Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Be better, be smarter than me. Please.

Learn from me y'all, because I'm about to tell you about one of my finer 'dumb Desiree' moments.

We're trying to get big stuff done for the house before the baby gets here so we don't have to worry about it afterwards.  Now, since Drew is gone all the time, this task falls on my shoulders which is fine with me.  Incidentally, whenever Drew gets annoyed with me I always remind him that it could be worse, that I could be one of those women who calls their husband every five seconds because they don't know where the checkbook is, that he should be thankful that I can hold shit down.  But that's another story, and *this* story is about how you need to be better than me.

I got on Service Magic originally to find painters to do the nursery but then Drew said to go ahead and get quotes to have our floors refinished and the tile and grout cleaned and sealed in the kitchen and bathroom.  Service Magic is truly the bomb - you put in your request and like magic, people call you up wanting to do work for you!  They thoroughly check all their people so you can be confident that you're not getting a shady contractor and I love them!  So I had people in and out of the house all day Saturday for the painting, the tile and the hardwood floors.  I got it all done and got everyone scheduled and I was on a roll, so I went to get paint from Sherwin Williams so I could be ready when I chose the painters for the job.

My friend Brittani emailed me a 30% off coupon for Sherwin Williams, for which I was exceedingly grateful and armed with my list of paints for the back door and the baby's room, I confidently walked in.  

I had the color for the door so matching it was no problem.  I'm not sure why, but I ended up spilling my whole story about the paint and how I came to decide to paint the whole room.  I'm sure the clerk thought I was crazy.  Then it went downhill.

While she was mixing the paint, I wandered over to another section of the paint colors, away from their main offerings.  I shouldn't have done it - I should have taken my Krypton and gone about my business.  But I didn't because I like to torture myself.  There, apart from the main selections was yet another paint color, another bluish-gray that my demented mind told me might be a closer match than the two gallons of Krypton that she just mixed and I now HAVE to buy.  So I did the only rational thing - I had her mix me a quart of this new color, Colonial Revival Gray.
Colonial Revival Gray
Krypton - someone please just kill me now.  
I can't take this.

I seriously had my head in my hands at the counter at Sherwin Williams because I just. wanted. to. get this mother-effin room painted!  I was tired from having people in the house all day, it was 5pm, and I was over it.  So what did I do?  I bought it all - the two gallons of the Krypton, a quart of the Colonial Revival Gray, and a quart of the Wool Skein for the door.  $95 worth of paint - it makes me sick to even type it.

In my word vomiting, I mentioned to the clerk that the previous owner of our house was a Sherwin Williams rep and that she moved just one neighborhood over from us.  Can you believe that?  The people that painted the room were up the street from me.  I could have gone to their house, knocked on the door and freakin ASKED her what the effin color was.  But noooo!  Because I'm dumb Desiree - I was too chicken-shit to do that because I don't know her like that.  I felt weird going to their house unannounced.  We'd only met twice before at a happy hour and I was self-conscious and thought she didn't like me and was unfriendly so instead I chose to torture myself and spend $95 effin dollars on paint.  

The clerk asked me her name.  "Susie Smith?" (not her real name - duh)  I question-talk when I'm nervous.
"Oh yeah!!  I know Susie!!  She's such a sweetheart, you should just ask her what the color is!  Matter of fact, I think I have her number, I can give her a call if you want!"

AFTER I've already spent the money on the paint?!!?  Sure, of course, why not.  Let's give Susie a call.  But she didn't pick up although the clerk told me that she may just be arriving back in town, as all the reps were in Florida for a sales meeting.  I found it weird that she knew so much, but as she told me "Oh, at Sherwin Williams, we're family!"  Whatev - at least I had a 30% off coupon because I'd be cursing even more if I'd paid full-price.

I drove home so conflicted.  Now Susie had a message on her cell from a girl at work that some crazy lady who bought her house is paint-stalking her.  I practically HAD to go over there now.  I couldn't handle her thinking I was a nutbag.  I needed to go on and prove it to her.

And the thing is, I intended to go over there first.  I was even emailing with Rixa Freeze about it and I told her that I was going to go over there before I bought the paint.  But I chickened out - I'm a scaredy-cat.  So it makes even less sense that I would buy all the paint and THEN screw up the nerve to go to her house, but that's exactly what I did.

I pulled into the driveway and both their cars were there - shit.  It's now or never.  I took a deep breath, prayed they wouldn't slam the door in my face, and rung the doorbell.  Her husband answered the door.

Friendly, quizzical, why-are-you-on-my-doorstep look.  "Hi there."
Feeling thirty kinds of self-conscious, starting to sweat.  "Hi, um, I'm Desiree?  We bought your house?"  I actually waved at the man, y'all.  Waved at him, like the dorkiest dork alive.
"OH DESIREE!!  HI!!  Geez, sorry about that!  Come on in, let me grab Susie!  Susie, Desiree's here!"

Y'all, they were both so freakin nice!!  It was so in my head!!  They have a 1-year-old daughter, the last time we saw them she'd just had the baby, so they were all happy and congratulating me on my baby and I was so overwhelmed that I was full-out sweating by now.

"You guys, I'm so sorry to barge in like this, I never go to people's houses unannounced, but it's just the front bedroom, we're turning it into the nursery, and well, I'm losing my mind because I patched some nail holes and now I can't match the color, and I really just want to know the color and I'll get out of your hair and I'm so sorry for not calling but I didn't have your number andIjustneedthecolorI'mapaintjunkienandI'msosorry."


alskjdfl;sjig;woihawio;hio;gwer;ioghwoig  That's me setting fire to $95 effin dollars. 

Not only that, she gave me her cell number, and told me if I had any baby or paint questions, just give her a call and how SHE felt bad that I went through all of that because it was a custom color she was playing around with, adding a little of this and a little of that!  I NEVER would have been able to match that color!

I stayed and chatted with them, admiring the paint colors in their new house, I got a tour of her baby's nursery where I further put my foot in my mouth by saying I didn't want pink in our nursery and her freakin daughter's room was pink and green!  I was all backtracking like an idiot - "I mean, your daughter's room is gorgeous and I love how you've decorated it and IjustsuckatlifeandIshouldnevertalkeveragain."

I went home with my now-useless paint, stirred up the custom, perfectly matching, little of this and that color and fixed the mother-effin walls in the mother-effin nursery.
Now you see it.
Now you mother-effin DON'T.
Splotch - taunting me like The Tell-Tale Heart
Gone, fixed because it's a perfect effin match!
 Because it's fixed.  It's all frickin fixed.

I left a two-minute voicemail for Drew, creatively cursing that the paint was a perfect effin match, and that RIGHT EFFIN NOW is when I could really use a LARGE effin glass of wine.  Thankfully, he wasn't mad - glad that he wasn't home for my wrath, but not mad.  Yeah, and remember how I said I can hold shit down?  I take it all back.  

It's over now, the walls are fixed and I have the paint with the formula so I can have them make more if I need to.  But I am soooo mad at myself - I should have gone to Susie's house from the beginning.  I talked myself into this notion that they were mean and scary and what do I have to show for it?  Two gallons and two quarts of paint that's not the right color (can't forget that test quart of the Krypton!)  If you should ever come to my house and every conceivable thing is painted in Sherwin Williams Krypton or Colonial Revival Gray, you'll know why.

However, fixing the walls enabled me to get on with my life, put the nursery back in order and take on another small project.

I mentioned that Drew turned the sunroom/my sewing room into his office, right?  I figure since I've only touched the sewing machine once and he is, after all, sort of, you know, paying the mortgage, he can make it his office.
How it's looking these days.
I need to get in there and paint that cabinet thing white and one
of these days before I die, I'll reupholster that chair.  
Thank goodness Drew doesn't care.
This window and door look out to the office, with a bonus shot of the sconces
that left the nail holes, that left the splotches that caused me to go crazy.
Blinds gone, nail holes patched

Even though the office is to the left of the door and you can't see much, I still wanted some separation and the blinds were really cheap and ugly.  I took them down, patched the holes and feel much better about painting because I found the trim color so it'll be a perfect effin match (sorry, still working it out.)  I had some leftover window film from when I frosted the windows on the other side of the house, so I covered these windows and it looks so much nicer.
No cursing was involved in this particular project.

The walls are fixed, thank the Baby Jesus.  It was ridiculous and I made it way harder on myself than I should have.  Even though I would have done the exact same thing if I were Susie, I don't know why I have such a hard time believing that people aren't inherently meanies.  I don't know why I let myself get all worked up and scared that she was going to be rude to me or something - she was a perfectly decent human being, just as I would have been had it been me who had the paint.

Oh well, live and learn.

If you need me, I'm going to be in my garage.  Painting.  In Krypton or Colonial Revival Gray.


  1. At least you didn't have to pay a painter, right?

    I would have done the same thing about not approaching the old owner...I'm such a wuss when it comes to stuff like that!

    Maybe you should paint that bookshelf one of the new colors...

  2. OH MAN!!! THIS IS SO FUNNY! Only funny because it's completely something that I would do. Only I would not have been brave enough to go find the old owners. I would have bought the paint and paid someone to paint it all... complaining the entire time about the process. :)

  3. That is hilarious. Totally something I would do.

    You should put up the paint on Craigslist - I have actually both bought and sold paint on Craigslist. You won't get full price but at least you can get some money back.

    Nursery is looking great!

  4. Ack--how annoying to have spent all that money and then to find out the right color! I'm just glad you finally got the courage to talk to them, and glad they still had the paint. Should I shake my finger at you and say in my most obnoxious motherly voice "see, if only you had gone over earlier..."?

    When was your house built--looks like early 20th century?

  5. I can't even make fun of you because my own social-anxiety-scared-to-talk-to-people self probably would have done a similar if not the same thing and would have been just as enraged and self-shaming after. Sheeit, my chest was tightening just reading your re-enactment of the approach to their house! This is a good lesson in not being afraid!


  6. This is the story of my life! This would totally happen to me!

    I'm glad you got it sorted out tho. AND I'm glad Drew wasn't mad :)

  7. You have the greatest stories... hey don't feel bad about going to knock on the door, I would've freaked out too. I probably would've googled everything because I'd rather consult the internet before asking (that's how weird I AM) so don't be too hard on yourself!!!

    Seriously all of your rooms look like something out of a magazine. If I could buy some creativity, I'd buy a gallon. LOL

  8. OK, this is seriously the basic theme behind each and every one of my home projects! It always ends up going so much worse before I wind up with something I can actually be happy with. Oh it's awful!

  9. LOL!! I can laugh because I TOTALLY would have flaked on going to see the old owner and been stuck with a bunch of paint when I could have gotten the right stuff for free to begin with. I feel your pain!

  10. You totally cracked me up with this post! That totally sucks! But believe me, you aren't the only one who would do that. :) At least you (1) don't have to pay a painter and (2) knew the previous owners and where to find them! The Nursery looks great, can't wait to see the rest.

    I've been following your blog for awhile and am really enjoying it! Thanks for all the laughs and nuggets of wisdom. :) Janna

  11. Laughing, laughing, laughing. WIth you, not at you. Because I would have done the same thing, and I would have been cursing a blue streak because I wasted $95 too. Too chicken-shit to stop over there? Yup. Totally irritated because I didn't have the guts to do it (even though I knew I should, and it wasn't really a big deal). Yup. Thank goodness for nice people who can make us feel better about being goofy like that. Thanks for the laugh and for sharing the pics.

  12. Sounds like the previous homeowners are very sweet... but why didn't they leave the can of paint behind the first place? I thought that was common courtesy when you move. But anyway, I'm curious to see what you do with all that new paint!

  13. You have the greatest stories... hey don't feel bad about going to knock on the door, I would've freaked out too. I probably would've googled everything because I'd rather consult the internet before asking (that's how weird I AM) so don't be too hard on yourself!!!

    Seriously all of your rooms look like something out of a magazine. If I could buy some creativity, I'd buy a gallon. LOL

  14. That is hilarious. Totally something I would do.

    You should put up the paint on Craigslist - I have actually both bought and sold paint on Craigslist. You won't get full price but at least you can get some money back.

    Nursery is looking great!

  15. I stumbled across your blog while I was looking for a cheaper color match to Krypton because, well, I’m too cheap, uh frugal, to pay the price Sherwin Williams actually wants. I had to laugh because I would have been terrified to go to the old homeowner’s house and would have probably had a tourette's like melt down. I like your style.

  16. Man, if you were in Dallas I'd sell you mine. I hate that it's just sitting
    in the garage, unused.

  17. Best Laugh of my entire weekend! Decided I liked beadboard wallpaper a month ago. Decided paint in spare bath of strange brown wouldn't work with beadboard wallpaper. Wanted something with a hint of color, went to Lowes, nothing in hand, picked a random color and got it in Semi Gloss (big NoNo). Painted walls, kind of icy color, room seemed bright, hubby hung beadboard wallper and wood trim. Looked to bland for me. Went to Lowes, nothing in hand, picked a color for the beadboard wallpaper (Rugged Suede). Painted it. Spare bath looks like ice walls and cave trim. Sick at stomach. Act like it doesn't exist for two weeks, avoidance. Finally ready to do something, go to Sherwin Williams this time (MUST have been Valspar's fault - LOL). Get lots of paint chips. Go few days later get (Pewter Tankard) paint. Told hubby beadboard wallpaper doesn't work in small room like this. Paint sample of Pewter Tankard of piece of wall. Looks like entire room is cave now....no COLOR. Sick.At.Stomach. Go to Sherwin Williams today and buy THREE samples. Paint two part of wall with all three. Think I have arrived on color....Jubilee. Still tossing around in my mind the slightly lighter Krypton. Decide to Google it....Arrive at your blog and Laugh hysterically at story, then realize I have NO reason to laugh. Then realize I like that Colonial Revival Gray!!!


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You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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