Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm thinking it's Thursday

This week has gone by scary fast and boy, do I have some thoughts!  I have some full posts too, but first with the thoughts.  Link up if you wanna!
  • I was texting with my girlfriend Heather a couple of nights ago and she mentioned that I have less than a month to go.  I had to stop and marinate on that one.
  • I have less than a month and then I won't be pregnant anymore.  (give or take)
  • I know you can't see, but I just sat at the keyboard for several minutes after typing that because I seriously can't wrap my head around that.
  • In less than a month my daughter will be here.  (give or take)
  • That means I'm super glad her nursery is done!  Thank you all so much for your kind comments - I've read every single one multiple times and I get a huge cheesy grin every time!
  • Our Dallas baby shower is Saturday and I'm so excited!  
  • My friend Brittani is handling everything - it's a night and day difference from my last baby shower but because I don't have anything to do, I'm full of nervous energy.  I feel like I should be doing something.
  • I'm making cake pops as favors for our guests.  I've never made cake pops before - this should be super interesting!
  • After the baby shower, there is nothing else on the calendar until the baby arrives.  Everything that can be done has been done.  After Saturday, we simply wait.  
  • As a birth junkie, the question that annoys me the most is "When are you due?"  I try to just say "April" but they're really pushy!  These people want a date! 
  • She'll.  Come.  When.  She's.  Good. And Got-Damn READY.
  • I would LOVE to be able to say that to everyone, but I remember my manners and just say April 15.  
  • But then if April 15 comes and goes, they're going to be all, "Haven't you had that baby yet?"
  • And then I may have punch them.  A girl can only hold on to her manners for so long.
  • Now that it's light outside when I get home, I'm back to taking the dog for her walks.  I think she knows I'm pregnant because she's not as psycho.  However, that doesn't mean I've let my guard down - I'm still the Alpha!
  • Everything is starting to bloom again and it makes me think about where I was emotionally last year.  March 31, 2010  April 6, 2010
  • Then I get on my knees and thank God for my blessings.


  1. 1. Love the nursery.
    2. So happy for your growth and your blessings.
    3. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for everything good in life. you're such a fighter and I admire you so much.

  2. Hi Desiree, I am a huge fan of your blog. You keep it real, I wish I was so brave. I love the honesty, vulnerability, and truth you spill on this page. I have a blog and try to do the same, but I am definitely guarded about how much I let slip out. My husband and I have been trying to get preggers for a little over a year now and I've almost reached the point of giving up hope. I found your blog, through a blog, through a blog, through a blog, yada yada...I've been following your story. You are so strong and beautiful. You have inspired me to keep holding onto the fact that it is possible and not to give up hope/faith in that truth. I just wanted to let you know that.

    I hope that your last few weeks of being pregnant are amazing and the birth of your daughter brings you all the joy in the world (plus some!). Your nursery is amazing, too!

    Thanks so much for sharing your words with us! :0) -Heather (

  3. I'm loving this post and can't wait to see what you and Drew have baked up- she's gonna be gorgeous. ;)

  4. Less than a month!! EEK!

  5. I was thanking God for your blessing today! Thanking him for your past, the present, and the future - tears just started pouring! I am soooo excited for your new journey as I know from my experience it is the best, most amazing journey in the whole world! So the good news is, it's all happy tears.
    P.S. - the nursery is gorgeous!

  6. This is SO EXCITING! I was telling a friend about you yesterday ,what you had been through and how you were finally having a baby. Just please do me one favor, tell one person, just one that she'll come when shes good and got-damn ready.

  7. How sweet! You are so close! I love the nursery (had to say that again!) really.. REALLY! I want to do a green/bird theme for #2 and your look inspired me even more. Love that chandalier... I know i didn't spell that right but I don't have the energy to google the correct spelling.

    Anway, thanks once again for your fashion tips. My one question is, do I spend lots of money on expensive jeans now, or in a few months when I'm the size I want to be? ;)

  8. @Bee - You got yourself a deal. :-)

  9. You're down to weeks now. Not months anymore. Weeks. I am so happy to have been a part of your journey even via just reading and hoping.

    I second Bee's vote.

    I'll see you soon!


  10. 4weeks! really, its any day now, or 6 weeks... the waiting from here on out gets crazy. I recommend a nice bath at night to help with the achies. I have a hilarious pcture dh took of me naked and crying in the tub because of how uncomfortable and frustrated I was. Makes me smile and chuckle now as all of that went away so amazingly quickly with the birth. You are doing great and I am over the moon happy for you!

  11. 4weeks! really, its any day now, or 6 weeks... the waiting from here on out gets crazy. I recommend a nice bath at night to help with the achies. I have a hilarious pcture dh took of me naked and crying in the tub because of how uncomfortable and frustrated I was. Makes me smile and chuckle now as all of that went away so amazingly quickly with the birth. You are doing great and I am over the moon happy for you!


When you leave me a comment, my phone chimes. I run to it from across the house, anxious to read what you've said. I save them in my email and read them multiple times a day, which is why you may not get an immediate response but I promise I eventually respond to every comment that has an email address.

You make me smile - I just thought you should know.


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