Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I'm so excited to go to yoga tonight! It's Katherine's class at Uptown which is sure to beat me down but I don't care! I can't wait to just get in there and sweat - I was reading that stress is related or the cause of over 90% of all illnesses. I totally believe it - stress is a monster. I know that yoga is a mental practice and can be done anywhere but there's something to be said for the physicality of walking into a studio, unfurling your mat and absorbing the peaceful energy of the environment. We're social creatures, not meant to be isolated and I can't think of anything better than being surrounded by others who share your passion.

It's kind of like church - you don't have to go to a specific building on a specific date and time wearing certain clothes to connect to the Divine. It's more to be around people who share your passion, who share your views and beliefs. I think the clothes are a gesture, showing that you recognize that you're doing something special - kind of like a date with God. I like that idea - you're all excited and you get cleaned up to put your best foot forward because it's a special occasion. I think that has gotten lost over time and it would be nice to get it back. You feel different when you put on different clothes and they called it 'Sunday best' for a reason. I feel the same way when I put on my yoga clothes - I get excited for what's coming and I welcome the warm fuzzies that come afterwards, the same way I feel when I come out of a good church service, although it's been a while. *blushing*

Anyway, for me a spiritual connection can happen anywhere at any time. Just like I don't need to go to a yoga studio to practice. I'm an instructor, I can practice in my apartment, in the gym, or anywhere there's enough space for my mat. It's just nice to check in every now and then, to feel the energy of your fellow practitioners and leave all warm and fuzzy.

Whether it's a good class, a long dinner with my girlfriends, a great sermon, I invariably leave thinking, 'that was awesome, I should do that more often'. The satisfaction I get from connecting has no comparison.

Is it 6:45 yet??

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