At the thrift store, the guy brought out several things from the back for us to ooohh and aaahh over, but I'm of the opinion that he marked up my plant stand because we looked like we could afford it. I was miffed but then Erin reminded me that I had gotten the chair for $5 and I still would have bought it if it were $10 and the plant stand was $5, so it all comes out in the wash. Cool chick.
I also scored a $3 vase for the top of the plant stand and all in all I think it came out well. I need to get one of those panoramic cameras to capture it in the whole living room but that's a purchase for another day.
I wanted to paint the stand black and put in the corner in our entryway, which is really the living room. We have no foyer or mudroom, as much as I'd love one. I had some spray paint and I went lazy this time and didn't sand it first which is possibly mistake number one. I got spray primer from Lowe's and just went to it - partly because I was hormonal and mad at Drew. Okay, mostly because I was hormonal and mad at Drew, but I'm over it now. (love you baby!)
So check it out y'all!

Then I took my Rustoleum Glossy Black and went to town. That went on smoothly but the nozzle stuck a couple of times resulting in some spurts, but again nothing to make me do it over. I was going to finish this project, I didn't care! So here's the finished project in the corner of our living room - if you don't look too closely, it looks just fine.The same day I got the chair and the plant stand I also picked up some fabric to recover the chairs in the breakfast nook and the chair that I just got. That one I'll take a little more time to do, as it won't be an I'm-so-mad-I-have-to-paint-something project. Home decorating is fast becoming my therapy.

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