Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I could go at any time!

Gilbert Grape?  Anyone?

I thought of that when my OB told me this morning that from here forward, if I go into labor she's not going to stop me.  No bed rest, no meds to stop pre-term labor because although I'm not 36 weeks (considered term, and I'll be 36 weeks next Friday) the baby could come and be okay.  Obviously, I would prefer that she wait just a little while longer because she's only 4.5 pounds right now and I'd be much more comfortable with a 5 or 6 pound baby.  However, she does not have a calendar in there, she doesn't know what day it is and should she decide today's the day, that will be that.  At least I've got clothes for her!

I was emailing with Stacie and she said that I could hold off on washing everything immediately.  I have no idea why I didn't think of that before.  It's not like I have to wash the 12 month stuff right away but that's exactly what I was prepared to do.  It was like the lightbulb went off, I got a pardon from the governor, I was set free!  I didn't have to do all that laundry after all!  Happily, I did one more load of blankets and got to sorting.
The largest pile is the newborn (far right) and 0-3 stuff (just behind that), 
followed closely by the blankets and bibs.  I have more than 30 bibs and I've
been told I'll need them all.  I'm scared.
I hope the kid likes pink!
I still can't believe I didn't register for ONE STICH of clothing and got all this.
I'm so very very blessed.

I got it all sorted and tonight I will put it all away.  I also painted the bookcase thingies for the baby's room and I only have to paint a few finishing touches on them before those can come inside too.  I'm getting so impatient to do a full nursery reveal and I feel like I've talked it up too much that y'all will yawn when you finally see it.  But that's life - I get home from work at six and go to bed around 9:30, so that doesn't leave a lot of time during the week to get stuff done.  It's slow going but I do work hard every night, especially since I've now been hit with the Reality Truck.  

She is coming.  Any day now.

I left the doctor's office in a daze.  Next week they're going to start checking me to see if I've dilated and I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I won't consent to cervical checks in labor because they're pointless by then and I've heard they're horribly painful.  So no cervical checks for me while in labor.  But what about before?  I mean, who cares if I'm dilated or not?  I certainly don't.  If I'm not, no big deal - neither my body nor the baby is ready.  If I am, great.  It still doesn't mean anything until labor starts.  Women can be dilated a few centimeters for weeks.  I'm thinking I'll let her do one and if it hurts then that all she's gonna get.  I think that's fair.  The baby is going to come when she comes and my vagina is not a crystal ball - although it could be,  I haven't seen it for a while.  Who knows what's going on down there.

I also have to order the print of my poem for the wall.  My lofty idea of painting the mural on the wall has unfortunately been sacrificed to the time gods and I have to move on to plan B.  I'm ordering a canvas and I'm sure that will look just as wonderful and I'll still have my poem.  I'm down to the wire but I'm confident that I'll get it all done in time!

Less than 37 days now!


  1. I'll be honest, I never used a bib. Ever. I would just strip them naked. In fact my kids every day clothes is most often just diapers. lol

  2. Lol That was me as a kid too. My mom would be shopping and turn around for a second and I'd be naked in the cart. I hated clothes! Still do. lmao

  3. I just want you to know that I am SUPER excited for you, and I pray for a smooth safe delivery for both you and Sofia. Congrats, once again!!

    Something to make you smile...or want to throw something out a window lol
    But yay for being there!!!
    Also, question for you. Are you and Drew still moving to San Jose or no? Je lisais vieux entries on your blog and j'etais curieuse (I'm practicing franglais).
    Hope all is Well
    Light and Love

  5. EEK! Sofia - stay in mommy's tummy for a week or two longer please!

    Desiree - get excited! You're going to be a mommy soon!!

  6. That is definitely one mountain of baby clothes!!! You are definitely set for a while. Where will you put it all?!

    When do you plan to stop working? Or will you work until you go into labor?

  7. Hmm, I have to say I think cervical checks before labour are even more pointless than during! Like you said, it doesn't tell you anything, and I hear way too many stories of women getting stressed by them. They get disappointed that they're not dilating, or they are but the baby still doesn't appear so they worry that their body doesn't work, etc.

  8. Thanks for the shout-out and I must say I never thought I would be recognized for anything dealing with laundry because I despise it. I have saved it for all the "people who come out of the woodwork" that apparently come to help when babies are born. OK, my baby's cousin is coming Friday morning (by induction), my "belly buddy" at work who is due April 14th left today for the doctor's (she was having contractions) and I get home and YOU say you can go any time! I am kiiiiind of freaking out. Silently. I have the day off tomorrow and am thinking I have a lot to check off on my to-do list if mine thinks she is coming early.

    The pile of clothes is hilarious. Look at all those bibs!! What's funny is only received 3 and had to buy a big pack from the store. I loved sorting the clothes for some reason.

    The canvas website looks really neat and will save you a ton of time. Like my butterfly mobile. Sometimes we just have to let go of our lofty projects:o) Enjoy your last 37 days!

  9. @Olga - see, I was trying to be generous and say that they're pointless during labor but I REALLY feel the same way you do! I don't want them at all!

    *hugepainhorribleness* "Okay, you're at a 5!"
    *hugepainhorribleness* "Okay, you're at a 6!"

    As if you WON'T dilate without the huge pain horribleness!

    And you're totally right - when you buy into the idea that your body is supposed to progress along some preconceived timeline, you get frustrated and disappointed and lose faith in yourself if it doesn't. Who the heck needs that in labor? Not this guy!! :-)

  10. I never got checked before the day I went into labor(a month early) and at that point I was at 3. And they never checked me during until I told them I felt like I had to poop(it was the baby)

    She's gonna love pink because she'll have no choice right now lol. I try and put jasmine is every color and she looks snazzy in them all. I just don't want her thinking pink is all there is lol. Although, I love her in anything pink! Lol

  11. This is so exciting!!!! Geez, that is a lot of pink! Blessing is right!! You won't have to buy any clothes for forever.

  12. Wow D - that is quite the wardrobe for little Miss S! She is one lucky & spoiled little girl already - LOVE it :) Can NOT believe you are 36 weeks already - that is just crazy! I am SO excited for you & Drew & to meet this little girl! Excited to see the "nursery reveal" also!

    HT :)

  13. Balls, that's a lot of stuff!!! We got a billion bibs too, but our girl is so chunky none of them fit around her neck. lol

    Yes, cervical checks were honestly the worst part of my labor. True story. You're so so close!!!

  14. I get excited a little more each day!

  15. Wow! How exciting! So Glad I found your blog from Tam. My hubby and I are trying to get pregnant and it's taking a while. Can't wait to read more =)

  16. Congrats on your girl (on the way.) Somthing tells me pink will be her favorite color ;)

  17. I love that you said Vagina and not "lady parts" or something like that. Love you are "here's how it is."
    Just found you via Get It Girl Style and am a new follower! Can't wait to read more about baby!

  18. i am SO excited for you guys! i've been praying for you since i started reading your blog early last year.

    it all seemed surreal to me until we finally got home from the hospital with babylove. in a week she'll be a year old and i still can't believe at times that we actually have a "tiny human" all our own.

    you're definitely right about the pelvic exams hurting like hell. what made it worse is my ob had her first sick day in like 20 years the day i was admitted, so i had a resident doing mine. it really sucked.

    you're in the home stretch now, she'll be here before you know it!

  19. I love that you said Vagina and not "lady parts" or something like that. Love you are "here's how it is."
    Just found you via Get It Girl Style and am a new follower! Can't wait to read more about baby!

  20. Hmm, I have to say I think cervical checks before labour are even more pointless than during! Like you said, it doesn't tell you anything, and I hear way too many stories of women getting stressed by them. They get disappointed that they're not dilating, or they are but the baby still doesn't appear so they worry that their body doesn't work, etc.


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