Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Okay, now that the nonsense with my dad and the nonsense over that show is done with, now we're on to more awesome things. Namely, I finished my desk! HOLLA!! It was my very first project and I seriously doubted myself. I studied the tutorial daily, memorizing everything I would need and set about scouring the thrift stores for a desk for the sitting room since we don't have formal office space.

I found one at Salvation Army and I knew it would be perfect. Drew the know-it-all had a few words for me, namely did I know what I was getting into, did I know how hard it was going to be, blah blah blah. Of course I didn't know what I was doing, but I didn't care. I was going to make it work!

We had to take it apart to get it in the car so I don't have pictures of the complete desk.
These are the legs after I stripped the varnish off of them. I knew I wanted to paint it white so I wasn't too concerned about getting the stain out. I've heard of putting Clorox on the wood to bleach it back but I didn't need to do all that. 
This is the top of the desk. You can kind of see how shiny it was. Stripping the legs was a b*tch and I only stripped some of the top before I said forget it and sanded the rest.

Close up of one of the drawers 
Drew looking at it on the garage floor. 
After our first conversation I told him to zip his lips and he wisely listened.

It took a couple of weekends to get it finished - trying to work on it during the week was too much but once I was done sanding, the painting and priming was done in a couple of days. I could only work on it early morning or late night because the garage became a flippin sauna at ten in the morning. One day I was so determined to finish a coat of primer I stayed out there until I was positively dripping with sweat.

But it was worth it! Check out my desk!
It's Valspar Pale Bloom.  
I'm a sucker for paint names and our rose bushes are just outside the door.

Towards the end, I petered out and didn't want to paint the inside of the drawers. I decided to line the drawers with contact paper and found the coolest paper at Lowe's (my new favorite store). I thought it came out really nicely and gives it a more personal touch since I didn't see that on anybody's blogs. That part was not easy! I wasted so much contact paper and cursed up a storm! Yeah, I'm super intelligent and articulate but frankly, it amuses me to curse. I do it in a funny way and I never use the ugly curses (JC, GD, etc). My real life peeps know what I'm talking about.

Maya's crate is next to the desk and she was in there while I was doing all this because Drew was outside doing yard work; she found it all highly boring.

My next project is a table for the breakfast nook. We sold the washer and dryer that came with the house on Craigslist for $175 and I found a table for $150 - score!!
We've learned our lesson though - that one is already inside and now that I've got all the supplies it should go much faster. I have a before shot of it too so I'll really be able to compare them side by side. What do you think of my desk?


  1. That desk is phenomenal! I'm so proud of you!!!! I love doing that kind of stuff!

  2. Look at you go!!! The desk looks fantastic!! Good job!

  3. Aw, thanks! I'm super excited and encouraged about doing more stuff. Now when we go out, Drew will point something out to me and ask me what I think. I go, Yeah let's get that - I can paint it white!

    He just rolls his eyes.

  4. That desk is phenomenal! I'm so proud of you!!!! I love doing that kind of stuff!


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