Friday, March 25, 2011

After the scream

When I was younger and acting up, my dad used to say to me "All right now, you're showing your color."  Actually, he still says that to me whenever I threaten to 'take my wig off.'  That's my expression for when I'm super done and I'm about to let errbody know.

Even though I pride myself on being even tempered and (mostly) level headed sometimes I just have to take my wig off, show my color, get loud and wile out.  That's what I had to do on Wednesday.  The pressure was getting to me and I'd had enough.  I had to climb to the top of the mountain, take my wig off and let out a primal scream, because nothing else would do.

When you're in the midst of a difficult and trying task, sometimes the burden becomes too heavy.  You know you have to carry it, you don't want to put it down and you will see your task through to the end, but damn!  And sometimes you just have to take it there so you can find the strength to take one more step.  That was me - I was there.

Now that I'm back on solid ground, my wig is straight and I'm composed, I must thank you.  All of you who heard me.  All of you who understood but most of all I thank all you ride or die bitches!  All of you who stepped the hell up and took off your earrings ready for a fight!  I love you!  But it's cool, you can get y'alls wigs straight again - crisis averted.  I have regrouped and rededicated myself to the task at hand.  

I was down, but I'm back up and I'm looking this square in the eye, stronger than ever and I'm NOT backing down.  I got this.

Not once in this pregnancy has there been cause for concern.  Every time we go to the doctor, the baby is fine, the fluid around her is fine, she's growing perfectly.  My daughter is strong.

I have not once missed a shot.  I hate them and they suck but I do it.  Every day.  I am strong.

I do not have the beetus, group B strep, HIV, high blood pressure, iron deficiencies or cankles.  I am healthy.

My daughter is active and moves, all day every day.  My daughter is healthy.

I'm having contractions - every kind.  The kind that feel like period cramps, the tightening of my belly, the ones that start in my abdomen and wrap around to my low back.  All right on schedule.  My body is NOT broken.

I'm even making boobie juice.  My Body Is Not Broken.


I am 37 weeks today - full term.  I made it.  We're here.  We did it.  
37 weeks in the office bathroom.
Not as blurry, but super yellow.
One out of two ain't bad.
They're only dark and blurry in the stall, but they're 
still bathroom pictures.  Eh, what are you gonna do.

And since I haven't blogged all week because I've been buried under the world's most tedious spreadsheet, I got another post coming right after this one.  But this one had to go first.

I got fed up.  I fell.  And I screamed.

But I'm back up and I'm here.  I'm doing this.  Thank you for being there, for listening, for your support.  Thank you.


  1. Yea! She's back! :)
    Alright Miss Lady, glad you got it together and realized the most important thing is that you're both doing well and worrying does nothing but cause...well...grief! Who needs that? Especially when you have just three (more/less) weeks before BABY GIRL ARRIVES!

    Glad to see you smiling again. Looking forward to the next post and hopefully pics from the baby shower :)

  2. Glad you're feeling better. :)

    Congrats on making it to full term - that's freakin' awesome!!

  3. I didn't get a chance to comment on your last post because you know HT has been down & out the past couple of days but I did read it & I knew you would conquer & overcome how you were feeling! Why? Because you are strong D & so is that little rockstar you got growing in your belly. You are correct in saying "YOU GOT THIS"! I have no doubt you are going to be just fine through it all & we will all be here cheering you on!

    Oh & you are still looking hawt rockin' the skinny jeans & that is a super cute bracelet I see you wearing ;)

    Love you girl - xoxo!

  4. *adjusting wig in the mirror* Well as long as you're cool, I'm cool.

    Contractions though squeeeeeaaaallll! Shit's about to get REAL! Did you decide no more "checks" before labor? Did your doctor give you any flak?


  5. YES!!!!!!!!!!! FULL TERM!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT *hums hail the conquering hero*!!!!! i dont have words...:D
    times a million!

  6. Eh, you're allowed to scream. You're going through a lot and to NOT acknowledge that, and to NOT feel validated in your own feelings can just make it worse. =)

  7. Yay! You are 37 weeks! You look great! I'm only 33 weeeks and can't wait to be where you are. I can totally understand your frustrations. You are in the home stretch. So excited for you!

  8. You have done an amazing mommy job already and she's not even born yet! you are amazing and I am so impressed with what all you've gone through to get to 37 weeks. Congratulations!!!

  9. Full term, full time job. GAW, you're doin' it!!!

  10. You do got this!! This little girl has one tough mama! :)

  11. One word for this post: AWESOME!!!!

  12. YAY! Full term! You made it! :)

  13. Im reading this post and hearing " We fall dowwwwwn but weee get up!"

    Hahah corny I know.. lol

    I love it! YAY for getting back to balance. I wasnt worried.. not... one.. bit!



  14. *Puts earrings back on* sofia's gonna burts out through the belly button. I see her planning her escape! Lol


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