Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We may have messed up

Telling people it was a girl, that is.  My cousin came for the weekend and brought all the gifts we received at the shower.  It was a wonderful weekend and her youngest daughter test-drove our crib and walker and pronounced it worthy.  It was a wonderful weekend and I cried so much when they all left.
Beth, Lorena and the beautiful awesome cute adorable Jezenia.
There is nothing cuter than baby bedhead!
Drew did amazing as a practice daddy!
Maya did great too, although she was a little too enthusiastic about having 
a tiny human that was eye level with her.
Jezy was such a champ, she tolerated Maya's crazy licking and barely cried!
Rocking the mohawk.
I can't post any more pictures because I'll start crying again.
I caught a whiff of her baby scent after they were gone and 
wanted to tell them to turn around, come back and move in with us.

They all left at the same time Sunday afternoon - the three of them back to Kansas and Drew to San Jose for the week.  Walking into the quiet house after a weekend of laughter and baby screams and babbling and barking and talking and energy was almost more than I could bear.  Interestingly, Maya was despondent too.  Her little Jezy-toy was gone and she spent all Sunday afternoon on our bed, sighing and looking pitiful.  She didn't even eat that night!  We were both so sad.  I was happy that she reacted well to the baby, but I hated that she wanted to lick her all the time.  I was constantly wiping the baby's face when I wasn't spraying Maya with the water bottle.  Poor doggie, she didn't know the rules but thankfully she had calmed somewhat by the second day.

After spending Sunday feeling sorry for myself and wishing I lived closer to my family, I had to get down to business on Monday.  I had to unpack the loot!
All the boxes are from the shower and the trash bags are things that 
Lorena's daughters have grown out of and don't use anymore.

The only good thing about being the last one in your family to have kids is that you don't have to buy hardly anything.  Especially when it's a girl and that's all you've got in your family.  However, I think we may have messed up telling other people that it was a girl.

Why the picture of the empty box?  This was from Christmas and this was the first box of clothes Lorena gave me.  Now that the closets are done and I can hang stuff, I finally opened that box.  My co-worker Jana has a one-year old daughter and also gave me clothing that she wasn't wearing so between the one box and a good-size gift bag, this is where I started.
This is ONE box and ONE bag.

I was overwhelmed but I gathered it up and stuffed as much of it as I could into the washer and transferred the rest to the dining room table.  It was late and I was tired but I had lofty plans of at least washing everything in one night and sorting and putting it away the next night.  HA.  
Only the clothes in the laundry basket have been washed.

This was after I opened only one additional box, this one from the shower.  I was concerned that the nursery is too gender-neutral and has too few girly accents but all the girly I will ever need is on my dining room table.  I have enough pink and lace and tutus and flowers to last a lifetime.  And I think we messed up.

If I'm able to do this whole kid thing again, what in the world do I do with all this stuff if it's a boy?  I hate to be wasteful and the thought of her wearing some of this stuff only once makes me kind of sad.  And if the right size isn't season-appropriate, she may not wear it at all!  

I'm in awe of the mountain of clothing that is already on the table and I'm more than a little apprehensive because I'm not even finished opening the boxes!  Boxes that I know contain more clothes!  I know we're blessed but the laundry that awaits me when I get home makes me nervous.  

I wanted to do a nursery reveal once the clothes were in the drawers and closets but she may be born before I can get to it all!

One load of laundry at a time, I can do this....


  1. So cute!! Don't worry - if your next is a boy, you can pass on all the cute girl stuff to any of your friends who are having girls! Soyou can share the wealth :-)

    PS if you want to make your nursury look a bit girlier, pick a few of the girly dresses/onesies, put them on cute hangers or a clothesline on the wall. Might look cute!

  2. Don't worry if your little girl only wears some of this stuff once -- that's the beauty of hand-me-downs. In the end it will all be worn numerous times just by different little girls. You'll find someone else who can use it when your little spy-child has outgrown it all.

    what a freaking pile of laundry though... makes me scared just looking at it from all these miles away. GOOD LUCK!

  3. Don't worry, there will always be someone who can use her hand-me-downs. If it's not someone you know personally, there are consignment shops that will "reward" you for her new and gently used clothes. :)

  4. You're going to love all those pink clothes once you have her! And... you can always donate them again once she grows out of them!!

  5. Little girl clothes are so fun to buy! I have heard you don't need to buy clothes when you have a baby because so many people give you stuff. Guess it is true.

  6. Do you reeeeaally have to wash it all first? I am going to wash a few receiving blankets to they are soft, and maybe a few NB/0-3 onesies. I just want to wait to see how big she is! We might end up taking all the NB stuff back! Don't stress about washing stuff:o)

  7. WICKED!!! are you a big Wicked fan?!! I guess so, I see the poster in the background!

  8. I didn't get any hand me downs when my daughter was born because the babies that came before her were boys lol. Now that she's outgrowing stuff I'm able to pass her small stuff along to one of my besties church members. She has a little girl. Hand me down would have been awesome tho. When you're done with the stuff you boy it back up and maybe you can hand them down to someone else in the near future.

  9. can i say goodness gracious...GOODNESS GRACIOUS. i am hoping for a niece...so save some for us..we would love to have them when your done.

  10. How wonderful of your family and friend to gift you with so many pretty clothes, I know you must feel overwhelmed but so loved!! :)

    I felt the same way recently my best friend recently had a baby boy and gifted us when tons of clothes, I'm overwhelmed by her love and generosity :)

  11. Little girl clothes are so fun to buy! I have heard you don't need to buy clothes when you have a baby because so many people give you stuff. Guess it is true.


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