Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a nursery

At long last, the nursery is finished!  Now, please play along and don't skip to the end.  I'm almost nine months pregnant and if you don't appreciate my journey with me, I may cry.  And then throw something. At your head.  And then cry again that I was mean to you. 

Just don't scroll down, okay?

OKAY!  Let's begin with the way back, when it was just a humble guest bedroom.

Here's how I redid the room and finished it

Then we bought a crib, which meant we had to move things around.

Slowly but surely, we started buying stuff.  It started with the rug.

You guys know the rest of the story from here.  I bought some chairs, both were awesome but one had to get switched as it didn't go with the ottoman, but I found the greatest fabric ever courtesy of my friend Carolyn!  Then I found amazing sheets courtesy of my friend Heather!  But then there was the paint.  Oh Jesus, the paint.  That alone took so much out of me, I almost couldn't find the strength to go on.  But I did and now I'm all done!  Okay, NOW you can look!

Remember these guys?
They got a makeover!
This corner looks a little different
Let's go in a little closer...

Do you see that pillow?  No, I mean do you SEE that PILLOW?  Because I SEWED that pillow.  By myself.  On my sewing machine.  I SEWED. That. Pillow.  I don't sew and I sewed that pillow.  That could mean nothing to you but it means everything to me.  Everything.  Oh yeah, and the crib skirt.

I had to do the crib skirt in pieces because I wanted the stripes to be vertical which meant I had to cut the fabric the short way.  Imagine a vertical rectangle - I had to cut strips and piece it together and much cursing was involved.  But I SEWED!  Oh yeah and the hamper liner - I sewed that too.
I'm probably going to tack the edges to the basket so it's more form-fitting since
it's a faux liner. I just wanted some color in that part of the room.

The frame collage came out wonderfully, thanks to my hubby and his addiction to precision!  See how I didn't say he's OCD about lines and angles?  I mean....
Eventually some of the maternity pictures will be replaced with pictures
of family, but I wanted something in there in the meantime.
The only problem with taking pictures in the daytime is the glare.
These pictures spell out her name.
We bought this on our babymoon in Key West.
I love these canvases!

Oh, I almost forgot the rug!
When the flower rug didn't work, we picked up this gray shag at IKEA and it's so awesome!  It's so plush and feels great under my toes!  

I ordered a canvas with my poem for the big-ass wall and that will go to the right of the shelves above the crib.  I plan to get some ornate empty frames that'll go to the right of the canvas to balance the wall but that will come.  That's just accesorizing and I may think of something else once the canvas arrives.  Additionally, I'm thinking of a mirror to hang above the bed.
That space needs a little something.

 I have Kesha to thank for that idea, as well as the idea to paint the bookshelves.  Originally, I painted them white but when they were in the room, they seemed too stark.  She suggested I paint them and I love them so much this way!  It brings just the right amount of happy to the room.  We're going to get a changing pad for the dresser and a lamp to go on the white tray next to the bed.  I just have to find the right one.

Now Desiree, you may say, this is all very well and good, but it's rather gender neutral.  I mean, it IS a little girl, after all.  Can't there be at least a little pink?  Then I would say,  oh ho ho my friend!  But have you seen her CLOSET??
All the pink you could ever want is right there!
It's over here too, with her thousands of teeny tiny pink socks
and teeny headbands.
Behold!  More pink!

All six drawers of the dresser are stuffed.
I have a couple of inches of hanging space in the closet, that's it.
The child is GOOD on CLOTHES.

I may come back and do some editing - I didn't get a very good shot of the shelves.  I have a blanket on the top shelf that my grandmother made that is so very precious to me and I don't have a good shot of it.  But for the rest of it, I couldn't be happier!  So, if you care about that sort of thing, here's where I got it all.  I didn't decorate on a budget - I decorated on my gut and it took forever.  But I couldn't love this room more and I'm so happy with how it turned out!  I hope you like it too!

Crib - Wal-Mart
Cribsheets - Serena and Lily
Chairs - World Market - It doesn't look like they have the green one anymore and the brown one is gone!  Boo!
Curtains - IKEA - Beware - they're linen and will wrinkle if you just look at them.  I was hating life as I ironed every last panel, only to have them wrinkle anyway.
Rug - IKEA - The site says beige but it's not.  It's gray.  Trust me.
Fan - Target - This is the best fan ever.  Fans are good for lowering SIDS risk but I knew I didn't want a regular plastic one.  I found this one and fell in love.  
Ottoman - CB2
Duvet cover - CB2
Bed sheets - West Elm
Happy striped fabric - Hawthorne Threads
Shelves - West Elm
Canvases - Avalisa

I hope I'm not forgetting something. We already had everything else and the flowers and vases came from my baby shower in Kansas.  All the rest is just finishing touches and I can breathe a sigh of relief that it's done.  And for the record, I did *not* take the day off from work today so I could do this because the anxiety was causing me to twitch and shake.  I took the day off from work because I was up all night coughing and sneezing from a terrible allergy attack.  

Just so we're all on the same page here.

Okay, little baby, your sanctuary awaits!


  1. great job lady...this looks great, and has an exlectic edge to it...i was driving down 75 this weekend and saw the orange building where you guys took your pics...great spot.

  2. It looks great! She's going to love her new space.

  3. Holy Amazing nursery!! I promise I did not skip ahead. I am so impressed! And you sewed? I am totally in love with the curtains and the crib bedding! It looks wonderful!

  4. absolutely beautiful! i love the colors...especially in the stuff you sewed!

  5. Oh Desiree, it's beautiful!! I love the colors and you did a fantastic job with the sewing. It looks like a perfect sanctuary for all of you.

  6. LOVE how the curtains and chandelier just make it that much more finished looking. (I know you already had the chandelier in there, but it looks completely new with the addition of the curtains.)

  7. OH EM GEE!!!!!!!! GIRL!!!!! It's fabulous!! I knew it would be, but seriously. It's fan-fricking-tastic!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Those curtains! That fabric! That poof! Those chairs! That bedding! EEK!!!!! Seriously. You do good work. And your sewing. Seriously. Impressed! :)

  8. OMG - I love it I love it all! Gorgeous!!!!!

  9. The nursery looks darling!!! I love everything you choose!! Those curtains are perfection, I just came across via Ikea website them thinking they might work for our nursery!! Seeing the color better in your nursery is giving my a big thumbs up!!

    Again the nursery looks darling and I love the pretty artwork and closet is too cute filed with all things girly! :)

  10. I love your sense of style and color. I would never be brave enough to try the things you did--which is too bad, since I love the end result! Can I hire you as my interior decorator?? Our bedrooms seriously need some help.

    I've never really had a designated room to decorate for my kids, since we keep moving them around as they get older. It looks like a lot of fun.

    What did you do with the first rugs? I still really like them.

  11. Looks awesome! Great job on the sewing and I love the gender neutral colors!

    I don't have kids, and I am wondering, what's the bed for? Do you both plan to sleep in the nursery, or is it just a crash bed in case you need to sleep in baby's room? Or for some other reason!

    How exciting are those drawers, FULL of stuff!
    Also, where is the under-the-crib drawer from?

  12. Hi Lauren!

    We only have two true bedrooms, so we have to keep the bed in there since that room will do double-duty as nursery and guest bedroom. Additionally, I'd really like to put the baby in her crib from day one as opposed to having her in our room and going through the chaos of trying to get her out of our room into her own. I'd much rather be in her room, than her be in ours. Of course, the best laid plans, right?

    The drawer is part of the crib - it all came together and it is a lifesaver! Old houses like ours are short on closet space so I'm super thankful for any place I can stash stuff.

    Now if I can only figure out what to do with the toys.....

  13. I have been waiting to see these and they didn't disappoint! I love the fresh colors and the contrast between the walls and pops of yellow and tangerine. So fun! The canvases are my favorite part, I think:o) I put a few little daisies from my shower in a vase too...great minds think alike! I am waiting on a few finishing touches for ours before I unveil. Rest assured, though, I did NO sewing. You should be so proud of yourself for sewing, Vera Wang!

  14. check you OUT, Mrs. Seamstress! everything looks great and i love the colors. i especially love the green curtains and that chandelier.

    the door hanger was a smart way to wrangle all of those accessories in a neat and tidy way, i may have to steal that idea.

    her name spelled out in pictures is also very cute. so happy for you guys!

  15. girly everything looks flippin awesome! You did a wonderful job. Now just tell me she's actually gonna sleep in there lol

  16. Great job pregnant lady :-) I'm sure she will love it. Really loving the custom pillow and matching accents like the hamper.

    Confessions of a Purse-a-holic

  17. Aw Desiree - the nursery is beautiful! I LOVE all the colors - so bright & cheery! Everything came together perfectly & you did an amazing job! I still can't get over all those clothes for Agent S! She is already one spoiled little girl & she isn't even here yet!

    Good job sweetie - all your hard work paid off! One month from today.... :)

  18. I can finally comment!!! Basically I've already told you my thoughts--LOVE IT!! So cheery and bright!! But I forgot to mention that a mirror above the bed would be perfect! I'm a big fan of that, have one over our bed in guest bedroom. You can find super cute ones on the cheap at Hobby Lobby and TJ Maxx/Marshall Homegoods!!!

  19. just read your comment. good way to hide toys: storage ottomans and wicker baskets around the house!

  20. The Nursery looks wonderful!!! love that paint color and curtains. Love what you did and love your choco lab! We have one too and he's just as adorable as yours =)

  21. Love it! And so will Sofia! My faves are the bright, happy green curtains and the hand-made touches with the crib skirt, pillow & hamper liner! Is the liner a full liner? Like you could pull the whole thing out like a bag to cart to the washer or just a band that goes around the top?

  22. Desiree! I honestly teared up looking at the final product. This is BEAUTIFUL. Now of course I'm biased becasue I love color but this is just the best, ever. You should enter this in one of those Apartment Therapy/Odeedoh contests or just submit for people to love.

    I LOVE the Florida framed photos spelling out her name! Were they selling different photos/letters separately and you found the ones you liked best for Sofia's name? Awesome.

    The curtains really pulled this together. I love how the bedding ties in with everything.

    And you sewed a pillow!!! That is so bawse. I have this sari fabric that I want to make pillow shams for the bed with but I don't speak Sew. AT. ALL. And I feel silly going into a tailor who hems pants and asking them to make me pillowcases. But one day I will have my shams somehow! Dammit.

    The progression in the photos of the nursery is just beautiful. To me the first photos represent how it was at first, you were afraid to relax and enjoy the pregnancy and hope for a baby then piece by piece you came into your own and Sofia grew bigger and stronger...and now the nursery and Sofia have blossomed! I know that's corny but still.


  23. Des! My decorating diva of a friend -- you missed your calling. The nursery is BEAUTIFUL! Agent S will LOVE it. I love that it's not the traditional pink room and it's simply amazing. I'm love that you went with the green curtains. Great contrast.

    One more month!!!!!!! So excited for you!

  24. I love it. Love it LOVE it.

    My first thought whenever putting away all the teeny tiny baby things was "Annnnnd this will be the cleanest it will EVER be."

    Enjoy the room. It's beautiful, and you did a fabulous job!

  25. This room makes me all sorts of happy! I LOVE IT!!! And you Sewed for your baby! (WETFACE) love it!

    I cant wait to see her in it!



  26. Your nursery is gorgeous!! I love that it's not straight-out-of-a-catalog with tons of pink and everything in the exact same pattern. Really great job!!

  27. I LOVE that you didn't go for a traditionally "girly" room- you are right- PINK is in the clothes, my dear.

    You guys did such a fabulous job... I am NOT just blowing smoke up your wah-hoo, the room should be on HGTV!

    (P.S. Your sewing on the pillow is devine!!!)

  28. This is my first time commenting (found you via Sunny). Your nursery is very beautiful. I love the colors/designs...your daughter should feel really special in her pretty room :) I absolutely ♥ the pictures spelling out her name. Very creative!

    V Renee

  29. Well done! I was wondering how those colours would all work together and you pulled it off awesome-ly! I think the self sewn stripes bring it all together. I love how the photos spell her name (and yes, i picked that up before reading that's what it said :D) Well done! :)
    It's been wonderful following your journey & I look forward to seeing pictures on your blog of the little lady when she arrives :)

  30. OMG THIS IS AWESOME!!! You did such a great job!! I want to do my next nursery (yes, I'm already planning the nursery) green like this, I LOVE those green curtains! Oh man I'm dying here, DYING! You did so fabulous,I'm so excited for you!!!

  31. The nursery is gorgeous!!! Love it. I don't think there is anything wrong with gender neutral- we did the same for our babies. :) It's perfect!

    Can't wait to see the next pics with a baby in there!

  32. So gorgeous! I'm impressed. All your pics look like a magazine layout.

  33. I am way late on comenting but wanted to let you know that it is beautiful! From my limited one week of experience I think you'll really appreciate having the big bed as a large platform for dressing, swaddling, etc. I miss that from the hospital as I am not at all good at this clothing the baby thing.

  34. Love that chartreuse drapery! Not something you would see everyday and such a great burst of color. So excited for your pregnancy & delivery (whenever Sofia's ready to come!!)--congratulations!

  35. Love that chartreuse drapery! Not something you would see everyday and such a great burst of color. So excited for your pregnancy & delivery (whenever Sofia's ready to come!!)--congratulations!

  36. This room makes me all sorts of happy! I LOVE IT!!! And you Sewed for your baby! (WETFACE) love it!

    I cant wait to see her in it!



  37. The nursery looks darling!!! I love everything you choose!! Those curtains are perfection, I just came across via Ikea website them thinking they might work for our nursery!! Seeing the color better in your nursery is giving my a big thumbs up!!

    Again the nursery looks darling and I love the pretty artwork and closet is too cute filed with all things girly! :)


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