Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I am woman, hear me...

say nice things to you, rub your back, smile at you, cry with you, laugh with you, buy you something on your birthday, send you a sweet email, braid your hair, babysit your kids, spank your kids, cook for you when you're sick and sometimes just sit in silence with you and hold your hand.

Women are the greatest! I am so blessed and thankful that I get to be a woman. One of the things I love best about women is that we know just what to say to another woman to make her laugh, to lift her up and make her feel special. Today, I had two encounters with other women and it just made me feel all glowy.

N. and I met when I interviewed at her company and I could immediately tell she's just one of those people that has a good soul. We had a short phone conversation over lunch about work stuff and I shared with her some frustrations about my present professional position. Her words of encouragement were priceless, her attitude so uplifting and when we got off the phone I felt so inspired! T. stopped by my desk and shared some personal concerns with me and I just told her over and over how wonderful she is and how worthy she is of all good things and to always remember that. We talked for a good while and I just found myself wanting to reach out and hug her! And I don't even know her that well - it's just something about another woman in need.

When I was in training to be a yoga instructor I met a beautiful girl who was so sweet and serene and you could practically see her generosity shining off her skin. I always had snacks at class and one day she brought me a little bag of yogurt covered dried cranberries because she thought I'd like them. Amazing right! Drew and I went to dinner the other night and we stopped in this little shop and I saw a candle that I knew my best friend would like and I got it for her. I can't wait to give it to her - it was one of those things that I knew she'd love. These small things are such blessings to the giver and receiver and I believe women do it best.

I feel kind of sorry for guys that they don't have societal permission to be sweet and open like we are. I remember the last time I went home I sat on my best friend's bed and we talked for hours, punctuating our conversation with squeals and giggles just like we were kids again! Guys can't get away with that - we're so lucky!

And blah blah blah, men make more money, it's a man's world, whatever else you want to say. They don't get to have babies. Nurture is a good thing, it's a privilege not a weakness. Positive female energy is what makes the world go around and girl's nights are vital to our souls; it's what makes us better wives and girlfriends. I don't know about anyone else, but I get nasty cranky when I'm around boys too much - hanging out with my girls calms me and fills up a part of my soul that no one else can.

Drew often accuses me of being 'mannish' - in that I'm very independent and I don't like to depend on others. But that doesn't come from a 'mannish' place - it's the place that doesn't want to burden or inconvenience anyone else, that very womanly place that I'm sure all women are familiar with. Since when are self-sufficiency and strength exclusive male traits? If anything, women have the market cornered on strength - just ask a single mother. At first I went along with him because it was kind of funny but now I have to constantly remind him that I'm a woman and must be treated more gently, spoken to with more love and tenderness than his male friends/associates. Simply put, I'm not a dude.

My best friend recommended this book to me and it is by far one of my most favorite. If you ever want to feel like you're ten feet tall because you're a woman read this book. It's wonderful!

My boyfriend is the greatest and I love him to pieces but there is and always will be a special place permanently set aside in my heart for my girlfriends and all my 'sisters' - my fellow awesome, beautiful, powerful, magnificent women!

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