Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting showered pt. 3: Surprise!

I had been on my job exactly one week when I found out I was pregnant.  Remember?  I had no idea what kind of person my boss was, how she would react to my pregnancy and whether or not she'd be cool with being out for doctor's appointments.  Thankfully, I didn't have to call out with morning sickness and every time I had a doctor's appointment, I made them for early in the morning so I would miss the least amount of work.  I have been very blessed with an amazing and understanding boss who has begged me to come back to work.  I hate that I finally found a great place to work with a boss I love and awesome colleagues and I'm about to leave!  Of course, my new boss is going to be way cuter but I'm sure much less laid-back than my current boss.  You can't win them all.

She called me into her office Friday afternoon to discuss my maternity leave and the exact dates I'll be out.  Originally, I wanted to stay at work until I went into labor because I figured sitting at home twiddling my thumbs would drive me nuts.  However, after talking to Drew we decided that a week of rest might be best so my last day of work is April 8th - that's two Fridays from now!  We wrapped up our conversation, and as we were heading back to my desk, she asked me to have a look at something in the conference room.
My work people threw me a baby shower!

Drew had flown in that morning, took me to lunch, and secretly came back for the party, all without me knowing!  I was so happy and surprised and I immediately ran back to get my camera.  
One of the girls in the office made all the balloon decorations and
they were so cute!
I loved the centerpiece!
Cute little decorations
April showers bring....babies!!
I mean, baby.  ONE.  One baby.  That's it.
Writing advice cards - I love this idea because I need all the help I can get!

The awesome cake balls.  They made them a little darker
because she's going to be a mixed baby!  
I had a big lunch and I can't eat too much these days, 
but I always have room for cake and grapes!
All the ladies thought Drew was soo cute and soo funny
and he just ate it up!
Isn't this gorgeous? 
I'm adding this one because this is my life.
Drew is surgically attached to his phone - he starts to twitch
if he goes too long without checking it.
Drew was very happy we got some non-pink stuff from one
of the guys in the office.
 I could make this cute with a little blue bow in her hair and 
maybe a little blue skirt and some white ruffly socks?
Yeah, it could work!

I was so touched that they threw a party for us, especially since I haven't been here that long.  A couple days later, I even got some giftcards from other people in the office who weren't able to come to the party.  I thought maybe just the girls on my team would maybe take me out to lunch or something, at most.  This was so unexpected and I am so grateful to all of them.  And it was so super special to have Drew there - that was the icing on the cake!

Dangit, I hate that I'm leaving!


  1. What a wonderful place to work! So sweet that they surprised you :)

  2. Haha some awesome coworkers! congrats again D. I know what u mean about the phone attached the their hand...god cursed us with iphones and blackberries?

  3. How sweet! Those balloons are awesome and love the cake balls!!

  4. That is a fabulous surprise! The decorations are awesome & those cake balls? Mmmmmmm

  5. oh wow! this is so nice and thoughtful and real of your colleagues that it brings tears to my eyes!

  6. I am so eXcited! eXcited I found this blog more eXcited that you are having a bundle of joy!
    Blessings to you and that was really sweet of everyone surprising you!
    Mr. Drew played his role!
    And the OSCAR goes to: (drum roll please) Mr. Drew!
    He held that one is good!

    I love all the decor and yes Rock the blue with a Juicy headband!
    Congrats to you both

  7. SO FUN!!!! And I really like the idea of cute lil denim skirt with the blue shirts and a lil bow in her hair!!! yay for non-pink! lol Goodness I'm so excited to finally see miss Sofia!!

  8. ok, those cake balls look amazing!!! wow - what a fun surprise

  9. Aww how nice and desert looks yummy! Happy resting =)

  10. How sweet of them. I'm not a balloon person, but I love that rattle balloon. They did a great job!!

  11. That was incredibly sweet!! And the cake balls look GREAT!! Congrats to you mommy-to-be :D

  12. Hi
    Just to say congrats on being pregnant and I wish you a safe, relaxed and spiritual delivery! You are incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such loving, caring friends, colleagues and family. It's not always the case for everyone so I guess you are savouring it.
    I too was a Gravida 2 para 0 for a while, now thankfully Gravida 5 para 2 (a long story ;-))
    Wish you all the best!
    PS: I came across your link through Tamstyles blog and immediately loved the super cute pictures of you, your bump and hubby.

  13. So sweet! Those balloons and cake pops are MAJOR!!

  14. So, my slow self immeadiately though "WHY IS SHE LEAVING?? OH NO!!"

    Then i remembered you were having a baby. SMH *pours drink on floor to honest lost memory while boyz II men harmonize in the background*
    Is your boss going to be gone when you get back??
    3 weeks!!!!

  15. Omgoodness With all these showers and gifts you will not have to shop for our daughter for a VERY LONG TIME. hhaha

    I didn't buy my little girl anything until she turned one and it felt SO good.


  16. Hi
    Just to say congrats on being pregnant and I wish you a safe, relaxed and spiritual delivery! You are incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such loving, caring friends, colleagues and family. It's not always the case for everyone so I guess you are savouring it.
    I too was a Gravida 2 para 0 for a while, now thankfully Gravida 5 para 2 (a long story ;-))
    Wish you all the best!
    PS: I came across your link through Tamstyles blog and immediately loved the super cute pictures of you, your bump and hubby.

  17. Aww how nice and desert looks yummy! Happy resting =)

  18. What a wonderful place to work! So sweet that they surprised you :)


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