Thursday, April 2, 2009

Getting ready!

I've begun looking into the prices for the various attractions in Paris and I'm pleased to see that they're not as bad as I initially thought. That pleases me - more money for shopping! Things are shaping up really well - I don't want to jinx anything but the house is coming along and we should be able to move in May 1st. I've come all the way around to the idea, such that now I'm telling Drew it's my house and he'll have to check with me first before he does anything to my house. I'm a woman, I reserve the right to change my mind at any given moment without prior notice.

It has been hurricane-windy here lately, which has been wreaking havoc on my hair. Tuesday I co-washed with my Pantene Relaxed and Natural and put a little olive oil on the ends. I can't do that anymore - my hair was a crunchy, frizzy, slightly greasy mess. I don't really understand what I did - I've put olive oil on my ends before with no problems. I think maybe because my hair was still a little damp. At any rate, because of the wind and my hair's weird state, it's been in a French twist for the past couple of days.

I am learning about my hair though - it does not like manipulation while wet. This however, is a problem because it takes forever to dry. I can do a wash and go in the morning and there are parts in the back that are still wet by 5p! I don't want to wash and style at night because that would mean two showers as I prefer to shower in the morning to help wake me up. I stil have to figure that one out.

I also have a relatively loose curl - if I braid my hair I have to secure it somehow otherwise it won't stay. Without putting it in rollers, my ends are completely straight - I don't know if that means I have to cut them or what. I've asked Drew to cut my hair for me but he's too chicken. ;-) I'm going to try doing it myself over the next couple of days - how hard can it be?

Famous last words, I'll keep y'all posted...

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