I remember the first time he did the moonwalk - the first time. I remember reading about his pet snake Muscles and his chimp Bubbles. I didn't have a crush on him as much as I was fascinated by him; he could dance like no one I'd ever seen and I was enthralled. The Thriller video was revolutionary at the time and for all his troubles and controversy, the man was an icon, a legend.
I saw the documentary of him in London and I remember thinking what a troubled man he was. Of course, no one with the amount of talent he had could be without troubles and I believe his upbringing and his childhood environment left him with some pretty serious scars. Having so much fame, so much money, so much everything so young was bound to do some sort of damage. I felt so sorry for him that he didn't get to have a regular childhood where his only concern was being home before the lights came on. I feel for his children; apparently, he had sole custody of all three. Poor babies.
Tiffany has put up a beautiful montage of pictures so I'll only put one here. But go look at them - they're so moving. I grew up a little today.
It comes in threes - rest in peace Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson.

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