Friday night was our date night. Since I have been suffering from the worst PMS of my life, this past week was a tough one on us. He's out of town all this week which means I get to watch the dog and I was feeling resentful because I felt like he expected me to do it. I felt like I was being taken for granted and well, you know me -- never one to sit in the corner and pout. If I'm feeling bad, somebody's going down with me.
I'm really struggling because when I'm not hormonal, I can tolerate the dog. But when I'm feeling crazy to begin with AND the dog rips a hole in my favorite shirt, I just want to open the door and let her run away. Today, now that I feel normal again I'm once again able to tolerate the dog. But I just needed to remind Drew that I do not have 'pet sitter' written anywhere on my forehead and that my taking care of the dog is not a given. If he was single man he probably wouldn't have a dog and I think he sometimes forgets that.

Eno's is a true pizza tavern and they have that thin crust pizza with the tiny tables so the pizza takes up the whole table and it's pretty much the greatest thing ever. Friday night they had a live jazz band so we just hung out and stuffed ourselves with salad and a large pizza with everything on it (except olives - I hate olives -- all olives should be blown up). I was really thankful for the one on one time - I don't get that a lot and that contributes to my crankiness too. I really like him and I really want to be around him and I'm not too keen on sharing him with anyone else. (I know he thought differently this past week but I really do love you baby!) I love it when I get 'us' time.
Saturday night we entertained one of the product managers from China so we took her out to one of our favorite splurge-only restaurants, Nick and Sam's. Eileen was so super sweet and we had a great time at dinner. Being the language-lover that I am, I was enthralled with how well she managed the English language, listening to the linguistic differences and trying to remember from school why she said 'sank you' instead of 'tank you' or 'fank you'. I seriously just wanted to study her speech but lest she think I was a complete weirdo, I just smiled and tried to keep from leaning in and asking her to repeat herself just because I wanted to hear her talk. I don't think she was on to me - so we're good.
But Nick and Sam's! It's a steakhouse but they have the most awesome seafood on the planet! I ADORE scallops and the past couple of times we've gone I've gotten the scallops. I keep saying that I need to branch out, try new things but my beloved scallops simply call to me! Nick and Sam's is also great for people watching as it is the spot for the tres chic in Dallas. Athletes, famous people and people who wish they were famous all want to be seen at Nick and Sam's. It's fun to play 'pick out the plastic surgery procedure' among the Dallas girls looking to nab a Mavericks player. We sat in the bar so we got ample fodder for our game. The other fun game to play is 'who is THAT guy?' A couple sat near us and they received enough food for a small army. Wave after wave of food kept coming to their table, all compliments of the chef. No fewer than three managers came over to speak to the guy. The chef came out to talk with them, all the while more and more impressive food was coming to their table. The girl got the biggest lobster tail I'd ever seen and it looked soooo good. No seriously, who WAS that guy?
Our meal was nothing to sneeze at either. Drew got some hunk of burnt flesh with a big bone sticking out of it. He said it was wonderful - I'll take his word for it. I had my beloved scallops, trying not to roll my eyes with every heavenly bite. Eileen had the lemon sole and she said it was very nice - I'll have to take her word for it too. I can't see abandoning my scallops any time soon. We had a wonderful seafood sampler to start, then a salad and by the time our meal came we were beyond stuffed but you just can't stop eating, it's that good! There was zero room for dessert and our plans to go out after were completely nixed. We could barely keep our eyes open on the way home after dropping Eileen at her hotel.

We were seated and we began chatting amongst ourselves, as many of our guests had flown in for the training being held today. A lot of business talk, inside stories and jokes, while me and the other wife (I know I'm not a wife yet but for the story's sake I'm lumping us together) just smiled and nodded. We had been sitting there for a short period of time when the server came to the table on my left. Everyone was still talking and I guess she decided that we had gone on long enough. She leaned in, put her hand on the table, and said 'Excuse me, I have some specials to tell you about'. No greeting, no introduction, and completely interrupting all conversation at the table. I about lost it - I put myself through school waiting tables and I'm very sensitive to service. In a place that nice, I was appalled that our server behaved like that. She had a permanent scowl and pretty much interrupted conversation every time she came to the table.
Drew was paying for dinner - she should have been speaking with him alone regarding decisions for the table. She didn't need to announce everything she was doing - when she asked if we were having another bottle of wine she asked everyone at the table and we all looked at Drew. Awkward!! That was a question for him alone, that should have been asked in a low voice right beside him so as not to interrupt the other diners. She was so intrusive, taking things off the table without asking if we were done with them - she took Drew's bread plate that still had half a piece of buttered bread on it! I guess she was watching his carbs for him.
I very nearly went to the manager right then but I didn't want to make things worse for Drew because I knew he could tell I was upset. After we'd finished our entrees, Scowly McScowlerson was back and I couldn't take it anymore. Again she came on my left and all loud asked if we were having dessert. Before she could repeat herself even more loudly I turned to her and leveled my 'leave now' gaze. 'We're still deciding, thank you'. I wish I could say she got the hint but she didn't, reaching between everyone to get everything off the table -- even the other wife noticed, saying 'oh I'll get that for you (so your boob doesn't have to be in my face)'. I noticed some nervous laughter when she was manhandling our table and I got more and more upset. I couldn't help but wonder if she didn't give us good service because she was getting a tip either way. I can't stand that -- I'm an excellent tipper but if someone goes so far as to intrude on my dining experience I get really peeved.
I don't go to restaurants to be entertained. I didn't come here to see you, Scowly. I came to get some good food. In my opinion the best server is the one who gets you what you need and then stays the heck out of the way. I don't like the ones who think they're your best friend and sit at the table with you while they take your order and tell you their life story. With all due respect, keep my water full, get my order right and be professional and you'll get 20% from me every time.
I called the manager once we'd left - I just couldn't let someone else be subjected to Scowly's 'service'. I felt better once I voiced my opinion and whether or not he did anything or said anything to her, I don't know. Coming from Nick and Sam's where the service is beyond impeccable every single time to Scowly, who looked like we were inconveniencing her by ordering food, for god's sake, I didn't want to let it go. I think too often we don't speak up because we don't want to be thought of as that guy - I know I don't. But you know, sometimes you have to just let somebody know, hey it's not ok to take my plate away if the fork is still in my hand!
And yeah, maybe she was having a bad day. But again, with all due respect, that's not my problem. Get it together and be professional - if you can't, call in sick. No one else should have to pay for what's going on in your life. Slap a smile on your face and be professional if it kills you because that's your job.
But it's all good - Scowly aside, it was a great weekend and so much fun to have all that great food. It's back to Pasta Roni for me since Drew's gone this week but that's ok - I looooove Pasta Roni! 

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