I'm also a huge proponent of speaking things into existence. Allow me to explain. When you say something is going to happen, you allow for it to never happen. Think about it - how many times have you said 'I'm going to get in shape' or 'I'm going to save more money'? By saying 'I'm going to', in theory you never have to start because you've set a timeline for yourself that will never arrive. You get a little closer when you say 'on August 1st I will put $50 in my savings'. That's nice and specific but you still have wiggle room. Take New Year's resolutions -- they're great for about two months if you're lucky. Most get abandoned soon after you start and only resumed the next year.
Now, saying things in the present is the ticket. 'I save money from every paycheck. I exercise three times a week'. When it's happening in the present moment there is no timeline, a distant date in the future. It's happening right now so just go with it. Another example is eating. Simply saying to yourself 'I stop eating when I'm full' is such a powerful statement. It is without judgement, and doing it requires very little contemplation on your part which keeps the mind and it's internal chatter out of the mix.
Where is all this coming from you ask? Well, since I'm all about the leading by example business, I always try to speak positivity into existence. Whether it's something as small as 'there is a parking space close to the door just for me' or 'I'm going to get to work on time' (I use that one A LOT) I just try not to be negative. I try not to say 'I'm going to be late' because if I am then it's the whole 'I KNEW it! I knew I'd be late' and then I'm upset for a while after versus if I'm one minute early I celebrate. Honestly, it's just positive thinking and it isn't really a secret because the mind is a powerful powerful thing.
Well, ANYWAY, it's rubbing off on Drew! If you follow me, then you know my baby has a teensy problem with melodrama. I understand that's his gig, but it takes so much energy to get riled up over nothing and in the end it's just not worth it. So I'm working on him by remaining gently uplifting when he gets frustrated because after all, no one really likes the chipper cheerleader when you're upset. Rather, I hope I'm the calm reassuring one whose energy helps you to realize for yourself that it's all going to come out in the wash.
Ok, now to my point. We're pretty much furnishing the house in the 'contemporary craigslist' style. We've done well so far, getting our table and chairs for the breakfast nook and the sofa in the sitting room. We've been really lucky but this one takes the cake!
Last Sunday Drew found the most amazing dining room table and we both instantly fell in love. It's just our style and we simply had to have it. We promptly blew up the girl's voicemail and email box pleading that she not sell it to anyone else but us. We also found some chairs and we went ahead and picked those up that afternoon.
While we were there he informed the guy selling the chairs that we were getting the dining room table as well. Mind you we had not gotten a return email or call from the seller but Drew was firm. We were getting that table. I was shocked - 'Is my baby speaking this into existence?' Of course I didn't say anything as I didn't want the moment to end.
Monday morning I called again to make sure it hadn't gotten sold overnight. At puppy school that night, he told the trainer we were getting the table. Again, I smile like a crazy person on the inside. The seller assured me that no one had called for it but I didn't want to take a risk - we went over there after class, inspected it and (in my mind) I claimed it for myself. In the car, I told Drew that it was beautiful and we must have it. So this Saturday Drew and Milton, the two most amazing people in the universe went over there and brought our table home. They got the table inside and when I tell you the glass is the heaviest thing I've touched in my life, it's an understatement. It's an old Spanish door and it's not moving - it has a new permanent home in our dining room and I LOVE IT!!!!!
So we've gone from eating in the kitchen standing up, or when we're doing it real fancy, eating at the patio table in the dining room - to having a table in the breakfast nook (4 chairs), a proper dining room table (4 chairs), and a patio table outside where it belongs (4 chairs).
Drew: There's only two of us - what is the point of having all these chairs?
Me: Baby, now that we have chairs, our friends will have a place to sit. Now you hush and sit at the table and look like a king.

That's his king pose. I think he was just tired from lifting that solid piece of wood.

Now I don't care two shakes about any kind of naysaying. You can say it was a coincidence. You can say we got lucky or that no one else would want it. I. don't. care. My baby spoke it into existence - his positivity was strong enough to make sure that we were the ones who got it and now it lives in our home. It's beautiful and I'm so thankful that we have similar style and preferences. We've since gotten some tapers for the other candlesticks and it's awesome and I can't wait to get curtains and finish our dining room. At first, Maya wasn't impressed but she found the chairs quite handy Sunday night when she used one as leverage to snatch a piece of pork from Drew's plate! You'd never guess by looking at her that she's skilled at the snatch-and-grab.

When I left for work this morning I lingered lovingly over our new table. I just love how the house is coming together and how we're making a home. It's so cool.
I.LOVE.THIS.TABLE!!!Desiree! This table is epic! And the chairs look like they were made for this table!! Absolutely beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteI just went back and read my post and I do make it sound like the chairs were separate - that would be cool but they came with the table. The chairs I was talking about are the ones in the breakfast nook. I'm such a dork - I should edit more, but I just type and publish! Oh well... :-)
ReplyDeleteI ADORE that table. I would just stand all day and look at it....BEAUTIFUL!
ReplyDeleteI ADORE that table. I would just stand all day and look at it....BEAUTIFUL!