Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm that guy

I pride myself on being young at heart, not looking or feeling my age and living an active life. Not too long ago, Drew and I lived that life - we were out almost every weekend, knew bartenders at the clubs, rolled in at 3 in the morning, eating pizza by the slice from the all night pizza place. It was fun and I loved it. But now that we have the house, things have changed and the funny thing is, I'm okay with it.

Friday night, Drew and I had a date in our very own dining room. We put Maya in her crate and had a wonderful dinner. We talked and had wine and it was so great - other than the fact that he had a nasty steak and I had to watch him eat it. :-) But, he's cut down a ton on the red meat out of respect for me so I guess he can have one every now and then.

Then at 11pm, just as we were winding down for the night, one of our friends called and wanted us to come out for her birthday. We debated because we really just wanted to go to bed, but then again it was her birthday. Plus, she so graciously offered us interior design advice that we couldn't not go. So we rallied and did it up for a few hours. It was fun and she and her boyfriend are really good people. However, Saturday morning I wasn't singing their praises as much due to the raging hangover I had! It would have been fine if we could have laid in bed and slept it off til two or three in the afternoon like we used to do, but it's not possible anymore. For one, the dog must be taken care of and she cares not one tiny bit that we're hung over. She still needs to eat, potty and play. Plus, we had plans for the garden that we couldn't put off.

So, we were out of bed by nine and I called myself going to yoga at 11:30. You'd think I know by now but hangover + 85 degree room + hanging upside down = tossing cookies (almost). I couldn't make it through the class and spent most of my time in Child's Pose.
Of course, every time I tried to come out of it my head would start spinning again. So not fun. After a few more errands, I came home around 2 and we went to the nursery for flowers for the beds out front. I ended up having so much fun despite the fact that I still couldn't stand for long periods of time - you know, like two minutes.

The nursery we went to was so cool! Of course, it being the first nursery I'd ever been to I don't have much of a frame of reference but it was still cool. We got an hour long session with Kay, our garden coach and she was awesome! Drew took a bunch of pictures of everything and she would look at one and go, 'Oh that's an Indian Hawthorne! Oh, that's a Japanese Holly Fern! That's a giant Loriape!' This chick knew her stuff! We talked about sun, shade, soil, watering, placement and then we went out to the nursery and started picking stuff out. There was so much to choose from and my head was spinning - from all the information or the hangover, I wasn't sure. With wallets a lot lighter and the trunk weighed down with compost we headed over to Bed Bath and Beyond to get kitchen stuff. I'm mad, mad do you hear me? that paper towel holders are 20 bucks a pop! When did that happen?! I didn't get one because I couldn't stomach it - I did get a cool soap dispenser for the sink though - also expensive but I really wanted it.

Saturday night I went out again for my other girlfriend's birthday although this time I played it safe and was home relatively early. I knew we'd be gardening on Sunday and did not want be out in the hot sun feeling like garbage.

Aaaaaallllll day Sunday Drew and I fixed up the beds and planted our new purchases and can I just say that it was so much fun! I was so happy to be home hanging out with my dude - I didn't even mind getting dirty and sweaty. I had the opportunity to go hang out at the pool with my girlfriend for a birthday continuation type thing but I didn't really want to go be with the 'beautiful people' who are too cool for school and pay $15 for a margarita just because I can. I wanted to be home, planting flowers with my man. I've become that guy (girl) and I don't mind one bit. Look at our pretty flowers!

We pulled everything up, tilled it by hand (poor Drew was covered in blisters)
 and planted all new stuff.
This is Laurel, our 'Hardy' Aster (get it?)

Our black-eyed Susan, Susan.

Juan, the Mexican bush sage

Sparky, the pink and orange flower - his tag fell off.

Murray, the red butterfly.
He needed a little help staying upright, so he needed an old guy's name.

Mariah, the oxalis. 
Mariah Carey likes butterflies and that's what the leaves remind me of.
Scarlett Number 1 and Scarlett Number 2. 
They're Penta Graffitis and I fell in love with their color. They're closest to the path leading to the house so they can welcome you like good Southern hostesses.
Scarlett Number 3 on the other side of the path. 
Scarlett Number 4 is coming - we weren't sure where we were going to put things so we weren't sure how many to buy. I'll probably go get another one this week.
Frank the Tank. He's a firebug and supposedly attracts hummingbirds. 
How cool would that be?

I totally believe in naming the plants because that way, they'll live longer. I'm superstitious of having a black thumb and this being my first time I want to make sure they're ok. Plus it was fun to come up with the names although Drew named Frank and Sparky. He's so sweet to play along with me even though I knew he thought I was crazy. Thanks baby!

And last but not least, Maya - the dog who now sleeps through the night, isn't pooping in the house, biting less and knows when to go to her crate! She's not chewing up the bath mats, is friendly with other dogs and is getting so big! Today, I don't hate the dog. What? For me, that's major. 


  1. I love the windows on the front of your house! So jealous!

    Looks great! That little purple plant aka Mariah, is a Purple Shamrock. I have both a purple and green. One of my favorite plants ever because they open up in the day and close at night.

  2. I was reading your blog that you can name flowers on sight - do you know what Sparky is? He didn't have a tag on his pot.

  3. Sparky looks like a Lantana. Hard to see the flowers tho. Those guys come back year after year if you let them and they can get really big and oh so pretty!

  4. I know, it's so weird. When I upload the pictures with the center layout you can't click on them. This is a better picture that I found on the internet.

  5. Oooh you're good! I googled lantana and that's what Sparky is! I'm impressed! :-)

  6. Yep that's a Lantana for sure. And they are so pretty too.


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