What I'm grateful for
by Desiree Wynn, age 33
I'm grateful that I have my health. I've never broken a bone, the stiches I've had have been minor and I have no chronic diseases or pain. Other than I love my sleep, it's easy for me to get out of bed in the morning.
I'm grateful for my friends. I may not have many but the ones I have are kind, honest, and true. I treasure and cherish each one of them, and that includes my blog friends!
I'm smart. I'm articulate and I know how to express myself. I have been in the company of people who don't have the ability to express their thoughts and feelings and I can almost feel their frustration. Give me a couple seconds to form my thoughts and I'll tell you exactly what I'm thinking - no guessing games here.
I'm pretty - I'm not saying this in a narcisstic way. I have been blessed and I'm thankful for that.
I'm thankful that I have a job. I may complain that it's not my life's work or that I never envisioned myself doing this, but I am working, I receive a paycheck and I am very grateful for that.
I'm thankful for my boyfriend, I mean, my fiance. I have very vivid memories of past boyfriends who sorely mistreated me and were downright bad guys. Although he tries my patience (and I am changing those speakers Andrew), I have had it much worse and I'm thankful that I have him. I'm thankful that I have him. I'm thankful that I have him.
I'm thankful that I have my parents. For all the stress and pain that I've gone through with my dad, and the impatience that I have with my mother, I'm thankful they're both still with me. I'm not ready to deal with losing them yet and I'm thankful that I don't have to.
I'm thankful for my family. My cousin and I have grown incredibly close over the years and I admire her so much and I'm so proud to say we're family. My brother has matured to be such an interesting person - I love talking with him as his thoughts on things are so fascinating. Sometimes I can't believe he's my baby brother - I have to remind myself that he's a grown man now.
I'm grateful for the roof over my head, the food in my belly and the fact that I get to wake up to see another day.
It could always be worse. That doesn't invalidate that things suck right now, but it's not as bad as it could be. And if I lost any of the above things, I would realize lightning fast how good I had it before.
*bowing my head* Thank you for my blessings.

Since we are now officially blog friends who are allowed to leave excessively long comments for one aonther... Great to meet you too! I am going to add you to my blog roll so I can check back every now and then for wedding updates. Weddings can be absolutely perfect on a shoe-string budget. The wedding portion of our big day was very inexpensive; it was the reception that we blew way too much money on and digested in a matter of hours. We could have had all the same friends, family and memories without the filet & lobster. I have seen it done... I also love to bake and take pictures; however, I am professional at neither! It would be a thrill to get to help you if you decide to go simple (ahem - cupcakes!). Enjoy your quiet time while you take a break from the planning... I will check back later. Tonya