercial goes.  I have AppleTV - I only see commercials in hotel rooms when we travel and I'm not missing anything.

However, my brain is full of thoughts as well as mucus so something's got to go.  The mucus is being asshole-ish and all nah, I'm cool.  I think I'm going to stay awhile.  So the thoughts have to go.  Be warned:  I'm bitchy right now.
  • We drop our drycleaning off at a place that's a block away from my work.  You can put your credit card on file and they have drive-up service so I love them.  I checked the bank account Monday morning and we'd already been charged for the clothes so like a rational person I assumed the clothes were ready since they already took our money. Wrong!  Hey guess what, drycleaners!  You take my money, y'all betta have my clothes ready!  However, I'm sick so my bitch-voice is not as effective.  
  • I may have found a Sherwin Williams color close to the wall color in the nursery.  However, I can't be sure since I have yet to see the color in daylight.  Thanks to winter, it's still dark when I leave the house and dark when I come home so I can't be 100% sure.  Hopefully they sell samples and I'll cross my fingers and hope it works.  
  • I really can't stand when people talk to me like they know my job better than I do.  And I'm just about done with arrogant new hires.  Whenever I'm the new kid, I hang back and observe and do my best not to piss people off.  I'm super glad you were King Shit at your old job but this is a new game homie.  Don't piss off the sick pregnant receptionist - that's a rule.  I give people one chance to be stupid and three dudes have run out of chances with me today.
But there is some nice stuff swirling around my head too.

  • Maya was being extra cuddly this morning and we spent about ten minutes in bed while I rubbed her belly and her tongue just flopped out with pure contentment.  I wish someone was there to see it, but then again I was happy it was just the two of us.  It was our bonding time.  Cesar Millan says you don't get the dog you want, you get the dog you need and I think he's right.  My big ol beast suits me just fine. 
  • I feel better about the baby shower invites and I'm getting excited about people receiving them.  My mom and my cousin are helping so much with the shower and I've been looking all over the internet for thank-you gifts for them.  It has to be perfect.
  • Not that I'm completely over my fear - it's just transferred itself to the baby registry.  We didn't register when we got married and I feel weird making a list of things I want people to buy me, I mean the baby, but whatever.  It feels weird.  This means I'm going to get nothing but newborn pink onesies.  F.  There's a place on the registry where you can leave a note for people looking at it.  I would never be so rude but I really just want to put Thank you so much for thinking of me but I'm freaked out about having to return this stuff if my baby dies so can you just get me a gift card so I don't have to look at a stroller I may not get to use?  A gift card I can put in a drawer and forget about.  
  • I know I have to stop thinking like that.  I'm trying.  It's not easy.
  • I feel like I'm getting to know the baby.  She's got patterns of activity and quiet.  Thankfully, the quiet times are few and far between.  Even though the kicks are stronger and now she's rubbing her knees across my belly and that's extra odd-feeling, I love it all.  I feel like she knows I need her to move lots and she obliges.  Although I can't tell if she likes or hates peanut butter, but I'm craving it and whenever I eat it she kicks in high-gear.  I hope she likes it.  
  • I figure it's her knees because she's head down and the movement is right where knees should be.  The lower ones are punches and I don't get those as often, which is nice.  She's not a rude baby, punching her mom in the cervix.
  • This is why it's hard to stop thinking about losing her.  I'm sliding down the slope of getting attached to my baby, like for real for real.  I daydream about her, about reading to her, singing songs with her, teaching her about boys, doing her hair, playing dress-up, teaching her baby yoga, and if I don't get to do any of that I may just .......I don't even know.  I'm falling in love and it's so freaking scary.
  • Drew's been gone all week and I can't wait for him to come home tomorrow.  He was home for three weeks in a row over the holidays and it was really nice.  The first night he's gone is always the hardest and the last night before he comes home seems to drag.
  • I made spaghetti with meat sauce last night and I added dried oregano and basil from our garden.  It was really good and easy!  I'm getting more and more confident about this cooking thing - just in time to spend another $50,000 at the grocery store.
  • I can't imagine cooking and grocery shopping for more than the two of us.  I get so annoyed when we run out of things because I really hate going to the store for one or two things.  I told Drew he needs to stop eating three times a day when he's home.
  • I'm not lactose intolerant right now, isn't that so weird!  In honor of that, we have real milk and cheese in the house (well, not right now because I have to go to the store) and I think we went through a half gallon in a couple of days.  Real milk is good!  
  • It's almost go-home time!  I made it through another day!
Thanks for letting me dump y'all!


  1. Oh Oh Oh, Try a steam facial. Boil a bowl of water (microwave - 10 minutes)...I usually put tea or something in too and eat a bowl of soup it and clears me right up. When I'm not preggers, I add Vicks vapor rub - I'm not sure if it's pregnancy safe or not - but it works even better. Oh by the way, I am preggers again...i wonder if that cured my PPD :) - well that and the lovely email of course.

  2. Congrats on the new baby! Yay for you! And I'll totally try the steam facial tonight - I'm desperate, I'll do anything for a nice deep breath! :-)

  3. LOL I've been having some of those same thoughts regarding work. UGH. Being an admin/receptionist is NOT easy. Seriously.

    I am loving that you're falling in love. It's making my heart melt. I can't wait for the baby photo overload. :)

  4. listen to me: YOUR BABY IS ALIVE, and *WILL* not die. K?

    I mean, she'll likely die when she's old and gray--but you will be dead then and it that's just the circle of life.


    The end.

  5. Love reading your random thoughts of the day. I hope you feel better girl.

    Don't be too nervous about your gift preferences... when it gets to that time for me, I'm thinking about requesting practical gifts (diapers, lotions, etc.). ENOUGH of those cutsy clothes.

  6. Aw D - I hate that you have been feeling like poo :( I can't imagine how horrible that must be not being able to take anything!? Hoping you feel better & SOON!!!

    Oh - got the shower invite today. It is beautiful & adorable & elegant. LOVE IT & can't wait to be able to see you :)

    Hugs - HT

  7. I second the steam facial!! It will loosen more yucky stuff out of your nose, you won't believe it! It's gross, the nastiness that just drips out after a few minutes...but it works and an added bonus is how great your skin will feel. Boil water, put it in a bowl, put your face over the steam coming up from the bowl and a towel over your head and around the bowl. It's like hot boxing yourself, but it really will help!

    And....lastly, thank you for very much for sharing!! Rallying for your little family big time!!

  8. I laughed at 90% of this. We are so alike when we're feeling manic. Thoughts just swirling inside of your head have to come out! Now I'm all scared to buy you pink onesies. LOL :) For what it's worth, I have worried about my children dying since thier only gets worse after they're born. I can no longer watch sad movies or hear sad stories. Stories that involve a child being hurt or killed can send me straight to bed. I can't cope. I'm not telling you this to scare you, just to say that you're normal. And also, that these feelings may stick around. Uh, did you know that all three of my kids slept ON MY CHEST until they were two months old?! Safe? No. But I thought I could keep SIDS at bay that way. Once they left my chest, they slept on a Bebe monitor that alarmed if it did not detect movement for 30 sec. The 3 or 4 times they rolled off that mat, and set off that alarm, aged me 10 years. You're going to be a great mom, D. Can't wait for the shower. Love ya lots.

  9. Oh Desiree! I hope you fee better soon! Postive thoughts are always harder to think than the negative ones, but you're doing great!

  10. I can understand how you feel. When it took me forever to get pregnant and I finally did, all I could think about was a negative outcome. I relished every time he kicked me, or punched me, or danced on my cervix... It all goes away when they are born. I promise. Then you can freak out about getting peed on. Enjoy your shower

  11. Wishing you the best. Steam bath for your face is always good. I put some tea tree oil (or mint) in the water (works like vapor rub). Also if you do go to the store, try making tea with a large chunk of smashed ginger. Just boil the ginger in the water until it smells strong then pour into a cup and add some lemon and honey, works so well. I think it is yummy, but my husband won't go near the stuff.

  12. Of course you should check w/your OB first but mine said that dayquil and tylenol cold (but no pseduopherine - spelled wrong I'm sure) were safe while preggers. I was surprised because I'm pregnant w/baby #2 and I don't recall this being on the list while being pregnant w/numero uno. (Side note that was totally 4+ years ago so baby brain really has gotten to me). They also said benedryl (but I forget the dose) was safe.

    In short call the doc if you haven't and you may get some relief.

  13. Hey!
    I'm a new reader (not REALLY, but new commenter)...
    It's time to stop think about about this baby dieing. She kicks you EVERYDAY. She's breathing. She's thinking. She's ready to be here, even if you're not ready for her to be. I haven't met her but I'm not sure she appreciates being underestimated like this! However I understand completely the anxiety you must be feeling, but girl, FAITH is stronger. Remember that :)

    Have a Blessed Day,

  14. Kya,
    You're totally right. My daughter is a bad-ass and definitely would not take kindly to me or anyone else thinking she's a weakling. She means business with her ninja kicks and it's time I reckanized!

    Thanks for the reminder and thanks for commenting! See, it didn't hurt at all!

  15. such a sweet post. we're all praying for you girl. can't wait for you to have the happiness that you've wanted for so long!

  16. Hey!
    I'm a new reader (not REALLY, but new commenter)...
    It's time to stop think about about this baby dieing. She kicks you EVERYDAY. She's breathing. She's thinking. She's ready to be here, even if you're not ready for her to be. I haven't met her but I'm not sure she appreciates being underestimated like this! However I understand completely the anxiety you must be feeling, but girl, FAITH is stronger. Remember that :)

    Have a Blessed Day,

  17. Congrats on the new baby! Yay for you! And I'll totally try the steam facial tonight - I'm desperate, I'll do anything for a nice deep breath! :-)


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