Monday, December 7, 2009

Picture frame collages suck.

Last Christmas one of our neighbors in the loft gave us a set of ten photo frames.  We hadn't done anything with it until now!!

Drew assessed perfect placement for maximum aesthetic effect.

I printed out a bunch of wedding pictures courtesy of and got all misty-eyed reliving all the wedding moments and such.  It's been almost two months!  Time flies when your body sucks (see all the 'loss' posts - I've explained it all there).

Anyway, Drew figured out the perfect placement and left me to do the hanging.  First, I cut out the rough shapes in some parchment paper to put them on the wall.  My goal was zero 'oops' holes.

The rough plan.

So far, so good.  My paper cut-outs weren't precise but they gave me a rough enough idea.  Maybe they should have been precise - but I was getting far too impatient with the parchment paper.  It was rolled up so when I would smooth out one corner, the other would roll up and that annoyed me to no end.  So by the third cut-out I did I was super over it.

So far, so good.

Then it went downhill - sort of.  I really don't know what happened.  The only thing I can think is that since the parchment paper wasn't precise, the measurements for the hangers wasn't precise.  I had three oops holes, I think.  But guess what, I don't care!  It doesn't look horrible and anyone who is that anal can hang their OWN frame collages!

It doesn't suck.

Where it's situated in the sitting room.

I'm averaging one project a weekend now.  Last weekend it was recovering the chairs - which sucked.  Hanging these frames didn't suck as bad as that, and as with the chairs I squealed with delight when it was done.  Stick it out till the end so you can squeal with delight - that's the lesson for today.  Oh wait, that kinda came out nasty.  Oh well.  I'm kinda nasty sometimes so it works.

This week it's going to be a $20 mirror I got at a garage sale - stay tuned!


  1. I think it looks really good. Where did you get the frames?

  2. Also can you please tell me what the name of the wall color is and who makes it. I love it!


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