It went well (as you know) and by January we'd begun to have mini-talks. Nothing big or serious, we'd just broach the subject from time to time. A DeBeers commercial would come on tv or we'd watch a movie with a wedding in it and it would usually begin a conversation about what we wanted and didn't want in a wedding and/or proposal. One of the things that I was adamant about was that I didn't want to be proposed to in a public place or with lots of people around. I worked at The Cheesecake Factory while I was in school and I was witness to plenty of cheesy (pun intended) proposals. You know, where they write 'will you marry me?' in chocolate sauce around the plate with either the ring in a box on top of a slice of cheesecake or smooshed into the cake itself. We would all gather around to witness said blessed event and clap when it was done and I'm not joking, every last one of us servers would walk off and be like 'how freakin CHEESY'. Us girls would think it was sweet but we'd all say 'I'd better not EVER get proposed to in a restaurant!' I guess it was a function of the job.
Anyway, I told Drew all of this, conceding that if he had his heart set on a restaurant it would have to be the nicest one in Dallas and no one would be able to know that he'd proposed. I wanted him to just slide the ring over - no getting down on one knee in front of everyone! In retrospect, I'm so thankful he did it the way he did.
But we'd never looked at rings. I had told him what I liked so he would have an idea but I always thought he'd get my mom to help him or something like that. I never dreamed that I'd pick it out myself and be okay with it.
I had gotten my hair done one Saturday and as I was leaving, my best (male) friend called me. He's getting married on Sept. 6th and he had just come from purchasing his fiancee's ring. He told me that a certain jewelry store was closing it's Galleria location and everything in the store was at least 60% off. He said Drew and I should go check it out and I heartily agreed. (like I wouldn't, right?)
So I came home and jumped on a napping Drew. 'Baby, Doug just got his girl's ring and everything is 60% off or more - we should go look. Let's at least go look.' He groggily agreed, which I think was the only way that I was able to convice him. He put some clothes on and we called Doug on the way there so Drew could curse him out. Oh well, he's the one who agreed - no matter that he wasn't all the way awake.
We arrive and sure enough, everything was on sale. Of course, I knew exactly what I wanted and lost no time in requesting an eternity band and an accompanying plain band. Nice and classic, no fuss. Drew liked it but wasn't convinced and said I should try more rings before making a decision. You don't have to tell me twice.
I had always said I didn't want a solitaire because it looked too naked. I also said I didn't like round diamonds, as well as I was too OCD not to have an eternity band - I knew I'd fuss with it too much if the diamonds weren't perfectly aligned. I know I have issues but I'm okay with it.
Drew didn't get the idea of an eternity band - 'Why have diamonds where you can't see them? If you get an anniversary band you can get bigger diamonds for the same price.' Ummm, OKAY. Bigger diamonds it is.
So I tried on the anniversary band of channel set round diamonds and was really suprised at how much I liked it. We put it into the 'yes' pile. Then he picked out a solitaire - princess cut for his princess. *ducking and covering* I didn't say that! It wasn't me! He was the one who said that! And promptly thereafter we both vomited.
The princess cut was simply gorgeous next to the anniversary band. I wasn't sure how the square and round would look next to each other but they were soooo pretty! The solitaire did still look naked to me so I told him that if this was what we picked that I'd want to wear the band first and get the solitaire at the ceremony. He was cool with it either way.
Of course the sales lady was being all pushy with her 'so are we doing this today?' 'Are we taking this home with us?' No sweetie, WE aren't doing anything, and WE are going to hush OUR mouths so WE don't scare the boyfriend. Drew is not a fan of the hard sell and I was so thankful we were even looking that I didn't want to spoil it. So then Drew tells me that he wants to talk to the lady privately so I went across the way to look at the clothes. Have you been in a mall lately? They're hurting so bad that practically every store is having some giant sale pretty much all the time. It's crazy. So after a while Drew comes to get me and we head away from the store.
Drew: I think you should buy me a drink after what you just put me through.
Me: Aw, it wasn't that bad. But thank you so much for going to look. It was kinda fun.
Drew: Yeah well, let's stop at Mi Cocina and have a drink before we go home.
Me: Babe, we have stuff to drink at the house - we don't need to spend money. Besides, we still have to go to the grocery store.
Drew: No, I want to stop at Mi Cocina.
Me: (exasperated) What for? Why do you want to spend money? We have stuff at the house!
Drew: (equally exasperated) I have to wait till she draws up my receipt.
I rode the escalator down in silence. I don't think I've been that silent for that long since we started dating. The magnitude of what he'd just done rendered me speechless. I walked in to Mi Cocina silently, with my mouth slightly hanging open. We took a seat at the bar and he ordered us a couple of cocktails. I seriously think a solid five minutes passed. Finally I whispered, 'you bought them?' He said, 'yeah' just as our drinks arrived. I picked mine up, turned to him to toast and said, 'Holy sh*t!' It was one of my finer moments.
I was still stunned as we were heading home and periodically I would turn to him and go 'you really bought them?', to which he'd nod his head and go 'yes, baby'. I couldn't believe it. I didn't tell my mom for a couple of days but the shreik I got when I did tell her was totally worth it. I had to have the band sized twice but now it fits perfectly and my finger already feels naked without it. I can't wait till I get to wear both because that means I'll be a wifey! And since I can't go too long without looking at my ring....

They are both pretty! :) I can say both because I saw them together in person :)
ReplyDeleteAw thanks Kristina! I'm so sad you can't come to the party... maybe you could come over some other weekend though???
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! I've got a present for you anyway and that'd be a perfect time to give it to you :)