Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Put me out of my misery

So last night was wonderful! I went to Katherine's class and it was just what I needed - just challenging enough that I stayed present and not so challenging that I got discouraged and lost focus. It would have been totally perfect if it weren't so busy. When I arrived in the studio, I was really looking forward to a tranquil, challenging class. Instead, there were two ladies in the studio on their mats, just gabbing away. I don't understand why they didn't stay out in the lobby to chat but I just tried to tune them out - not very successfully. As more people arrived for the class, the noise level rose to the point that I wanted to be that girl and 'shhh' everyone in the studio. However, once class started they all calmed down and we got down to business.

Personally, I prefer more of a flow class rather than a pose-intensive one, like this one but it was still a positive experience. I wanted to stay after class and simply soak in the energy but they all started talking again like it was an aerobics class or something. There was none of the quiet, blissful reverance I've grown accustomed to. However, all was not lost - I got in my car and drove home in silence with a peaceful smile on my face. I love yoga!

That night, I tried a new hairstyle and am happy to report that my hair looks AWESOME today! At least there's that, because presently I am in agony.

Last night I woke up from a dead sleep because I felt as though someone had thrown a spear through my left eye. I thought I had rolled over on one of my rollers as I'm a wild sleeper but that wasn't the case. This pain was coming from behind my eye and it was beyond intense. Laying down seemed to make it worse so I sat on the edge of the bed for a while, whimpering. I finally went to the sofa so I wouldn't disturb Drew. Pushing the heel of my hand on my eye seemed to help a tiny bit so I curled up on the sofa, upright with my hand pressed over my eye. I wanted to take a spoon and just scoop it out, it hurt so bad. It was so sudden and so intense I was mildly scared. And of course, I watch way too much House so I just knew I had burst a blood vessel in my brain and I had only minutes to live.

Drew came out and got me some pain pills, bless him and suggested that I might need to go to the hospital. But I'm very against doctors when it comes to things they can't see. If I'm bleeding, have broken bones, or there's an obvious growth on me somewhere I'm all for the doctor stitching, casting or cutting. I'm against them looking at me, not finding anything and charging me $100 for it.

I debated not coming to work as I got very little sleep but since I'm not doing any heavy lifting and I'm off on Friday I figured I can muscle through it. Of course, today they decide to replace all the burnt out lightbulbs in the lobby so it's super extra bright for me. Yea.

The pain isn't as bad as it was last night but still, I would not be mad if someone went ahead and removed my eye - temporarily of course. I'd want it back once it's fixed. It's just so painful behind my eye. It's the stick part of my eye that hurts and I have no idea what that means. Cori, Joleene, any thoughts? According to this picture, it feels like the retinal artery or optic nerve is what's hurting.

I'd love to be able to put a patch over my eye, all pirate-like and work it out that way. Or I could wear my sunglasses indoors. Could you imagine walking into our lobby and the receptionist is sitting behing the desk in dark shades, too cool for school?

I want to go home and put the covers over my head. *sad face*

Update: According to WebMD I have sinusitis, specifically sphenoid sinusitis. As House would say, 'the diagnosis fits'. I'm going to get some sinus medication after work and see what that does.

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