We finished breakfast and saw them off and Drew, my mom and I went to the farmer's market to walk off all that greasy food. I had never been there and it sounded like a fun Sunday thing to do.
Sidebar: Friday night, Drew and my mother took the dog for a walk around 10pm. Our neighborhood is sort of well lit, but not super bright and some of the sidewalks are uneven. Well, my mom was walking and fell on an uneven part of the sidewalk and smashed her face. I. was. inconsolable. They came back in and her nose was already swollen and bruising, she had scrapes on her hands and knees and she had bitten her bottom lip. I cried for hours! I felt so guilty, I shouldn't have let her go out walking in the dark, I was mad that Drew didn't catch her (even though I knew he couldn't have), and I couldn't stop thinking about something even more serious might have happened. It was terrible and I'm tearing up again just thinking about it. I only put it here because there are some pictures where you can see she's got a black eye and I don't want y'all to think I beat my mommy.
Anyway, we went to the farmer's market and I took lots of pictures of all the things that caught my interest. We visited a stall that sold Mexican pottery and iron works and I just loved it!
Drew was checking out their iron arches for the backyard and I could see us getting married under one all intertwined with pretty flowers. They weren't too expensive either - we'll have to keep that in mind when we actually start gathering stuff for the wedding.
Meanwhile, this little dude just spoke to me.
I really liked these rosary beads as well. I could see them draped over the mantle or even hung on the wall. I'd also seen the sculptures of the children embracing each other in a circle and one of these days I'd like to come back and get them. The stall reminded of the little shops I've visited in Mexico and I'd love to have some of these pieces in our house. But only after the wedding though - I'm trying to curb all non-wedding spending for the time being.I bought some shea butter for my hair from the African stall - they had the coolest stuff over there too. She had the black soap but I've always been too chicken to try it. Plus I couldn't really get down with paying $12 for a bar of soap - that just seems a little excessive to me. So I just got the shea butter and will try it on my ends the next time I wash my hair.
Then we went over to the food hangars! It was all outdoors and it was so awesome! They have rows and rows of all this beautiful food that's locally grown and they have people in front of their stands cutting off samples of their wares. I've never tasted a juicier peach, a tastier watermelon or just seen such beautiful food! They also had fresh herbs for sale and my mom pulled off a leaf from a chocolate mint plant. I'd never heard of such a thing but sure enough, it smelled like mint chocolate! It was so cool - my mom stuck it on her top lip so she could smell it and I had to take a picture. I love my little mommy! It makes me so sad that she hurt herself...

Afterwards, we drove around our neighborhood a little giving my mom a tour and then we got back home and crashed out for a few hours. When we woke up, we started cleaning the kitchen. Our poor dishwasher got a workout that afternoon! But, by Sunday night everything was back in its place. It was so much fun to have all our friends in the house and my mom and my best friend to share with us. Good times!
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